So much for my plan of using the UCF ticket proceeds from the 2 I will be selling to pay for the 2 tickets I got for my son and I ugh
Fuckery continues this week ..

FWIW, y’all need some winners fade me..

Took Arizona St later lol
Lane Kiffen helped me win a huge middle when USC came to MN to play years ago. He went for 2 twice and didn't get it. USC still won by 11. I had USC -10 and MN +13 that day. Dude has coached in some shady finishes.
Buffs and Corn exchanging missed 4th down conversions on the last 3 series. Corn gets the ball back.
Before then they went on 4th and 1. Total fckery

I had -9, fucker goes for two twice and misses ... but overall this game was too close ATS and coulda gone either way but to lose on a blocked punt for a TD tho is maddening..

Backdoor touchdown for UCLA fucked me on Oklahoma this morning too.. lmao.. I gotta stop taking favorites maybe but the one dog I took beside Arizona St was South Carolina. They’re getting shelled.

Wish I never woke up this morning.