Killa Curse????

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I was just kidding but I see you're taking it the wrong way. Also, you never know how much money people are betting, so don't start with my dime is worth more than your dime. Regardless if it's a dime or 10 dimes in question. I reckon nobody is betting peanuts here.

Didn't take it the wrong way, but the Mod's here don't like this kind of banter and I didn't start the thread for that reason.
Wasn't trying to say "my dime" is more valuable....
I just know that Killa plays the games for $50 per and I had $500 on it.
Not trying to get in a pissing contest with you so lets just drop it and see if we can somehow pull out a pure ass miracle!!!!!
Didn't take it the wrong way, but the Mod's here don't like this kind of banter and I didn't start the thread for that reason.
Wasn't trying to say "my dime" is more valuable....
I just know that Killa plays the games for $50 per and I had $500 on it.
Not trying to get in a pissing contest with you so lets just drop it and see if we can somehow pull out a pure ass miracle!!!!!

I can't fuckin believe they only scored 41 in the third. Thats fucking brutal, we would be really alive if that quarter was even decent.

The third is where the Jamison absence sunk in.
I can't fuckin believe they only scored 41 in the third. Thats fucking brutal, we would be really alive if that quarter was even decent.

The third is where the Jamison absence sunk in.

Yet the books still didnt adjust the 2H total. This better go over 2H, or I'm gonna be really confused tonight.
Jesus, they were scoring non-stop then it stopped dead. What a tease.
You guys should be focusing more on the score,,,Need pistons to comeback for late fouls + possible ot.

well GL with that, but I've taken my main action at my local (Pinny already adjusted the line and the odds while the local had over 204 @ 2.00) and the local book doesn't accept OT results, just the regular time. :wacka wacka: :down:
Man. Bout 10 pts the last 3 mins. I really thought we had a shot.

We either needed a tight game or a total romp to get this. When Jamison went out, a 115 night for Washington went out the window. And Detroit never showed up for the close game.
If this was a close game they would never stop fouling. But the Stons are just pulling a last gasp try now. Damn.
3Q was a nightmare. This kind of 4th happens in like every Washington game. High 40s woulda been fine for the third. But 41 was just too much ground to make up.
LOL Wizards can't even hit free throws!!!!
1 of last 4 now!!!!
Boy Boy Boy
Killa wasn't the third quarter which fucked up the over in their last encounter as well? You're right, a high 40s would've done it probably.
Maybe it will somehow get to OT now, if Pistons could get a 3 here we have a small shot!!!!
Daniels is such a scrub....
Goes to the line up 5 and misses both :)
Prince got the look. He makes it, we prolly win. He missed. We had our shot.
Wow we get this if Wash makes there freebies.
I have 204 so I have no chance.
LOOL how fcuked up can you be. We need a 67 point quarter, they pull up a 65 point one. LOL :D.

Oh well.