***Los Angeles Rams at New Orleans Saints Discussion***

Publicity stunt.

The Rams can counter-sue and go back to the missed face mask.

Two can play this game.


Lets go back and replay the 2014 games in Dallas and Green Bay. The Lions should sue due to negligent officiating and the next week was the Dez catch.

That is just using one example. Everything is cause and effect... calls get missed but who knows what happens next. Maybe the Saints fumble the snap... maybe they get a holding call then throw a pick?


I haven't commented in the threads yet... but you know why NOLA lost? They could have blown this game out early but settled for FG's, dropped a TD etc. They left the door open, and that is that.
My God. THIS

Get over it already. Why don't we go back to 2009 and call some of those PF's against the Saints defense against AZ or MN? Or the baffling PI call in overtime against Ben Leber which was no way PI but benefitted the Saints. These fans should be bitching at Payton for botching the play calls 2 years in a row on their last drives.
Anybody buy anything into the lawsuit that was filed? Even a 1% chance this game goes back to those last 2 minutes and replays?

The league needed the Rams in the final.

I can guarantee that Goodell hasd instructed the Refs to push the Rams through.

It comes down to money. Billion dollar organization. All about stadium dollars and new stadiums. The nfl doesent give 2 shits about who wins. They care about money and building new stadiums. Those teams need to get into a super bowl to justify all the money for the new stadium.

This game was nothing more than a stadium play.
Also the league can make any call they want. It’s legally classified as an entertainment league.

Same as Wwe.

There is no such thing as fixing games. They are allowed to fix just like wrestling.

The only thing they legally have to provide fans is a football game. Your ticket is for a football game.
The nfl provides a football game they can fix every single play if they choose to. They are allowed. They are the Wwe. Same exact legal classification

Which is why they quickly give a phone call to the saints saying sorry guys we fucked you better luck next season.
Teams that have relocated/expansion:
87 Cardinals to Arizona (Super Bowl 2008 season-worst example...probably forgot about Bidwill out there)
93 Panthers (Super Bowl 2003 season)
94 Raiders LA to Oakland (Super Bowl in 2002 season)
95 Rams to St. Louis (Super Bowl in 1999 and 2001 season)
96 Browns to Baltimore (Super Bowl in 2000 season)
96 Oilers to Tennessee (Super Bowl in 1999 season)

Conspiracy theory a bit here (thanks a lot Sammy) but when you relocate or the league gives you a team and end up making the league of bunch of money, they seem to reward you by a Super Bowl trip....I'm sure there a more indirect correlations as well, ya know, besides teams just being good....who knows. I just thought it was entertaining.

I might've left some off, but those were of note recently. Could be something, probably nothing, but interesting nonetheless.

Jaguars,Texans,Browns,Chargers are due....haha
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Teams that have relocated/expansion:
87 Cardinals to Arizona (Super Bowl 2008 season)
93 Panthers (Super Bowl 2003 season)
94 Raiders LA to Oakland (Super Bowl in 2002 season)
95 Rams to St. Louis (Super Bowl in 1999 and 2001 season)
96 Browns to Baltimore (Super Bowl in 2000 season)
96 Oilers to Tennessee (Super Bowl in 1999 season)

Conspiracy theory a bit here (thanks a lot Sammy) but when you relocate or the league gives you a team and end up making the league of bunch of money, they seem to reward you by a Super Bowl trip....I'm sure there a more indirect correlations as well, ya know, besides teams just being good....who knows. I just thought it was entertaining.

I might've left some off, but those were of note recently. Could be something, probably nothing, but interesting nonetheless.

Jaguars,Texans,Browns,Chargers are due....haha

L.A. was what the league is looking for. New stadium huge market. They want football to be alive in Los Angeles.

The selection of Bill Vinovich was the icing on the cake for me. They pick the guy supposedly who refs bad calls vs the rams fully knowing that the moron rams fans would complain.

The league used vinovich as a patsy. He was selected to push the rams through to the final. He was the perfect choice because he was apparently anti rams

These playoff games are so close that it basically comes down to 1 call or 1 no call.
Interesting how they miss obvious interference on rams robey Coleman but somehow were WIDE EYED OPEN WHEN KC defender JONES APPARENTLY ROUGHED BRADY.

The refs knew which way the league wanted the game to go. They aren’t stupid.

Telling that in the saints game the refs are blind and miss an obvious pi call.
But on patriots last drive their 90-20 eye sight notices Dee Ford offsides? And they notice a roughing call that wasn’t.

It’s clear they manipulated the games. I presume they wanted basically.

Boston vs Los Angeles.

not Kc vs new Orléans. All about money guys.

Ps- didn’t mlb World Series have Boston vs La dodgers?

Coincidence or not?

There are no conspiracies. There is only the ultimate truth. Just because someone usually institutions and media puts out their narrative first that doesent mean it’s true!!!
Humans are the biggest bullshitters on earth.

Humans lie all day long. People that believe things to be ultimately true are not wise. Challenge everything.

Wasn’t long ago when they were singing the detriments of marijuana. Now cbd and marijuana is the best thing since sliced bread? Come on people wake up!!!
How do the teams involved remotely effect a game that virtually everyone will watch anyway?

That's gong show stuff Samuel

The teams do. It’s about the business aspects.

New stadium. Nfl took a big risk going to La with 2 teams. They need it to pay off. A super bowl appearance. Yeah that does the trick.

Patriots. Kraft negotiated the 4 billion dollar tv contract. If he doesent get favours from nfl in terms of reffing thrn my name isn’t Samuel Lamar Dalembert Rivers
When was the last time a team from LA won a national championship? Maybe thatll be the headline. Rams win for LA. There is always a better headline for the winner

Does Tom lose back to back Super Bowls?!

Honestly, all silly coincidences aside I think the game comes down to this:
Everything for me points to the Pats, but everyone in the free world likes them too, so that's a little concerning.

Biggest part of the game in my opinion, is whether or not the Rams can get pressure with Donald and Suh up the middle....Brady has struggled before with pressure up the middle and when he's forced off his spot. Answer that question, and you have the winner of the game.

The fact Brady hasn't seemingly been touched all postseason(sans the horrible Roughing the Passer call), is very impressive vs a strong Chargers D-Line, and a blitzing team(didn't do that enough) in KC.

Rams Rush D allows the 8th most yards on the ground to RB's in the league, while being 4th best in receiving yards to RB's. I would venture to guess New England's game plan would be similar to their game vs. the Chiefs.

Rams D vs. the TE is second worst in the league, allowing 1075 yards to Tight Ends....Gronk should go out in style....
The debate about whether nfl fixes games is over.

They clearly fix games. The missed call on Robey Coleman proves it.

One call decides the winner.

Refs stay quiet and blind. While in Kc the refs eagle vision can spot multiple fouls vs the chiefs on the last drive.

If the Nfl can legally fix games why the hell wouldn’t they???

They would be stupid not to fix games!!
Sammy! Love ya brother.(That Being Said...) I don't believe the games are fixed. I DO 100% Believe that all refs are human. They all probably grew up with a favorite team. Can you imagine. I'm a Raider fan. I become a ref. I see something that could help the team I grew up loving, move along in the playoffs?! Damn right I miss a holding here, a PI there, etc.

I've been saying this for YEARS yet everyone thinks I'm crazy! I'm sure it is the same in all other sports as well! Hahaha!

Prove me wrong...As They Say...:shake:
Props I'm hawking:
-Michel over in carries and yards
-Gronk over in yards
-looking at over with Rams sacks if number is right
-longest FG
-shortest TD
-no on OT
- no on Safety
-yes on Goff Interception

we need a prop thread
When was the last time a team from LA won a national championship? Maybe thatll be the headline. Rams win for LA. There is always a better headline for the winner

What better way to establish football in la by winning the super bowl?

The league if that’s their thinking can easily make that happen.

All it takes is a few drive extending calls and 1-2 holding calls on the pats.

In a league of billionaire owners and ultimate greed telling that its Boston every single year vs other teams that rarely if ever make the super bowl.

Interesting that this year with regular season refereeing I think it would have been Kc vs saints 90 percent sure
Props I'm hawking:
-Michel over in carries and yards
-Gronk over in yards
-looking at over with Rams sacks if number is right
-longest FG
-shortest TD
-no on OT
- no on Safety
-yes on Goff Interception

we need a prop thread

Forgot James white over 67.5 receptions lol!
Being a huge patriot lover. I’m a patriot wannabe even I will admit that I believe we win football games in 2 ways.

We can beat you with our plays and execution.

Then In close games in the playoffs we can also

Beat you by the refs extending drives for us. My team my brothers. We do get unfair reffing.

Atlanta was up early in super bowl. Pats needed a score early. Vinovich called 4 penalties on third down to extend that patriot drive in the second qtr.

Last years calls vs jags. Crooks bogus interference and the convenient Myles Jack whistle

This year fake roughing call. Bs offsides call.

So we basically are tough to beat. We can beat you 2 ways. Kraft has made this league a lot of money. I think they owe him a few more Super Bowls. It’s clear that he may be running the league behind the scenes. It was him who negotiated with cbs the massive billion dollar tv deal. He is the shark
Can you post the book and this info? This cant be true, unless they were refunding $5 bets. They arent paying out big bets , no way.
Sorry Johnny for late response but I see you already got the info. They originally said they would refund the cash and quickly changed it to credit towards another bet. Still more than my local offered which was nothing.
What better way to establish football in la by winning the super bowl?

The league if that’s their thinking can easily make that happen.

All it takes is a few drive extending calls and 1-2 holding calls on the pats.

In a league of billionaire owners and ultimate greed telling that its Boston every single year vs other teams that rarely if ever make the super bowl.

Interesting that this year with regular season refereeing I think it would have been Kc vs saints 90 percent sure

NFL literally has zero integrity. What else do you expect from people who even use breast awareness primarily for their own profits? People who protect criminals because they‘re stars? You think shady refereeing is beneath them? Fuck Goodell
NFL literally has zero integrity. What else do you expect from people who even use breast awareness primarily for their own profits? People who protect criminals because they‘re stars? You think shady refereeing is beneath them? Fuck Goodell

That’s what is perplexing to me.

Wrongdoing injustice cruelty and travesty occurs because the average person is quick to take the stance that oh no the league wouldn’t cheat.

The more relevant question is why would they not cheat? Tons of money involved. Rules allow them to cheat, they aren’t breaking any laws.

It’s their league they can do whatever they choose. It’s entertainment not real true sport.

I just find it anaxing that people don’t want to disrupt their Walt Disney version of the world. Wake up ppl. Money talks.
Very rich are corrupt. They have no morals.

The Ufc is a perfect example. Used to be a real fighting league with belts and rankings and fighters earned fights.

Now it’s turned into who sells the most pay per views and who makes the most money.

No credibility anymore. Happened with the Ufc why not the nfl?
We all have our degrees of uncertainty in all sports

Talking about it on a gambling forum is below worthless, maybe start the how much tinfoil you wearing thread, it's really unenjoyable reading about conspiracy theories when trying to cap games, especially for a situational capper like myself. Hard to pilfer through actual helpful info
Lol you fools, robbed by Sean Payton and play calling. It's not relevant.

I'll even pop into your tin foil thread occasionally, but it's really useless in capping games. If you think everything is fixed, I'd quit gambling and wasting your time and money now.
Lol you fools, robbed by Sean Payton and play calling. It's not relevant.

I'll even pop into your tin foil thread occasionally, but it's really useless in capping games. If you think everything is fixed, I'd quit gambling and wasting your time and money now.

Peyton did coach like shit. Brees was scared playing like he was 5’3.

But that missed call was worst no call I’ve seen.

He body checked him before ball was there. The saints player actually flew in the air.

Not sure how they missed that call?
Really thought they'd use a double sided coin for that

Worst matchup possible for ticket sales on the secondary market
Lol such an absurd counter, referring to some mistake on NO’s part. Yeah, NO coulda blown out the Rams and it woulda been irrelevant, duh. Why do the Saints have to play perfectly and the Rams don‘t? Yeah they coulda done things better in hindsight. Gurley could also relearn how to catch a pass etc. Refs cost them.
Quit trying to argue, stick to what you're good at. Back to ignore. Afuckinggain just when you were making strides

Infiltrate a few more threads about Jacksonville getting fucked, someone out there isn't aware your opinion
Teams that have relocated/expansion:
87 Cardinals to Arizona (Super Bowl 2008 season-worst example...probably forgot about Bidwill out there)
93 Panthers (Super Bowl 2003 season)
94 Raiders LA to Oakland (Super Bowl in 2002 season)
95 Rams to St. Louis (Super Bowl in 1999 and 2001 season)
96 Browns to Baltimore (Super Bowl in 2000 season)
96 Oilers to Tennessee (Super Bowl in 1999 season)

Conspiracy theory a bit here (thanks a lot Sammy) but when you relocate or the league gives you a team and end up making the league of bunch of money, they seem to reward you by a Super Bowl trip....I'm sure there a more indirect correlations as well, ya know, besides teams just being good....who knows. I just thought it was entertaining.

I might've left some off, but those were of note recently. Could be something, probably nothing, but interesting nonetheless.

Jaguars,Texans,Browns,Chargers are due....haha
Coincidence in many here. Houston drafted McNair and was starting to build a team. The Baltimore franchise had some great drafts around then. The "fastest show on turf" was no fluke or reward.
Publicity stunt.

The Rams can counter-sue and go back to the missed face mask.

Two can play this game.


Lets go back and replay the 2014 games in Dallas and Green Bay. The Lions should sue due to negligent officiating and the next week was the Dez catch.

That is just using one example. Everything is cause and effect... calls get missed but who knows what happens next. Maybe the Saints fumble the snap... maybe they get a holding call then throw a pick?


I haven't commented in the threads yet... but you know why NOLA lost? They could have blown this game out early but settled for FG's, dropped a TD etc. They left the door open, and that is that.

Or the Browns fans could just sue for the awful product they've had to endure for the last couple decades. ;)
Everyone is aware more people in the L.A. Market watched the Patriots Chiefs game than the Nola/LAR game, right?

haha... probably because they assumed their team would lose. Then they wanted to see who their team would lose to next.
Do they still think that game was lost due to that?? This is some 2019 shit if I've ever seen it.
Do they still think that game was lost due to that?? This is some 2019 shit if I've ever seen it.

Think about it, it's brilliant. They can forever say they got fucked.

Blair Walsh choked, Romo choked, Scott Norwood choked.

Saints however got robbed. You know that FG kick was getting blocked.
The last word on this. They choked, more than once. They got outcoached. They couldn't even muster 300 yards. The better team won.
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