
aka "The New Hotness"
Posted YTD Record = 5-1 :shake:

Sup Fellas!

Today is another day to make units! What could be better!

Looks like Kid325i incorporated is ending the season in fine form! After a scare in the first half yesterday, it was a beautiful 72 point second half for another easy cover. Hope you guys played that one big like I did! I pounded that baby! :cheers:

Today Kid325i is back with another "Gem". This one is so juicy I've got my runner out in Vegas "Slick Ivan" making a special stop at the MGM Sportsbooks! Lets just say it's not packets of peanuts that he's gonna be carrying in that suitcase! Boy would I hate to be the Sportsbook manager at the MGM right now knowing that Kid325i is about to take them for all they're worth!

Today the play is............................

The Magic Act/ Buck Rodgers......................."UNDER"...................198.5

No Rashard Lewis? No Hedo Turk? No Redd? No Bogut? No problems!!!! money;Bucks have been throwing up some healthy point totals recently but that should come to an end today against the Dwight Howard show. Toss in a major lack of any sort of perimeter offense for either team, and this one looks like it could be "A Doozy"! Look for the Magic to play hard this one with a strong defensive effort, before they go on sabbatical for the last game of the season.

Remember................as Kid325i always says "Good Luck........and Good Gambling!"

Remember................as Kid325i also always says "BOOM!"

Lets get that cash fellas! :cheers:
Conspiracy theory time. Vegas Kyle is gone today. Now there is some cat named "Slick Ivan" running for the kid.

Think about it.
"Boy would I hate to be the Sportsbook manager at the MGM right now knowing that Kid325i is about to take them for all they're worth!"

ahh priceless i love it
It's Kid325i's official One Week Anniversary on CTG.com!
This also coincides with my Hundredth post here! What a week it was!:cheers:

"When Google first started they paid their employees with paper-clips. Now the guy that scrubbed the toilets is worth a Billion Five. Who's with me!"

good luck- looks like a winner to me my friend---

Like the confidence that is what you need to win in this game.
good health. i think it's gonna be a track meet with little defense. i can see a lot of bench guys getting extra PT and trying to take advantage.

nice run otherwise.
Sup Fellas!

What else can you say but "BOOM"! Looks like another easy cash for Kid325i aka "The Dragon Slayer!" Just got off the phone with "Slick Ivan" and he's getting on a plane at McCarran right now with a suitcase filled with many stacks of high society! Lets just say that the MGM won't be booking any of my action for quiet a while! Oh Well! Guess I'll just go back to beating up on "The Local"!

Posted YTD Record = 6-1:shake:

Hope you guys played this one Big like I suggested! I know I pounded that Baby!

Back tomorrow with more as the Kid325i Express keeps on trucking to Profit City. :cheers:

"When Google first started they paid their employees with paper clips. Now the guy that scrubbed the toilets is worth a Billion Five. Who's with me!"

Lets get that Cash Fellas!:cheers:

Good win. The above comment was deleted. It wasn't needed. There are always people on both sides of a game.

Goodluck tomorrow.
Good win. The above comment was deleted. It wasn't needed. There are always people on both sides of a game.

Goodluck tomorrow.

Granted. I just put it there b/c that guy came into my thread and discredited a pick that I had already made. :shake:
Granted. I just put it there b/c that guy came into my thread and discredited a pick that I had already made. :shake:

I just read the comment. I think it's like any other post on many forums with a "good health" comment. There is always a reason for both sides somewhere.

Keep up the nice run.
Health to ya Kid ! Hope somebody is watchn out after him ,if not im lookn for a job. Make sure he crosses the street ok..
Thats what I like to see, unlimited CONFIDENCE and swaggart, when you can pick winners you can be cocky and anything you want to be--

Keep it up 325i and maybe you will run into Turbo Sammy 497E Class

Tell Large Julius I said " Sup " , ya dig .


Glad you got a new place to hang homie ..... Hope they are treating you nice over here ..... :cheers:

Oh and Kid hypeness ..... Marlo's got your back . He's good people . :cheers:
Haha...my daughter loves that book...

fell off the coconut tree!


Great choice! She has good taste.

How can you not like it... its catchy and rhymey and just fun.

Like it so much I actually had BAR read it aloud to us last week, as me, marlo, and ETG sat in a circle and listened intently.:really_happy: