Monday bases

Thanks Hugh, they should be a winner, at least a 2-1 on em. The 3-0 could happen, but something may go wrong somewhere I guess.

Digging a hole on the horses came in 1-8-7-2, so not close really. Well the 8 sort of fell apart late, but didn't have the 7 in my bet anyway so it doesn't matter.
Man somebody has some confidence in Chavez, fuck, I know how terrible he was I'm not going there. He's up to -130 now, Oakland, maybe I should take a stab with the Angels. May add that later.
I guess the Angels aren't very reliable even at home. That's probably more the reason for the bets, than Chavez. Still no way I'm trusting Chavez with a -130, ha, fuck no.
Turf Paradise race 7, got to get out of the hole

$2 tri box 2,6,7

Know your enemy, yes I know my enemy, fucking 3 horse. Had to mix in a little Rage there, was listening to that. The 3 is very good if he is right. Guess I kind of question if he is. 3-1 on the 3 horse and he ran like crap last time, but it was a bigger race vs better horses so maybe he will bounce back don't know. Hope he doesn't.
That 7 horse at 9-1, I am sure he is gonna close for at least 3rd, no way they are keeping him out of the money.
Will have to talk some Kentucky Derby horse match ups with you guys, like play, and young gun, and whoever else is gonna bet the Derby. Love betting those head to head match ups for big money on Derby day. Can't wait for those to come out at 5 dimes, they always have a bunch of em.
Thanks schrute.

Another loser on the horses, came in 6-1-7-2, fuck the 1 horse, didn't think he would be the one to bone me. Guess he did have a good record, but he had not run much lately so didn't think he would do much. Plus the trainer blows.

Anyway onto the important shit the big money on the bases.
It's pretty fucking aggravating on my horse betting lately. Get close usually every race on my trifectas, and then one horse always steps up that I didn't see coming and screws me outta the win.
If only they had horse match up betting every day, on every race, I would roll ass then damn it. Sadly they don't, those are a helluva lot easier than betting trifectas.
Derby day though it is on, with the horse match ups, head to head. They are being more careful on those though lately with their lines, and who they match up. Been tougher the last few years.
Wooooo Frazier with a bomb for the Reds 2-1, shit he hit that like 450 feet, whoa, that was serious. Fucking fade Wandy to big $$$$$$, oh yeah. He sucks now, he just serves it up on a tee.
Shit he's lucky he had the Cubs his 1st two games, or it would have been worse for him. Hopefully Bailey can settle in, that fucking guy though, man, he is good, but from game to game you can't ever be sure what your getting.
Damn it, Bailey gave it right back, back to back homers. That's great Bailey you bitch. Well, there is a shootout brewing at Great American. Hopefully the Reds can out slug em at home.
Shit gonna have to fight back in both games. Bumfuck Howard hit a homer, man he blows now. Every now and then you swing from your ass and get lucky I suppose.
Damn Archer getting ripped, have that on one of the four tv's. Didn't think that would happen. Wasn't sure on that Tampa game what would go down I guess.
No challenge, what the hell, I'm pretty sure he got in at 2nd base. Fuck they didn't even show a replay. Oh well, stupid ass Braves are fucking up with a runner at 3rd and 1 out. That is twice now they blew it. They will get it done here at some point, just a matter of time. Both these games are gonna take some work.
There we go challenge happened, but what the hell could I get now, only 1st base. Those fucking umps, they suck ass, that would have been a double or triple.
2 run HR Ludwick there we go, 4-3 Reds hope they don't call the game it is raining pretty hard. Need to get through the top of the 5th here to make it an official game. Almost there, top of the 5th coming up.

Atlanta can't get a damn hit with a runner in scoring position. Have another one now, Santana grounded out, that figures, the pitcher. 2 out here we go, time for a knock to tie this bitch.
Shit get Bailey the fuck outta the game another HR, by Snider now Pirates lead again 5-4, what the hell, Bailey is terrible tonight.
Fuck at this point, getting out of this mess with a 1-1 will be fine. Doesn't look like 2-0 is happening, every time something good happens there is an immediate response by the opposing side.
Yeah Bailey is fucking up big time sigo. What the hell, he is normally pretty decent, not great, but good anyway. Think the Reds can still do it, but not sure.

I think the Braves are gonna get it done this next inning the top of the 6th, have a feeling it is coming, we'll see.

Good to hear from ya sigo, been a while.
I got the red and -1.5 they could really fuck this up..... Hope this delay goes nice and long make that road team fucking sit in a shitty clubhouse.
They may call this game not sure there young gun. I hope they just make it a long delay, and they get going again. After 5 innings we're fucked if they call it, an official game then.
Boooooom!!!! Votto 2 run HR to save the day, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was huge cuz they may call the game. Reds lead 6-5, jeah niggaz.
Fuck Pittsburgh is trying to stall here to get it delayed before 5 innings are complete, you bastards, there we go pitching again. Reds just need to get out, lol, get this through 5 innings. Woooooo, it's official now, winner if they call it.
Booooom!!!!!!! Everything is coming up Tuck, I fucking called my shot here, 6th inning Braves were gonna do it. Yep, damn straight bitch. 2 run HR Gattis, Braves lead 2-1, oh yeah.
Damn it another HR for Pittsburgh, shit, the Reds can't stop em. Fucking 6-6, what the hell. There's another one, 7-6 Pirates, fucking what is going on there.

Sigo, it is gonna be tough, every time the Reds get the lead the Pirates hit 2 home runs.
This is about the craziest game I have ever seen. Well maybe not ever, I'm sure there have been crazier home run shoot outs, but it is nuts for sure. Every time the Reds get the lead the 1st two batters for Pittsburgh hit homers, lol, then the Reds retire em 1,2,3 after that, haha, what the hell.
This isn't even fucking Bailey now, and it doesn't matter. Yep 1,2,3 after the 2 homers again. Maybe the Reds can get the lead here now, and not give up 2 homers the next inning, don't know that may be too much to ask.
This is about the craziest game I have ever seen. Well maybe not ever, I'm sure there have been crazier home run shoot outs, but it is nuts for sure. Every time the Reds get the lead the 1st two batters for Pittsburgh hit homers, lol, then the Reds retire em 1,2,3 after that, haha, what the hell.
I remember a game between the Twins and Yankees a few years ago with something like 7 solo HR's and the fucking thing still didn't go over 9.5.
Ha Hugh, there may be way more homers than that, just had another one.

Booooom!!! Reds tie it up at 7, with a Mesoraco homer. This game is fucking crazy, every inning there is about 3 homers it seems.
Fucking come on now, gotta get em both then roll to San Diego, fuck I wish I was rolling to San Diego, it sucks ass here. Snowed some last night, and it is cold. Snow in mid April you gotta love that. Fucking Nebraska, ha, why do I live here.
They have the tarp on in the Reds game. So fuck I don't know, just kind of hope it gets called off. Don't really wanna take my chances with that game at 7-7. The Reds bull pen vs the Pirates bull pen, ummmm, may lose that match up. Yeah call that shit off, like my Atlanta situation.
I didn't figure Bailey to totally suck ass tonight. Just thought it was because he was facing the Cards, guess not on that.
Good thing I'm drinking like a madman, cuz baseball never goes well otherwise. The only thing that goes okay when I'm not drinking is college hoops, but that was kind of up and down this year. 5 dimes wants the sober Tuck back for baseball, then I lose my ass always. Well sober Tuck only wins at college hoops, that's where it ends. Drunk Tuck has no limitations, lol.
Fucking maybe tomorrow I will put in a 100 buck 10 team parlay on baseball, ha, usually only do those during college hoops. Damn it Purdue, you fucks cost me 64 k on that. Why I bet Purdue +4.5 vs Wisconsin is the real question there. Ha, what a dumb ass bet that was. Still think about that one that got away all the time.
Yeah I'm going for it, 100 buck 10 team parlay on the bases, shit gonna get crazy up in here, lol. Well sometimes you gotta just throw down with reckless abandon and go for the big one, roll ass on the bookie when your hot.
Fuck that is gonna be tough coming up with 10 games, ha, I probably should not do that. Yeah think I can come up with something on that, we will see. Do get off work early tomorrow so have plenty of time to make the game plan. Man, that is gonna be tough to pick 10 winners in baseball, got my work cut out for me.
The 100 buck 10 team parlay in baseball, yeah that is a long shot, but I'm all about taking big gambles for a huge payout, why not? 5 dimes better be nervous right now, Tuck is feeling it, and ready to fire a 10 team parlay on their ass.