March InGame

Hugh, who has more of a following in Ottawa. The Fury or The Redblacks?
To be honest, not sure either will still be around in 5 years but, to answer your question, the RedBlacks. Fury pissed off quite a few people by getting rid of the women's team.
fuck mong, bad beat bro fuck. sometimes i just can't handle taking a side ingame, just stick to overs cause shit like this happens.
fuck the canadians and mexicans
i had a taste of this type of shit when i had Arsenal -0.5 in game vs'd think being down 0-2 at the Emirates playing for a CL spot next round you wouldn't conceed a 3rd...
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damn, missed the montreal game yesterday...

If you ever wanna know about CONCACAF refs just start the vid at 40s where the media is talking to the Impact keeper Evans...

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scary scenes

Gomis collapses after Spurs score, shades of Muamba a few years a go, hes awake and getting oxygen now

I guess its not the first time, he's fainted twice at Lyon, once playing for France
west ham playing a type of game that will lead to them being blown out today imo
what are your guys feeling on this MLS lockout?

This would be one of the dumbest thing that an organization has ever done. It might kill the sport in the USA if it happens

Then again, they could be doing this all for attention, only to make a deal before the clock strikes midnight

Talk of this was on ESPN today so they are def getting press right now
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what a way to lose the game Newcastle

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interesting...performance of the top teams in Europe over the last 10 games

what are your guys feeling on this MLS lockout?

This would be one of the dumbest thing that an organization has ever done. It might kill the sport in the USA if it happens

Then again, they could be doing this all for attention, only to make a deal before the clock strikes midnight

Talk of this was on ESPN today so they are def getting press right now

Deal reached..

I thought at worst they might lose the games this weekend. Never thought this was going be long term

They really just started hard negotiTions this week