Can someone tell me what these kickers do in practice? Or do they practice. 2 times this idiot on wisc just hammers it to the endzone
Props to Mark Richt for taking advantage of the penalty by trying an onside kick from the 50 yard line. It didn't work, but its a lot smarter than booting it so the other team gets it on their own 25.
I agree. Been saying for years that I would onside kick it every time from the 50. At worst you lose 15 yards of field position.
he might have been, but WI residents and players all have abnormally short peckers so who knows.

And I just posted in the mod forum asking who I can ban to make myself feel better... thought I'd have to go into politics forum to find an option. Thanks for making it easy
Mid TN Qb throws a pick on 3rd down with a minute left, down by three. If it is not there, throw it away. How many times does this happen. You just lost the game dumbass.