Ksimp week 4 CFB

Ecu +8 -105 2.5u as a hedge

Ecu was lucky to get away with a few turnovers there but good number for the hedge
.25u for 4.62u houston-15, BG -2.5, FAU -9.5, Gamecocks -14

hold out from Houston and I got a hit there, about shit myself for the FAU game
19-9-4 ATS
12-15 Totals
0-5 ML
7-8 2H or live
9-3 Teaser
11-3 Parlay

+12.54u with the help from the parlay hit and a lot of the ML parlays playing my way. Was watching the VT game with a friend that had VT on the ML with Texas and Arkansas all ML lol so that is the only play on his stupid parlay that hit and he is cheering like an idiot.

Went about even on my totals again between half and full unit plays. Sad because second week in a row I feel like I am ripping up the market on some of those numbers and I was finding ways to get beat. May need to just play a few strong ones next week and keep ripping my sides like I have been. Like the USC U47 that made it even with the jenk. Prob go through and critique my plays
i also bet with a group of friends. we have a little system all propose plays and vote and then passed plays get in. We had BG, Duke, Ball st, BC, Texas, vandy, app st, utah, Trojans so a nice little 7-1-1 day there. May have to go pop a beer and roll one
Went about even on my totals again between half and full unit plays. Sad because second week in a row I feel like I am ripping up the market on some of those numbers and I was finding ways to get beat. May need to just play a few strong ones next week and keep ripping my sides like I have been. Like the USC U47 that made it even with the jenk. Prob go through and critique my plays

Nice fukkin work...keep it rolling.....and not that i need to be giving anyone advice, but just keep rolling and beating the market on the totals and things will turn very well...there is variance, but if you are getting on teh good side of numbers, just keep doing it.....will succeed......
BYU +4.5 & .5u +7-120 just a bad play and being stubborn riding a team, they have spent it all and been in multiple time zones over the last few weeks

VT -6 what an ugly game, ECU always plays them close, but did not expect that

Kansas +13 PUSH ew could have had +14

GaSou -16.5 & -13.5-120(.5 buy) my buy held up and more

Auburn -2.5 so wrong, even the spot didn’t help them. They are terrible on O

Gamecocks -14 LOL

App St. -7 favorite cap of the weekend. Proposed that to my group and caught flak for it lol

BC -4 probably the wrong side there. I felt that I was taking the goods in the first half and as the game progressed it got worse. Though up 10 with 4 minutes left in a game that close is about where you want to be for it.

UCM +28 thank you again sparty

Rice +35.5 yea bad bet there. Glad I made some back on the over but Rice was not able to do near what I thought they would.

OK St -3 PUSH honestly the wrong side but Tejas are clowns

Navy -6.5 1.5u & -7 -105 .5u my other favorite bet of the day. That was just a great play that the group shot down actually as well.

..5u FAU -10 PUSH & 1u -9 ugliest game ever

That is the bulk of my main unit bets that were notable. The totals were a wash probably try to condense that part down for next week and just resist the urge on plays that appear to have value but is still a gamble. Was going to scale down on Teasers and Parlays this week but hit very well there again even hitting the .25 for nearly 5u with the pick 4. All in all a good day.

Stop betting jenky half timers. I did better at the end of the night but lost a lot of half timers, though a few were hedges.

Very happy that I won all of my plays on the sides where I doubled down when the market disagreed with me.

Ok with the ML losses as those are some gambles and one hedge.

The card has been big the last two weeks but this week vs last week you can see me being up a couple units vs being up big and sadly had the potential for more there. Sadly that is how I gamble typically roller coaster with the highs outweighing the lows. Will need to tune it up for the weeks to come.
Nice fukkin work...keep it rolling.....and not that i need to be giving anyone advice, but just keep rolling and beating the market on the totals and things will turn very well...there is variance, but if you are getting on teh good side of numbers, just keep doing it.....will succeed......
truly appreciate the words jimbo, thanks brother! always trying to get better CTG definitely helping that out thanks guys