Monday MLB Discussion

i dont know what it is, but nick swisher and me are going to elope one day.

i rarely bet the sox at all besides the last week or so.... which ive been pounding them a lot in that span

swisher has hit 2 grand salamis for me in the last week.

you da man, nick.
loved the sox today satyr.... played them for a sizable wager on the RL and that was about all i could find on the card today.
didnnt like it... all the games i liked the side was too chalky... why wager on 3-4 games laying -140 to -150, better to just lay off.

did force and lose a small play on 1st 5 under in stl/nym, just watching that game, with the errors and mental mistakes.... the mets are just awful right now...

i see no reason not to continue to ride them and play danks tomorrow... cliffy has been excellent this season yes but the chisox LIT HIM UP last year for 7 ER, 9 hits, and 3 BB in 5 IP. i dont have the pitcher/batter statistics yet but when theyre up, will post.

as good as cliff lee has been danks has been just as good IMO.... and hes already shut the tribe down once in clev earlier this year, i think with the bats as anemic as they are now and the shuffling clev lineup you have to continue to fade them and play danks tomorrow....

i dont understand why the total is 8.5. really like the under here....
as hot as the chisox bats have been clev has really struggled to put up anything and both pitchers have been lights out this year.
without peralta they would have no power in that tribe lineup with martinez still on the DL.

and once in awhile blake will have a big day, but they can never get consistency. when peralta is having an off night blake will step up, but they can never both perform on the same night

you have to continue to fade the tribe IMO till they can consistently put up numbers and get something going because the lineup right now is just not working for them. granted barfield, martinez and haf all on the DL....
but still comes down to the same bottom line = great fade material
i stopped following it BC..... you didnt get it at 8.0? at least on board to push

hopefully the mets will bring in heilman or one of their gas cans they try to hide in the pen
Todd Jones cost me 30 units in the past 12 days. Not 30 units of stake though, but a 30 unit swing. Very frustrating.

I hate him jsut as much as you do.

Theres a reason his shit ass was DEAD LAST among closers in K-rate last year.

Todd jones is like a mix of a flyball/groundball pitcher.

You know hes going to give up a hit somewhere because he cant K anyone to save his life, so you just have to sit their, and pray that it stays in the infield and its an out.

I fucking hate that piece of shit hes making it hard to ride this detroit streak right now because I cant lay the ridiculous -180 + 1st5 inning prices.
I think the only reasons the RL's are still at + money is the todd jones effect:36_11_6:
what i dont get is, yes i hate the fact that WE as backers have to sit their and sweat out every fucking time he takes the mound

but why is leyland still content with flipping a damn coin and essentially putting any game on the line with bringing him in. zumaya has had some decent innings since coming off the DL throwing his 98+ mph again and rodney as well had an exceelltn 5 pitch 8th inning in saturdays game.
but of course leyland pulled him in the 9th for TODD, in which no lead is safe with him out there, as we saw the 5-1 lead get shit on pretty quickly.

i would hate to be a tigs fan.
I actually really dont know if he is considered more of a flyball or groundball pitcher.

I would guess groundball but he gives up hit balls everywhere.

Hes just a damn gas can. thats what he is.
i'll tell you who i hate.

dusty dumbfuckassfuck baker. goddamn he's fucking stupid.

bottom 8 1st and 2nd no outs. asks votto to sac bunt. votto has 1 sac bunt in 6 fucking years and that was in A ball. he struck out.

encarnacion Ks

then baker fucking pinch hits for jay bruce in a situation where if he gets a hit and ties the game, bruce , an everyday player could really break out of his slump with that confidence. he fucking ph with javier valentine who hits lefties at a .145 clip. FUCKING SHIT I HATE YOU DUSTY YOU SCUM FUCK
wwaaaht the fuck. Roy oswalt just made the 3rd out in the bottom 6. and now he's coming out of the game in top 7?? are managers just fucking stupid tonight?
Taking SF +128 is anyone cares. My only action. With all the guys out for the cubbies and SF hitting well in June seems like a good enough play for me.
valverde can't throw a strike.

why don't teams have 2 closers, one to come in to get Ks when needed, and one that is consistent and isnt prone to walking the bases loaded and blowing 4 run leads. its just stupiud to put in a power pitcher when you need 3 outs and not 4 runs