So what's ur guys best play on the night plays. Tailed on the aggies which I was on already but best plays leggo
Would of thought more lean to this happening at mizzou but hey hope I can see Tua play in the 4th qtr
For trying to do his job!! Shit happens, kid wasn’t trying to target, if you gotta throw the flag fine but to run them out of games is stupid.
Every week I see some poor kid get kicked out of a gm cause this stupid rule. Tigers lose prob their best defensive player.
Vols lost their QB on D for the 1H of the Bama gm w/ under 1 min left vs Aub. and it was an iffy call. bt still... why is he even trying to lead w/ his head up 30-17.....
For trying to do his job!! Shit happens, kid wasn’t trying to target, if you gotta throw the flag fine but to run them out of games is stupid.
Every week...same shit. Let them play. Occasionally, you get a player trying to hurt someone. Florida had a player today get ejected, rightfully so. But, most are accidental.
Vols lost their QB on D for the 1H of the Bama gm w/ under 1 min left vs Aub. and it was an iffy call. bt still... why is he even trying to lead w/ his head up 30-17.....

Not saying kids don’t do some dumb things, that what flags are for. To make them leave games/miss part of next week is redic. Not only wrong for the kid and his team but it alters outcomes of games that effect others.