Kentucky Derby 2021

Small p5 to start:

Leg 1: 1, 4, 6, 9
Leg 2: 8, 10, 11
Leg 3: 4
Leg 4: 6, 10
Leg 5: 8, 11
Bets (48) Amount: $0.50Total: $24
Ticket #: 94753537987596
Placed At: 05-01-2021 10:16 am
Odd I don't see that or the next post but I see the Chinese plays and the "What a Saturday" a few moments ago...
Ah, I'm a novice on Twitter b/c it's mainly filled with cry baby snowflakes.

But I just clicked on "tweets and replies". Game changer!
Irad seeing the ball clearly in race 1 could be an incredible sign today!

But I'm a cry baby snowflake!
I don't mean liberals - I mean a lot of them are - but half-human half slob troll creatures who comment on everything under the sun with 3 followers
I don't mean liberals - I mean a lot of them are - but half-human half slob troll creatures who comment on everything under the sun with 3 followers
I was able to get 3k followers in 2 years there, then wiped out. Have chosen to not go back.
And that's why I'm easing in....thought 6 of 12 had a shot and none finished in the top 3. These early races are some brain busters.
3 bucks

And funny but our first big outing was 8 years ago down at Churchill... Rainstorm...

What a day
Pretty sure I've said way worse here than what Twitter kicked me to the curb for which is odd

I had some pretty influential followers. What a weird deal, would think they'd do the "check yourself" first
Pretty sure I've said way worse here than what Twitter kicked me to the curb for which is odd

I had some pretty influential followers. What a weird deal, would think they'd do the "check yourself" first

You drunkenly liked a Donald Trump tweet by mistake.
Race 3 Pick 3 - 4,7,8 / 1,4,6,9,12 / 2,3,5

8 is stretching out of a good first effort, hope he likes the distance

4th race should have a hot pace, favoring pressers and closers there in a jockey's race

5th race doesn't have much pace and a lot of horses that have struggle to keep up in the stretch, hard to argue with Todd's horse, although #3 gets blinkers so he may set the early pace. Best closer is the 2.
Scouting the undercard

Race 6 - Chad Brown has two in this stake (2&6) which usually means he wants the win, but both are making their season debuts and after yesterday I'm reluctant to chase. 4 & 5 are both very capable at the distance.

Race 7 - Gamine is going to be the most well bet horse of the weekend. Slim chance for 3 if Gamine gets some pressure, which doesn't look likely.
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