Let the UM/OSU debate begin fellas...

JumpOnBoard said:
I know what u meant, but it should read when tOSU won 13-9 at the shoe...


Nah, I was talking about when Griese ball was here...I guess that was 14-9
Michigan fans are in such a frantic attitude lately. Why? Because they know this is do or die for them this year. Yeah Yeah Yeah Talk about the all time record, talk about the last 20 year record. Lets talk about since Tressel arrived. It is a total different game with him on the sideline. Cooper could not win a big game. And what makes Llloyd any different than the Llloyd that lost 5 games last year that scUM fans were starting to rumble about replacing? Nothing! scUM fans know that they have to win this game or Tressel does own scUM just like Llloyd owned Coop.

I did say we would cover any line set by Vegas at a score of 30-13. Wel I am going back on that for the time being. There is an injury that is/maybe being hush hush out of Columbus. And it is a huge injury. Nothing that would keep him out, but an injury that definatly will hinder his play very very much. Not saying any names because I dont want people on here saying I am making shit up if nothing comes to fruition. But if something does come out I will let everyone know.
Yes, Jump I got a big one...Should me a great Holiday....

What is this game you guys are talking about?