Monday NFL In-Game/NHL/NBAx

Got a ton of friends from NOLA. Two of the three guys I went to Nashville with last weekend are from NOLA. We've hammered this out and we've decided that Louisiana, like Texas, doesn't fall in the category of Tha Dirty. It is it's own entity in terms of the people and the culture. Great place but Tha Dirty = Georgia, SouthCarolina, Bama, Miss, Tennessee and parts of North Carolina one could argue
I dunno. I go to north Louisiana at least a couple of times a year. It feels like the dirty to me but I get what you're saying
stock market gonna get slammed tomorrow.

I have my eye on a couple stocks so might be a good time to buy
I dunno. I go to north Louisiana at least a couple of times a year. It feels like the dirty to me but I get what you're saying

Yeah states prolly aren't the best hard boundary lines. I could see Shreveport being dirty for sure
Do it big
shit, I'll be lucky if I have time. They hired a consultant to work with me on a big project for my company (they actually have me managing people now and I can barely manage myself haha) and I have to present to the president of our business line at 8:30 AM. My consultant still hasn't sent me the materials I'm supposed to present. It's like sending me to the firing squad.
shit, I'll be lucky if I have time. They hired a consultant to work with me on a big project for my company (they actually have me managing people now and I can barely manage myself haha) and I have to present to the president of our business line at 8:30 AM. My consultant still hasn't sent me the materials I'm supposed to present. It's like sending me to the firing squad.

Have a toddy in the AM and let it fly
shit, I'll be lucky if I have time. They hired a consultant to work with me on a big project for my company (they actually have me managing people now and I can barely manage myself haha) and I have to present to the president of our business line at 8:30 AM. My consultant still hasn't sent me the materials I'm supposed to present. It's like sending me to the firing squad.


Worked for Denzel
shit, I'll be lucky if I have time. They hired a consultant to work with me on a big project for my company (they actually have me managing people now and I can barely manage myself haha) and I have to present to the president of our business line at 8:30 AM. My consultant still hasn't sent me the materials I'm supposed to present. It's like sending me to the firing squad.

Just answer with "that is a great question and I would rather research the correct response than tell you the wrong answer"