March NBA Discussion Thread

Going slow. Playing GS under but for half unit
Tre Maddox ref 10 in a row over with GS very scary but GS plays Minn tomorrow and it is obvious that they want a slow game
Do not forget Monday is a great day for GS
By the way Washington under is far from clear Washington as a home dog is 10-1 over
bos -3.5 vs Den seems low figured it be -5/5.5.... i would think Bos wins at home since Den is only 16-16 on road and Bos within reach of 4 seed these are the games they must win and already lost to Den in den
Have said several times the Suns have Never been tanking. Hopeless owner screwed them
celts are in the mindset of rest for key starters down the stretch and they are ok with settling into the 4-5 spot. they almost welcome the pressure to get 1 is long gone.

expect Al to rest some next few leading into end of reg season, Gordie in concussion protocol now.

they hope that they play indy 1st round and somehow Philly takes out Raps or Giannis. they know they match up to Philly well and if they can hold off playing them until later suits them.
Totally agree Retburg....I think they wouldn't mind the 4 giving them one home series and it's within reach....they will continue to try to find the majic elixer where chemistry and cohesiveness is concerned and probably work on not giving up 25 point leads ha ha Hayward can't catch a break this year, every time it looks like he's finding his groove he gets a setback....I think he's going to be real good for us, but maybe not till next year
Looked at refs. Suns and Setroit should be over. refs disagree. Suns a edge with refs but not much chance with injuries. Washington some edge too. Need to thinlk
Refs up 1 unit over in Washington
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Liking Sac 1st quarter and and 1st half. Think they will come out focused tonight after choking big time Tues night and catching a lot of heat. Dallas traveling and back to back
Portland would worry me a lot.
Detroit would happily go under
Portland wants over and toture
Over in Cavs seems auto biggest over ref in NBA and 2 teams screaming to score
Refs not up slowing me down
Refs definite like under in Bucks
Locking this in
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NBA Totals

Pels over 241
Cleve under 215
Heat under 205
Minn over 232
Raps under 220
Wiz over 231
Nuggs under 211