League 4


Calculated Risk Taker
Hey Guys,

I am looking to start one more leauge. I have not figured the specifics yet, but I wanted to do some kind of ppr with less focus on defense, like in the other CTG leauges. I would want to do it for some money maybe 25-50 bucks. I also want to make it a bit more interesting by starting two QB's. I would offset the value of these qb's by making 4 point passing td's.

The Roster


1 ppr and per completion
4pt passing td 1 point / 25 yards
6pt rushnig receiving td 1 point / 10 yards
bonuses at 300, 350, 400 passing yards
bonuses at 100, 150, 200 rushing and receiving yards (may lower yardage requirements pending discussion)
defense settings like CTG I and III.
Limited Transactions
No return points
Normal Kicker Scoring

15 man roster 10-12 teams.

Any Interest?

Need to get the draft done prior to the season, so next week before thursday. Preferably this weekend.
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Ill throw some times out there. I'll look into the draft dates if we can get at least 8 teams....
Leauge is set up. Sunday at 1200pm? Any date over the weekend can work for me. Even Monday. Let me know.

Settings revised up top.

What about Wedensday night next week. But isnt that when the server crashed? Hopefully we wont have those problems again.
I'll try to generate more interest. If anyone knows of an open slot in another leauge let me know, I am interested.
Roll Call So FAR.
1. Trout
2. BAR
3. Cinderfella
4. Inspekdah Friday or monday

CMON we need atleast 5 more.
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aaaah ya bastid. no worries, there'll be many more roll tides pregame than go faggy tigers. we should outnumber those fuckers 70/30
haha knew someone would see that. i hate that fucking tiger on NCAAF09. CAN'T WAIT. will get to ATL about midnight friday night
yup friday and sat night. i forget which hotel, my boy booked it. north atl, bout 5 miles from dome i think. not close to the dome because we was late to tha party. won't be in the room at all anyway. gonna try to hit up pink pony friday night. drink and tailgate all day saturday after game day.
Trout no go for me on Monday night, but sometime Friday night or Saturday morning may work for me.
Roll Call So FAR.

1. Trout
2. BAR
3. Cinderfella
4. Inspekdah Friday or (monday)
5. Marlo (monday)
6. Tide (monday)

CMON we need atleast
I can probably do another if you need more. Money is money, dont care who I take it from :)
Roll Call So FAR.

1. Trout
2. BAR
3. Cinderfella
4. Inspekdah Friday or (monday)
5. Marlo (monday)
6. Tide (monday)
7. TDOT (monday)

CMON we need atleast 1 more for an 8 team leauge[/QUOTE]
9:00 pm eastern work for everyone?

I can hold the buy in my paypal account or if no one trusts me we can see if BAR doesnt mind holding it.

We can do it a few ways

25 Buy In 8 teams 200 Dollars

150-50 First and Second


50 Buy (More Preferable) 400 Dollars

250 First

150 Second


225 first

125 second

50 third.....


The More teams, More Prizes.
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Roll Call So FAR.

1. Trout
2. BAR
3. Cinderfella
4. Inspekdah Friday or (monday)
5. Marlo (monday)
6. Tide (monday)
7. TDOT (monday)
8. Believe (monday)

CMON we need atleast 1 more for an 8 team leauge


50 bucks

1st and 2nd payout with 8 teams

1st, 2nd, and 3rd with ten or more.

I'll see if one of the CTG partners will hold the money for us.

After that I will send out the registration stuff.

Lets try to get a few more teams.....

DRAFT MONDAY 845 pm esdt
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Current Settings
Stat Categories: Completions (1)
Passing Yards (25 yards per point; 3 points at 300 yards; 4 points at 350 yards; 5 points at 400 yards)
Passing Touchdowns (4)
Interceptions (-2)
Rushing Yards (10 yards per point; 3 points at 75 yards; 4 points at 100 yards; 5 points at 125 yards)
Rushing Touchdowns (6)
Receptions (1)
Reception Yards (10 yards per point; 3 points at 75 yards; 4 points at 100 yards; 5 points at 125 yards)
Reception Touchdowns (6)
Return Touchdowns (0)
2-Point Conversions (2)
Fumbles Lost (-2)
Offensive Fumble Return TD (0)
Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)
Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)
Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)
Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4)
Field Goals 50+ Yards (5)
Field Goals Missed 0-19 Yards (-1)
Field Goals Missed 20-29 Yards (-1)
Field Goals Missed 30-39 Yards (-1)
Field Goals Missed 40-49 Yards (-1)
Field Goals Missed 50+ Yards (-1)
Point After Attempt Made (1)
Point After Attempt Missed (-1)
Sack (1)
Interception (1)
Fumble Recovery (1)
Touchdown (6)
Safety (2)
Block Kick (2)
Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns (0)
Points Allowed 0 points (5)
Points Allowed 1-6 points (2)
1. Trout
2. BAR
3. Cinderfella
4. Inspekdah Friday or (monday)
5. Marlo (monday)
6. Tide (monday)
7. TDOT (monday)
8. Believe (monday)
9. True Blue
Go ahead and start sending your money to big al reno... If you dont have his paypal address please shoot me a pm. Once paid I will release the Leauge password and stuff.


If someone doesnt pay or we can muster one more spot we will work you in there.