Manny Suspended

i just heard what bill plashcke had to say about manny, what a turd, facts even fully out and he goes out and says this, for sake of baseball, i hope manny is proven innocent and bill eats his word
If he was " equal to kobe " , i dont understand the outrage over him taking player enhancing drugs compared to allegedly raping a woman. whatever.

kick him out of the game.

What they should do is start taking wins away from teams when their players test positive.
the simmons article is fantastic.. one of the better articles of his of the past year.. and he probably put it together on a whim in 2 hours. guy is a genius. if only he didnt blab about boston sports in every article
If he was " equal to kobe " , i dont understand the outrage over him taking player enhancing drugs compared to allegedly raping a woman. whatever.

kick him out of the game.

What they should do is start taking wins away from teams when their players test positive.

different but kind of similar story... if that even makes sense

my junior year of high school we had THE BEST soccer team in the state. we went undefeated through the year and played in the best conference. but after our 4th game one of our players was ruled academically ineligible and the 4 games he played all counted as losses against our record. which sucked for all of us but seeing as it was a team sport i look back and 100% agree with it. teams need to be held accountable as well as individuals. thats the only way this shit will stop. imagine (insert star player who cares about the game here) on your team. you know the guy who really wants to win... an yzerman comes to mind. do you dare take steroids knowing if you get caught you're going to cost your team in every game you play in and have your whole team turn against you??

btw...kinda drunk hope that made sense :cheers:
^^ perfect sense.

taking away wins makes the individual accountable , the team accountable , the managers and trainers accountable and the owners accountable. If that can't make it stop then just have no banned substances and let them go.

Was listening to goose gossage tonight and he was talking about how the baseball in the modern era is so much tighter and easier to hit and how it explodes off the bat like golfball. He talked about how they have lowered the mound ,,,,, he talked about how they have eliminated pitching inside ... he talked about the smaller strike zones ... he talked about the smaller ballparks ... he talked about how pitchers can no longer intimidate hitters ... he basically talked about how every single rule change has been to the benefit of the hitter and still they have to cheat.

I think it has ruined the game. That's just me .... the sport as a whole is somewhat boring ... the excitement comes in the drama situations of key at bats ... the high scoring games mean less close games and less drama situations imo.

At some point the line has to be drawn into the sand.
i just heard what bill plashcke had to say about manny, what a turd, facts even fully out and he goes out and says this, for sake of baseball, i hope manny is proven innocent and bill eats his word

maybe but a 50 game suspension with no appeal says a lot in my opinion. Maybe he will appeal though , shrug.
maybe but a 50 game suspension with no appeal says a lot in my opinion. Maybe he will appeal though , shrug.

It doesn't say all that much in my mind, actually. He still comes back in July. Manny's like Barkley near the end of his career, if he could only play in the stretch run and playoff games, he would.
maybe but a 50 game suspension with no appeal says a lot in my opinion. Maybe he will appeal though , shrug.

It doesn't say all that much in my mind, actually. He still comes back in July. Manny's like Barkley near the end of his career, if he could only play in the stretch run and playoff games, he would.

With the threat of having one of the biggest sports contracts in history getting voided ?? When it will cost him about 8 million dollars or so for the fifty games ??? These guys appeal one game suspensions. I don't want to fall into the "rush to judgement" crowd but in this case i feel pretty safe.
I'm sure he's pissed about the money, but if he's serious about the doctor he could easily sue that guy for lost wages and that's what malpractice insurance is for.

I honestly have no idea what he did or didn't do, and I'm not trying to be an apologist for the guy, but I could see the argument where the truth costs him more long-term so he takes the bullet now kind of thing.

I'm not saying that's what he's doing, but I could see it, because let's face it, if the Dodgers are playing in late October this will all be old news.
I'm sure he's pissed about the money, but if he's serious about the doctor he could easily sue that guy for lost wages and that's what malpractice insurance is for.

I honestly have no idea what he did or didn't do, and I'm not trying to be an apologist for the guy, but I could see the argument where the truth costs him more long-term so he takes the bullet now kind of thing.

I'm not saying that's what he's doing, but I could see it, because let's face it, if the Dodgers are playing in late October this will all be old news.

sad but so true
Biggest sports story in america in my lifetime ( other than 1980 hockey gold ) was the donaghy scandal and it has gone absolutely nowhere.
I'm sure he's pissed about the money, but if he's serious about the doctor he could easily sue that guy for lost wages and that's what malpractice insurance is for.

I honestly have no idea what he did or didn't do, and I'm not trying to be an apologist for the guy, but I could see the argument where the truth costs him more long-term so he takes the bullet now kind of thing.

I'm not saying that's what he's doing, but I could see it, because let's face it, if the Dodgers are playing in late October this will all be old news.
didn't they say they were looking into that possibly? it's either he's juicing or there's something he's contracted that he just doesn't want to reveal to the media.. now do you not appeal and take the 50 and let the whispers begin or does he come out with what the medication really was for?
The rumor i heard gsro was that it was a female fertility drug of some sort. shrug .. what that would be used for i dont know.
well hopefully we'll soon find out what it was for and why

scroll up the page a little. I explained i thought pretty well what hCG is, what's used for and how you do it.

Keep in mind this isn't some pill or tablet Manram was using, hCG is injected. Like I said I feel like I'm pretty knowledgeable on steroids and PCT and I have never heard of a guy ManRams age using hCG to get wood. There are alot, alot, alot easier ways to fix a sexual dysfunction than this.

However, every other case of somebody using hCG was to get your natural testosterone production back to baseline after a cycle, especially a long one. The cycle shuts your natural test off and when the gear gets out of one's bloodstream it is imperative to get "the boys" back to normal ASAP.
scroll up the page a little. I explained i thought pretty well what hCG is, what's used for and how you do it.

Keep in mind this isn't some pill or tablet Manram was using, hCG is injected. Like I said I feel like I'm pretty knowledgeable on steroids and PCT and I have never heard of a guy ManRams age using hCG to get wood. There are alot, alot, alot easier ways to fix a sexual dysfunction than this.

However, every other case of somebody using hCG was to get your natural testosterone production back to baseline after a cycle, especially a long one. The cycle shuts your natural test off and when the gear gets out of one's bloodstream it is imperative to get "the boys" back to normal ASAP.
Well if he had to inject this, I have no doubt in my mind he knew he was cheating. Besides, when's the last time a baseball player actually admitted he injected himself with steroids?

Bonds- I took drops under the tongue

McGwire- I'm not here to talk about the past

Palmeiro- I have never taken a steroid

Sosa- doesn't speak english

Giambi- has an interview where he basically doesn't say shit but kinda admits it

Manny- I was prescribed this

A-rod- doesn't count because he came out when he knew Selena was coming out with a book