KJ University Foots

  • Thread starter Thread starter KJ
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BOL KJ - I thought about hitting the BG/Akr over when it opened at BOL but didn't pull the trigger. Think I may be on the sidelines tonight though lean NI a little bit unless something live pops.
Thanks gents, MACtion has been taking a toll on me a little the last couple weeks and sitting out was probably wise and not going crazy here, but I just don't feel like leaving the sofa tonight/watching this garbage. Thought about full game over in Akron and might get involved at half if it plays out to some value...NIU just a flat action bet, hoping they can keep it close.


Getting this one in, typically wait for Saturday for those games but now looks like the rain will subside before game time, and I think, again, this is a statement game. I've watched both teams a lot this year, and let's face it, USC has strung along a nice run, but 4 of 5 were at home. I'm expecting this to be quite a display by what I believe to be the better team, by a lot. Not often the USC QB will be the 2nd best QB in the game, but he is here. And against a very, very good defense, and a splendid secondary...and where do I see USC getting exposed? Over the top...guess who will be doing that in bunches. I'll pay the piper to see the Trojans keep this close.

Washington -9 -110 4*

Getting this one in, typically wait for Saturday for those games but now looks like the rain will subside before game time, and I think, again, this is a statement game. I've watched both teams a lot this year, and let's face it, USC has strung along a nice run, but 4 of 5 were at home. I'm expecting this to be quite a display by what I believe to be the better team, by a lot. Not often the USC QB will be the 2nd best QB in the game, but he is here. And against a very, very good defense, and a splendid secondary...and where do I see USC getting exposed? Over the top...guess who will be doing that in bunches. I'll pay the piper to see the Trojans keep this close.

Washington -9 -110 4*

Nice......good luck KJ....let's get this shit :cheers3:
Leggo jimmy, can't wait for that one.

NC State -7 -120 1.5*
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Only other one before the 1:30 games, those gonna take some time...

Virginia +10 -120 1.5*
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2h Purdue +7 -105
2h Alabama -10.5 -110
2h Cincinnati +3.5 -118
2h Cincinnati ML +170 .5*
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Clemson tt o41.5 -115 2*
VT tt o34 -115
Texas Tech/Ok State o87 -110 3*
UNLV +7.5 -110
Western Kentucky -28 -120
Georgia +10 -120 2*
Army/Notre Dame o56 -110 1.5*
Southern Miss +1 -110
Missouri -3 -125
Oregon +3 -117 1.5*
Oregon ML +120 .5*
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Adding more just cuz, line move lets me get it at a TD at reasonable juice

Washington -7 -125 2*
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Wake/Louisville o57 -110 2*
LSU -7 -110
Marshall +8 -118
Memphis +3.5 -115
Texas A&M -7 -112 1.5*
Nebraska ML -215
Michigan tt u35.5 -105
Oregon St/UCLA o49 -110
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Colorado tt o38.5 -120 1.5*
Air Force -6.5 -117
New Mexico ML -118 2*
Washington St tt o48 -115

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-.29 Saturday, +28.79 ytd

Obviously losing damn near 7 units on Washington was quite a blow, and I still don't know after watching that how good they are...moving the ball easily on the first drive, then a trick play that loses several yards and ultimately stalls the drive. 2nd drive, same thing until a trick play turns into an incomplete pass, and ultimately field goal.

They had everything working offensively and the play calling killed all the momentum, and then UW played right into the USC defensive hands by starting to call a bunch of underneath stuff. Bad Idea. Defensively, they were stout other than the over the middle stuff (which actually was a result of the USC OLine protecting Darnold long enough that eventually SOMETHING had to become open).

Young, fun team to watch but that first half was frustrating, and I had to head out so didn't get to see the 2h but assuming it was more of the same. Kudos to USC for stepping it up last night.
+.35 Tue, +29.14 ytd


2Q Louisville -4 -110 2*
Louisville tt o42 -120
1h Troy -6 -115
-4.55 Thur, +24.59 ytd

:hang: gotta do better, Ville egg layin and tried em in a couple different ways but Houston super bowl was a concern

Iowa/Illinois u45 -118 2*
Wisconsin/Purdue u48 -110
Georgia -21.5 -116
Ohio St/MSU u50 -110 2*
Oklahoma St tt o31.5 -115 3*
NC State +3 -120 1.5*

UVA +10.5 -110
Florida/LSU u37.5 -110
BYU -28.5 -107
Duke/Pitt u61.5 -105 2*

No Utah team total yet but will be on it as well
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Minnesota pk -110
Indiana/Michigan u51 -110

Va Tech +1 -110
Colorado -6 -110 2*
Colorado tt o33 -110
Tulane +15 -113
Mizzou/Tenn o70.5 -115
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Mississippi St ML -115
Clemson tt o35.5 -120
Washington -27 -105
WVU +3 +105 2*
Ole Miss/Vandy u50.5 -105
New Mexico +7 -109
Arizona +3.5 -118
Arizona ML +145 .5*
UCLA +13 -118
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There's the red wall, gotta sake hangover to boot...didn't even watch the games last night, not that I coulda seen em anyway. But I actually liked the card. Wow...

-18.49 Sat, +3.22 ytd

120 Kent St +6 -105
120 Kent St ML +210 .5*
133 NC State +10 -115
136 Memphis +7 -120
124 Missouri +7.5 -107
122 Iowa ML -140 2.5*
127 TCU +3 -105

Back for more in a bit, need some team totals
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158 Indiana -21 -120
164 Kansas St tt o38.5 -125
169 Georgia Tech +4.5 -105
172 Virginia Tech -19 -110
201 UCF +11.5 -105
210 ULaLa +5 -110
210 ULaLa ML +175 .5*

215 1h Michigan/OSU u22.5 -105
151 Syracuse/Pitt o66 -120
151 1h Syracuse/Pitt o35.5 -105 2*
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Appreciate it tee.

Nothing about this game (stats, not watching) says either team will slow down. Ville on the hangover and out to showcase Lamar...and UK seems to be moving the ball at will as well.

175 2h UK/Louisville o37.5 -115 2*
175 2h Louisville tt o24 -120 1.5*
175 2h UK tt o13 -120 1.5*
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154 Iowa St +7.5 -110
165 1h Minnesota/Wisconsin u21.5 -105
174 Alabama -20.5 -110
198 SMU +7 -110
198 SMU ML +230 .5*

213 Miss St +10 -110
218 USC tt o38.5 -120
190 Oregon St +3 -120
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Gonna take some work doggle, hope so.

166 2h Wisconsin -7.5 +108 2*
167 2h Duke tt o10.5 -105 1.5*
197 2h Navy/SMU o35 -105
213 2h Miss St tt o14.5 -115 3*
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144 Clemson tt o38.5 -115 2*
144 Clemson -26 -120
193 Utah/Colorado o53.5 -110
212 1h Vandy +4 -105
212 1h Vandy ML +195 .5*
206 FSU -9 -110
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228 2h Hawaii tt o14.5 -120 1.5*
228 2h UMass/Hawaii o28 +110
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