Manti Te'o's Dead Girlfriend was a hoax?!?!?!?!

Could care less either way, stupid media ....brainwashing and forcefeeding us what they want us to believe.
[h=5]Notre Dame Statement: Manti Te’o

On Dec. 26, Notre Dame coaches were informed by Manti Te’o and his parents that Manti had been the victim of what appears to be a hoax in which someone using the fictitious name Lennay Kekua apparently ingratiated herself with Manti and then conspired with others to lead him to believe she had tragically died of leukemia. The University immediately initiated an investigation to assist Manti and his family in discovering the motive for and nature of this hoax. While the proper authorities will continue to investigate this troubling matter, this appears to be, at a minimum, a sad and very cruel deception to entertain its perpetrators.

Dennis Brown
University Spokesman | Assistant Vice President[/h]
Literally the only way out of this for him is to come out and say hes a raging homosexual and he was scared what would happen to him at Notre Dame if anyone found out so he made up a girlfriend...

its the only out
Yeah didn't he claim to have met her and hung out in Hawaii

Either way this is going to be a nightmare for him.
This is crazy. And if ND knew on Dec 26, why didn't they make a statement that the man was a victim of a hoax before the story came out?
The way Im reading it is Deadspin says she never existed and Te'o and his buddy made her up

Notre Dame is saying the GF was real but in on a hoax with the buddy to trick Te'o and she never died

is that right??
What the hell. What's the point of him lying about this. Sympathy? His real grandma had justdied. I'm so confused
Amazing and shocking to us in Hawaii.......

How the heck could the man not come out and deny the reports?

Because ND is now claiming that Te'o was the victim of the hoax.

My question is, if ND knew of this hoax since Dec 26th (as they have claimed today), why didn't they come out and tell the story before Deadspin ran the article? Were they not going to tell anyone? They certainly didn't do Te'o any favors by not bringing the story to light themselves, before the Deadspin story.
I'm so confused.

It is kind of confusing, but basically ND didn't say anything about this "hoax' until Deadspin ran the story on the whole thing. Now, they are claiming that Te'o was the victim of a hoax. The problem is, the girl didn't exist, never went to Stanford, wasn't in a car accident and didn't have Leukemia. Deadspin talked to the girl whose picture was used by Te'o and his "people." She has never met Te'o.

Now maybe Te'o was the victim of this hoax, but didn't he ever meet the girl in person (as he claimed)? Maybe the girl lied about her name and basically everything else, but I don't see how Te'o could have fallen for this hoax so easily. He is claiming that he never met her in person....except that his original story is that they met outside of a Stanford game IN PERSON.

Shame on ESPN, CBS, SI, and all of these other "major" media outlets who didn't fact check anything about the story. As I've said for years, ESPN is nothing more than TMZ for sports.
And again, why wouldn't ND have come forward with the fact that Te'o was the victim of a hoax as soon as they found out? It's just shady that they didn't say anything about it until Deadspin broke the story.
The fact is that his girlfriend (and her story) was a hoax. Whether or not Te'o was a victim of the hoax, or a conspirator is yet to be known for sure.
no way he was a victim. no way a star athlete who has numerous girls tweeting at him picked one and fell so hard for her. and he claimed he met her after a game. im not buying it at all.
no way he was a victim. no way a star athlete who has numerous girls tweeting at him picked one and fell so hard for her. and he claimed he met her after a game. im not buying it at all.

Me either. I'm not buying it for the simple fact that ND didn't let anyone know about this "hoax" when they learned about it. Wouldn't it stand to reason they would want to get in front of the story and make Te'o look like the victim? Why wouldn't they? Why would they wait until a story exposing this whole fraud was published before saying something?

Te'o is also now claiming that he didn't meet the girl and had an online relationship. What about the story Te'o's dad told of them vacationing in Hawai'i together? Is Te'o going to call his dad a liar, or admit that he lied about that, since he's now claiming they never met in person??
hahahaha this is ridiculous

Deadspin posted a piece stating that Lennay Kekua, the supposed girlfriend of Notre Dame ILB Manti Te'o who reportedly passed away on September 12, 2012 due to leukemia, never actually existed.

There are a lot of blank parts of the timeline and negative space that needs to be answered, but the story is nearly unbelievable and worth your time to read. It's accessible at the link below. On September 12, Te'o's grandmother did pass away due to old age, with Kekua's death reportedly happening less than 24 hours later. The alleged deaths were huge stories during the college football season. The Deadspin piece claims Kekua was made up by Te'o's friend Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, and their relationship has been faked since 2009. Notre Dame has issued a statement calling it "a sad and very cruel deception to entertain its perpetrators." The school was apparently notified of the issue on December 26 and that Te'o was a "victim" of the situation. If Te'o is outed as a part of the lie, it could affect his 2013 NFL Draft stock.
Teo says he wants to put this behind him and focus on the NFL Draft..

I say...Good luck with that..
is he trying to tell me he had an online relationship and didnt get no nude pics from her? how does he know she didnt have a make believe dick then
since 2009? what... the.... fuck

this guy cannot be mentally sound...

His dad was apparently in on it as well. Or if he wasn't, he just told the media or anyone who asked exactly what Te'o told him to say. His father said more than once that she visited them in Hawai'i. Maybe some girl did meet them in Hawai'i, and the hoax was in the fact that she died? Either way, she lied about her name and background, that's for certain.
Teo says he wants to put this behind him and focus on the NFL Draft..

I say...Good luck with that..

LOL. You're right about that. If/when it comes out that he was a part of this "hoax," there isn't an NFL team that will draft him IMO. That's not to say he couldn't go the route of Vontaze Burfict and sign as a free agent, but if he's found out to be a liar with no integrity, I can't see anyone drafting him.
is he trying to tell me he had an online relationship and didnt get no nude pics from her? how does he know she didnt have a make believe dick then

Exactly, but not just that. In this day and age of Skype, FaceTime, etc. If they really were in such a serious relationships, Skype convo's would be mandatory
LOL. You're right about that. If/when it comes out that he was a part of this "hoax," there isn't an NFL team that will draft him IMO. That's not to say he couldn't go the route of Vontaze Burfict and sign as a free agent, but if he's found out to be a liar with no integrity, I can't see anyone drafting him.

yep.. This combined with a bad performance in the CG..

Funny I was watching Kipers draft board and he had Te'o #8.. You can guarantee he will drop considerably.
Only 2 possible conclusions from this is he's either off the charts mentally disturbed or Yag right?

Also why has no one in the media mentioned the "girlfriends" funeral? If he was that in love with her, wouldn't you think he would have at least attended that, even if he had never actually met her before? That should have set off alarms for everybody
Ok so basically teo concocted this plot with this guy who acted as his gf or he had an online relationship with a girl that never existed.

He knows the guy that used the girls name so he has to be behind it. That's what I understand.
lol Te'o draft stock should fall just for the fact he was dumb enough to think this would never get out(the truth i mean). a fucking moron and a creep and a piss poor tackler