KJ University Foots

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Ugh, this Cal team off the victory laying this on the road needs to be bet against regardless of the who

Oregon St +13.5 -110 2*
Guess I'll do it, the situation is certainly one I like, ranked team, get taken behind the woodshed and now see how they rebound

UNLV +16.5 -110 2*
+12.55 Sat, +51.80 ytd

It's easy to say what a nice day but man that Stanford game is the one that I'm gonna sleep on, just a misread from that program, and thought UNC would contribute but nope...I really dwell on the bad ones as opposed to appreciating the good ones, I'm sure we all do that to a degree
+12.55 Sat, +51.80 ytd

It's easy to say what a nice day but man that Stanford game is the one that I'm gonna sleep on, just a misread from that program, and thought UNC would contribute but nope...I really dwell on the bad ones as opposed to appreciating the good ones, I'm sure we all do that to a degree
Great season KJ, keep up the fine work....
Thanks cub, tim :beer4:

Great call on ULL the other night, -1.10 Wed, +50.70 ytd


Louisville tt o52 -120 3*

Fully expect Bobby to keep his foot on the gas in front of the home crowd tonight.

Tulane +11.5 -115
Ugh don't usually chase bad bets but going to here, rain and 1h helps the value tremendously imo

2h Louisville tt o21.5 -125 2*
Thanks tee, needing a bit of it this evening it appears.

Fresno St tt u16.5 -125 2*
3Q BYU -.5 -120
That's about right for today, BYU two shots from the 2 yd line and can't get in, time for the 4th :hang:

Thankfully got very lucky with the green wave

Iowa -12 -105
Oklahoma -13.5 -112 2*
Texas Tech tt o41 -125 3*
WVU/TT o83.5 -105
UVA +3.5 -110
UVA ML +160 .5*
GA Southern +10 -103
Obvious why that team total went down before kickoff, oh well. Certainly not a bad beat at least.

North Carolina tt o28.5 -125 2*
North Carolina +6 -110
Northwestern +6 -110
Indiana +3.5 -110
New Mexico +14 -110
Central Michigan +2 -115
Kansas +33.5
Florida St tt o37.5 -115
USC tt o40 -115
Virginia Tech tt o43.5 -120 4*
Going to need a strong 2h from VT I guess :hang:

2h Tennessee +7+105 2*
2h UNM tt o13 -110
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Tulsa +21.5 -105 2.5*
FAU tt o24 -110
Ole Miss -9.5 -115
Stanford/Notre Dame u53 -110
Arizona St +10 -115
Wisconsin +10.5 -110
Wisconsin ML +330 .5*
-14.08 Sat, +32.22 ytd

Deserved it with so many plays although most of the big ones were on some team totals that have treated me well to this point and I will likely lay off them going forward. 20 points from CSU in the 4th quarter after only 3 pts through 3 tells me all I need to know. 2h Tenny trend was slaughtered today as well.
+2.00 Thur, +34.22 ytd


Temple +7 -123 3*
Temple ML +210 .5*
1h Temple +3 -105
1h Temple ML +164 .5*
Cal tt o44.5 -115 4*
+9.87 Fri, +44.09 ytd

Indiana +3 -105
Indiana ML +135 .5*
Iowa +4 -115
Louisville -19.5 -110 3*
UCM/Toledo o62 -115
UMass +20.5 -110
Texas ML -125
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Air Force tt o37.5 -120
Stanford ML -125
Memphis ML +105
Alabama tt o38.5 -125 2*
Tulane +10.5 -110
Missouri -7 -120 3*
Utah +7 -120
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