Monday Discussion Thread

Stats and math aren’t the problem. The problem are casual fans who don’t understand or don’t care to understand what advanced stats are. It’s not going away. Teams spend millions and millions on this stuff, and it’s partly how teams like the Rays stay competitive.

The problem with baseball is that the younger generations have a billion more distractions and interests than we had available to us when we were kids in the 70s, 80s, etc.

It just doesn’t matter as much anymore. After our generation moves on, cable tv deals disappear, baseball will have some major decisions to make. I would not be surprised to see the league downsize.

Bro nobiody asking advanced metrics to go away but treating them as the be all end all is a huge problem w the sport. Its asinine they have decided strikeouts are ok, moving runners over is “wasting” a out, the whole idea they think strikeouts are ok, they don’t value putting the ball in play, or that anything that not a home run is basically luck. There is plenty of useful things about them but when you have these snot nosed brats from mit who wouldn’t even get picked to play the game trying to turn it into all numbers and eliminate the human element it takes away from the game and why we not watching a bunch of crap where the idea is either a guy strikes out, walks, or hits a home run. There is some good in all the ideas but when they start treating things as the be all end all we get a crappy priduct cause nobody gets rewarded for playing the game the right way, just swinging out their shoes no matter the situation.
Bro nobiody asking advanced metrics to go away but treating them as the be all end all is a huge problem w the sport. Its asinine they have decided strikeouts are ok, moving runners over is “wasting” a out, the whole idea they think strikeouts are ok, they don’t value putting the ball in play, or that anything that not a home run is basically luck. There is plenty of useful things about them but when you have these snot nosed brats from mit who wouldn’t even get picked to play the game trying to turn it into all numbers and eliminate the human element it takes away from the game and why we not watching a bunch of crap where the idea is either a guy strikes out, walks, or hits a home run. There is some good in all the ideas but when they start treating things as the be all end all we get a crappy priduct cause nobody gets rewarded for playing the game the right way, just swinging out their shoes no matter the situation.
Can’t argue any of that.
Can’t argue any of that.

I just want to see a mfer choke up and move a runner over with 2 strikes into of swing out his damn shoes regardless of situation. It kills me watching that shit like last night when A’s had the bases loaded no outs down 2 and the next 3 guys fucjing strike out. Not one of them thinks for a second just maybe make contact and help get the game tied. Choking up and putting the ball in play doesn’t help come contract time so they will gladly strike out before helping their team cause next time uo when they down 5 they might hit a home run which will up their dollars.
Stros lineup is so thin, it was kinda thin before beegman got hurt. It amazing they pulling away with the div. I dunno if it says more bout them or what a clown show Seattle is? If Bergman and Tucker ever come back they very well could end up Bach in WS
I guess shame on me for not just fading Rigers, once again the Ff tt against him cashes and he out game before going 5, he is so awful. Dunno how they same ppl who drafted all these good players for o’s thought trading for this bum would help them out,??? At least Eflin knows how to pitch and can eat innings for them, he ain’t gonna move needle on playoffs but he has value, rogers has none! Really don’t get why they keep sitting on all their prospects instead of sacking up and going for it?
Sure wish I could trust Taj was ok but think I need to see a good outing from him before going back on his k’s.
I prefer Oakland tonight. Rays might have swept this weekend but their bullpen got completely used up. Then cross country flight. Probably should have bet it last night, didn't realize the A's would take the money. Might take A's live if Rays get up 1-0, neither pitcher been great lately.
I prefer Oakland tonight. Rays might have swept this weekend but their bullpen got completely used up. Then cross country flight. Probably should have bet it last night, didn't realize the A's would take the money. Might take A's live if Rays get up 1-0, neither pitcher been great lately.
Strange that I’m all kinds of intrigued by this game/situation.
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I prefer Oakland tonight. Rays might have swept this weekend but their bullpen got completely used up. Then cross country flight. Probably should have bet it last night, didn't realize the A's would take the money. Might take A's live if Rays get up 1-0, neither pitcher been great lately.

I didn’t like rays if I thought Taj was right I woulda been on his k’s. I think something wrong w him tho
dunno why I didn’t play this over in sd, wasn’t sure king stuff would play well vs minny lineup.
Taj can’t locate for shit, something ain’t right with him, he was throwing bb’s for 2 months then all a sudden he turns back into a pumpkin?
Really woulda liked for Sox to have a few run cushion for their pen. Just don’t pitch to fucjing Yordan, make the other guys beat you!
And right away they let the fucking 9 hitter on ahead of Altuve and Yordan. The only 2 that can hurt them. Mfer
Guess they just gonna leave this piece of trash out there until he loses the fucking game, they shookda yanked him before he let them tie it not they just letting him keep putting ppl om base. Way to go Cora, not like you in a pennant race you cheating trash. Guess it hardrr to manage when you not stealing signs
Cora did an awesome job throwing that game away, maybe he still gets a check from Stros for stealing signs? I dunno if he just left pitchers in to blow it or maybe he sent Stros signs over tonight. What a joke this Cheater allowed to manage but Pete rose the devil for betting on himself!!