Posted YTD Record = 5-1 :shake:
Sup Fellas!
Today is another day to make units! What could be better!
Looks like Kid325i incorporated is ending the season in fine form! After a scare in the first half yesterday, it was a beautiful 72 point second half for another easy cover. Hope you guys...
ban steed
bar who
because of kid i hate emoticons
can we trade sammy and kid to covers for cash?
go over to blankets!!!!
i find myself actually rooting for him to lose
i've never hated someone i had not met before
in kid we trust
its kidover right now
kid clearly adds his own self-love tags boom!
kid couldn't hold bar's jock
kid hearts wallstreet
kidstopaddingthesefaketagskid's act is already annoying and he's 6-1
kid's getting way too much love
kid's style is more annoying than hemorroids
kid's style makes me want to gauge my eyes out
kid325 killed sup bro
kid325i makes the world a safer place!!!!
kid325i volunteers for the homeless!
mgm shares plummet
please kid go to covers where you belong!!
pounding babies - america's next dilemma
reinstate bill ivey
scott baio eats ass almonds boom!
slick ivan is the name of kid's vibrator
thank god he's winning b/c he's sure gay
we did the kid prayer yesterday
yesterday kid rose from the dead