MLB Futures: Who do you think wins the NL Central?


Pretty much a regular
Current TO WIN NL Central Odds:

MILW: +111
CHC: +216
STL: +500
HOU: +1050
PIT: +2100
CIN: unlisted

This is something that a couple of us have been talking about for, Milwaukee is not for real...but they are also 6 games up at this point, and it looks like there is really no one that can threaten them. Chicago has a better Pythagorean record than their actual record, but with Ryan Dumpster and company in the pen, that's probably going to hold constant.

Houston at 8:1 seemed like decent odds a week ago, but now that they have lost 9 in a row, they look like they are just about cooked. Pittsburgh is actually the closest team in the standings, and at 21:1, I actually think they are probably a bargain...but only because I'd stick them more around 10:1...hardly a sure thing, there.

So...who the hell do you guys think wins the Central? And honestly, whether you think Milwaukee will fade or not, do you think getting plus money on them is a deal at this point, given the considerable head start they have right now?
one team always makes a serious run in this division around the all star break through August. Always such a wacky division IMO, no clue for me
I think over the long haul it will be MIL....

They have went 5-14 in the last 19 vs good teams...yeah..

People said wait till they play somebody and we'll see they're not as good..yeah..

Here's the deal...they get 19 games a piece vs the CIN, Pitts, STL, CHC, and HOU..

They'll win it cause they've been great vs bad teams and there may not be five worst teams in the National League..

They have enough arms and can score enough runs to win enough games vs the better teams (over time) and they have just destroyed bad teams and should continue to do that..

I really think Milwaukee wins the division still. That isn't the homer in me talking either. First they have the huge lead. Second, I think the team has the least amount of holes on the roster. They have a few guys they can use as trade bait, plus a few top tier prospects that they can trade/bring up for the stretch run. Whenever Gallardo is called up I think he puts up Liriano/Verlander/Weaver type rookie numbers. The Cubs are the only team I think that can challenge, but then they're the Cubs, they won't win anything, especially as you pointed out Seabass that there bullpen is so weak.
86 or 87 wins probably wins the division and several teams have a shot at that.. I would think there is value in Houston and St Louis.. Cards get Mulder and possible Carpenter back for 2H. Only 7 back. Brewers drop to middle of the pack in my opinion.:cheers:
Brewers, St.L, or Pit

Brewers are in first with a good margin and getting +. And no one really believes they are going to stick around

St. Lou will be getting better. There SP will improve soon, it was no shock that bringing up two relievers to start and then having injuries hurts the rotation, they are going to be a major threat.

Pit, just cause out of that entire list they are the least likely to be chosen based on their name.
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The Brewers sign Yount and Moltor and finish 79-83 and win division in a one game playoff
i really got no clue myself.

guess i'd have to give the edge to the brewers...but not confidently. shit division again. and w/out getting onto a tangent, it's somewhat wrong that the WS winner (STL) can take the division with a mere 83 wins. just doesn't seem like they even belong in the playoffs...yet they got hot at the right time.

anyways, speaking of them...STL is starting to hit now. cincy and hous are toast...and pitt never had a real shot.
i like the cubbies too...but like u said, that pen is gonna give Sweet Lou a coronary.