Lebron would consider extension after this year

yep. there is a reason that soap operas and reality shows have drama. if everything was orderly nobody would watch them.

I hope he stays as I think it's healthy for the league to keep some superstars in markets outside LA and NY. Baseball blows because every major free agent runs for the cash.
yep. there is a reason that soap operas and reality shows have drama. if everything was orderly nobody would watch them.

I hope he stays as I think it's healthy for the league to keep some superstars in markets outside LA and NY. Baseball blows because every major free agent runs for the cash.

can't say it any much better :cheers:
anyone just here dicky v just tell knick fans sorry, lebron will be a cav for life:cheers:
its not in cleveland? he seems to be getting plenty of the spotlight in cleveland.......and he'll always have it there.

he's one knee surgery away from being just another player in the league in NY/LA, etc
he is going to have to take a substantial paycut to NOT resign with the cavs....you guys understand that right? if he wants out that bad, then OK. however, if you havent noticed.....lbj is money hungry and cleveland CAN and WILL offer him more than any other team by the rules of the league come 2010. the choice is ultimately up to him, but the stats and facts lie in cleveland's favor right now...
if you're talking strictly salary then ok, but endorsements and business ventures he can make way way way more in NY or LA.
if you're talking strictly salary then ok, but endorsements and business ventures he can make way way way more in NY or LA.

Salary and endorsements. His paycut that he'll be taking will level all of that off. He can GET any endorsements he wants...thats up to him...he's "LeBron James." Cleveland will offer him everything he needs/wants, etc....it comes down to him not wanting to be there...but not for the sake of money. As for as long as I've been following the kid, I know enough to where that is pretty much all he is worried about.

We can all sit here and bicker back and forth about it...time will tell the story I guess
This is an article from the Bleacher Report on the Top 5 Reasons Why LeBron James will stay in Cleveland. I'm not going to copy and paste the whole article, just the important part, which happens to be #1 (aside from family, hometown and all that other nonsense). I know we're discussing this, but this place puts it in very good perspective and it is well written:

1. Money. Think the lure of money will trump all these things? Well, in a way, you'd be right. However, it still works in favor of Cleveland.
Unless there are major changes when the collective bargaining agreement with the league is renegotiated in 2010, the Cleveland Cavaliers will be able to offer more money to LeBron James than any other team in the league. Not only that, but there's no reason to believe that they won't offer him as much as possible.
Under the current rules, only the Cavs could potentially offer LeBron a maximum contract of six years. Other teams could only offer a five year contract for a slightly smaller salary per year.
Ah, but what about endorsements? That's where the real money is.
True, and a player like LeBron has the potential to make almost as much in endorsements as he does with his NBA salary. However, this writer would argue that moving to another city would not have any significant effect on the amount of money he gets for endorsements.
LeBron James is a national, dare I say international icon. No matter where he goes, the size of his fan base is not going to change significantly. In fact, from a strictly business perspective, he retains more appeal by sticking with the same team.
Take guys like Tracy McGrady, Steve Francis, or even Shaq for example. If anything, they had less national appeal after switching teams. How often did you ever seen Michael Jordan portrayed commercially as a Washington Wizard?
LeBron James has nothing to gain by taking less salary in order to play for a larger market team, especially not when his current team is selling out the vast majority of their home games.
No, all the important things point to LeBron James staying in Cleveland. He's stated on numerous occasions that he plans to stay a Cavalier for a long time. And why not?
I mean, what's so bad about Cleveland, anyway?
It is drama, and he loves it...so does the league and the city...you're right. He may leave, who knows.

I mean ultimately its up to him. Its fun to sit back and talk about though.

I'll pray like hell he stays ;)
isn't there a rumor that nike will give him a 50 mil bonus if he goes to ny or la ? if true that will more than make up for the extra $ cleveland can give him. and why would he want a 6 year deal. he'll probably opt for the 5 year deal so he's one more season closer to another pay raise. thats the move he made with his second contract, no reason not to do the same thing

tmac and franchise lost appeal cuz of their games on the court, not because of where they were playing. shaqs move to LA worked out pretty well for his career. and the point about jordan and the wizards is clearly retarded.
Nike truthfully don't believe that Nike has made any public statements about that at all. If they have, I want to see them.

Their etching his name in at Cleveland
wrd. that rumor is from a while back.

i think if the knicks sign amare or someone nasty lebron goes to new york.

but if NY can't reign anything elite in to make themselves look like an instant contender in lebrons eyes, hes gonna stick to winning in cleveland
long bron interview with the guardian (british)

only read the excerpts so far from hoopshype but theres some good stuff in here



At the age of 20 it was a pretty bold move to walk away from your agent and set up your own business. This was obviously something you had thought about carefully.
Absolutely — for many years I had been thinking about it. It was never a case of me just waking up one day and saying, "OK, I'm gonna split with my agent and make a move with my guys around me." It was something I had been thinking about and, for me, I wanted to grow and have more of a hands-on thing with my own business. I wanted to take control of that business. I decided to move away from the agent. I wasn't nervous because I knew the calibre of guys around me. But the NBA was definitely a little nervous because they had never seen anything like this before — they were used to the traditional concept of a guy coming into the NBA with an agent who handles his day-to-day business while the guy just plays the game of basketball. But I wanted to be different. I wanted to run my own thing and be totally hands-on.

Our key goal as a brand builder and a boutique sports agency is just to grow every day, every month, every year as people and as a business and to continue to help and to grow brands. And, also, to help myself. We're learning every day – we're young but we're learning. We're looking for business adventures that will take us somewhere fresh and exciting in the future.

Your fame in America is obvious – but do you feel that this next year, 2009, could be the one where you win both the NBA title and become a global figure?
I think I'm getting close to both. You know one of my favourite lines in The Godfather is to "move while you have the muscle". And right now I've got a lot of muscle and I'm moving real fast. I'm heading in the right direction both on and off the court. With the Olympics it was an unbelievable venture for myself, for the brand, for LRMR. We could go there and showcase my talent to the world and I could be the same guy I am off the court and also to come away with a gold medal on the highest stage of world sport. It all helped me believe that I'm definitely on my way to becoming one of those global icons.

Salary and endorsements. His paycut that he'll be taking will level all of that off. He can GET any endorsements he wants...thats up to him...he's "LeBron James." Cleveland will offer him everything he needs/wants, etc....it comes down to him not wanting to be there...but not for the sake of money. As for as long as I've been following the kid, I know enough to where that is pretty much all he is worried about.

We can all sit here and bicker back and forth about it...time will tell the story I guess

Think P Diddy. Business ventures. There is so much more opportunity and money in NY or LA. P Diddy can't run his empire from Cleveland.