LFG Day Until Arizona vs Hawaii/Miami vs Florida

Must be 49, right ?

Well I have updated and organized my FCS data base and made notations for the coming season. I bet on all but 3 of the FCS conferences, so what I have finished was a big chore because I neede to expand my data base to add additional years. I really didn’t expect to be in business this long.
But I know y’all don’t care a hoot about FCS so I’m on to the major leagues and I guess have 48 days to sharpen my opinions , starting with the ACC where the Tigers are the team that everyone is talking about. It’s a pretty interesting scramble to evaluate the second division which consists of 13 teams. I lean on this forum a lot when it comes to the FBS.
33 Its cliche but time just seems to be moving rapidly.
Whoops ! I messed up completely. 34 David Ortiz. I wish him recovery soon.

And. Larry Bird. # 33 in your program. I lack the youth and the talent to bring forth images.
I could have scanned and posted some of my baseball cards, but about 6 years ago I sold them for a measly 16K.

Please give me Koufax and no-one else at 32.