Monday NFL In-Game/NHL/NBAx

CVS been running 1.75ml of Svedka around here for $15.99 for a couple months. Very good inexpensive vodka and cheap as fuck.

Svedka is weird to me that CVS sells liquor. You know down here in the dirty south there have to be separate liquor stores for whatever reason. I assume its just always been that way and all the liquor store owners have successfully lobbied to keep it that way
Svedka is weird to me that CVS sells liquor. You know down here in the dirty south there have to be separate liquor stores for whatever reason. I assume its just always been that way and all the liquor store owners have successfully lobbied to keep it that way

City of Milwaukee is same way... cross the street into any other city and you're fine.
Yeah I forget you gotta run to the liquor store in your parts

I just stop by the CVS on my way from (or to) the office
CVS or Walgreens, either or. Open 24 hours, booze sold until 2 and stocked like a liquor store. Just cheaper.
exactly why the shotgun from the 1 or 2 is a horrible idea. no idea why teams do that. especially college teams.
my mind was blown back in the day when I moved to Cincinnati and went to the grocery store. There was liquor everywhere
All these idiots that could have Ebola and not quarantining themselves need to be charged criminally. Idiot was at a bowling alley last night after not feeling well a few days ago.
All these idiots that could have Ebola and not quarantining themselves need to be charged criminally. Idiot was at a bowling alley last night after not feeling well a few days ago.

I don't know what basis you have but this is your chance to figure out a way to strike it big with a class action suit
All these idiots that could have Ebola and not quarantining themselves need to be charged criminally. Idiot was at a bowling alley last night after not feeling well a few days ago.
or the idiot in texas that went on a cruise after handling ebola samples. brilliant!
or the idiot in texas that went on a cruise after handling ebola samples. brilliant!

High School Game 21-21. Start of the 2nd Quarter

Shoulda coulda

I don't know what basis you have but this is your chance to figure out a way to strike it big with a class action suit

I hope I don't qualify for that class

or the idiot in texas that went on a cruise after handling ebola samples. brilliant!

Anyone else gets sick from their decisions should be charged as if someone who knew they were HIV positive and banged someone without letting their partner know

I got ebola

Suggested to shaker to get it. Be a good weight loss opportunity.
Svedka is weird to me that CVS sells liquor. You know down here in the dirty south there have to be separate liquor stores for whatever reason. I assume its just always been that way and all the liquor store owners have successfully lobbied to keep it that way

I think you can buy liquor at the grocery store in Louisiana though. Only place I know of in the dirty south where you can do that
I don't mean you are in the class. I mean you're the attorney who files the suit. Gotta think big my man
I think you can buy liquor at the grocery store in Louisiana though. Only place I know of in the dirty south where you can do that

Got a ton of friends from NOLA. Two of the three guys I went to Nashville with last weekend are from NOLA. We've hammered this out and we've decided that Louisiana, like Texas, doesn't fall in the category of Tha Dirty. It is it's own entity in terms of the people and the culture. Great place but Tha Dirty = Georgia, SouthCarolina, Bama, Miss, Tennessee and parts of North Carolina one could argue