Kapernick on the 6

I figured it out...

Oh Twink why you watching that garbage?

Methinks you have a lil thing for Sparty Jemele...
I figured it out...

Oh Twink why you watching that garbage?

Methinks you have a lil thing for Sparty Jemele...


on in the background

the hosts essentially took a political approach to Kap

really bizaare stuff
No one owes this guy anything
in fact, him saying he won't kneel anymore makes him look like a pussy and didn't really believe in what he was doing
guy was 1-10 last year

NFL isn't a public place to work
reap what you sow

media ain't gonna swing a team into taking him

and the public media campaign is a joke
I don't know his demands and I don't think he's a great QB, but he would be a real good backup for a team

Maybe hes asking for too money who knows

Not shocked those two basing it all on a conspiracy about politics or race, that's all they talk about
I would love him as backup here, works out in AZ and has a pretty good working relationship with Warner and the staff

Surprised it's a thing
Has there been a Kap thread?

Besides this? You can kill dogs and fight them and run a dog fighting enterprise and go to jail....and STILL play (Mike Vick)

You can be implicated in a murder and still go on and play and go to the HOF (Ray Lewis)

You can take a "stand" for whatever the fuck you believe in and still play......IF you can still play, and NOT suck (Colin Kaepernick)
Kaep's career went downhill when he decided not to run anymore. Remember those games against GB where he took off and just kept running into the end zone? Every since then he has sucked. Run the fucking ball. You're not that great a passer. Combined he can be effective.

But agree, he's not owed anything. Lower your price tag and perform better. That's what he needed to do to get a job.
Kaep's career went downhill when he decided not to run anymore. Remember those games against GB where he took off and just kept running into the end zone? Every since then he has sucked. Run the fucking ball. You're not that great a passer. Combined he can be effective.

But agree, he's not owed anything. Lower your price tag and perform better. That's what he needed to do to get a job.

If only he could throw the slant with some efficiency.
btw fuk Spike Lee as well and who ever is organizing a support rally for this puss!

you suck at football, bottom line! you has one great year and nothing else. you fukn suck!
I think its a tricky situation

I think it's debatable that he's a top 32 QB going forward for a team, i.e is a top 32 talent yes, but there's maybe 10-15 teams that are playing young guys or who want to suck (Jets) who he wont help

So of those 15ish teams that want to win now, him not being on them I have no problem with

so then the question becomes will he be a backup, the thing a ton of people dont mention is the situation has to fit, money and scheme

Seattle seemed perfect, the area is very liberal, the ownership and coaching staff/GM seem to be as well, and he's somewhat similar to Russ (they could play the same scheme). So I dont know why that didnt happen unless Money was an issue

Id love if Kaep would basically call people's bluffs and say he'd take league minimum to be a backup next year, but for all we know he asked for a bunch of money they wanted to allocated somewhere else than backup QB. I wish that would come out because i think it's his contract demands that are the issue
I want him here as backup as opposed to Stanton or now Gabbert. Every day of the week I want Kap.

Will never happen cuz 'Merica....fuck this mess. You want him as your backup too.
Dude spent 2 months working w/Kurt Warner, I'm quite certain he's capable, Warner said so. This is strictly political, and it's ridiculous. Someone will get a steal once they can deal with it.
Saying it's strictly political isn't true

If Kap hasn't done the stuff last year and no one has signed him yet no one would be raising this much shit

Him as a backup to Palmer would be disastrous, they would need to change they entire offense. You go from a deep ball pocket passer to keep who can't win if he stays in the pocket, and only kept the turnovers down lately because he refused to take risky throws

Crabtree signed in Oakland and immediately said he was thankful to have a decent qb. Kaep almost ended his career, and now he's a top 15-20 guy I'm the league

This is an at best slightly below average qb
Actually I've misused the term political, my apologies because I agree to some degree

My opinion is that virtually every owner is fine with the "whatever" last year but fears the fallout from the fan base, the circus so to speak. It will be real and a ton for a back up QB....but he's more than capable to do it, even in the pocket. Look what he's been surrounded with....it's been a disaster in SF for years, the talent on that team at the skill positions. I would absolutely take him in a heartbeat over our back ups and firmly believe in Drew Stanton, who's been with Arians forever and now Gabbert who looked like Montana in the HOF game. But gimme Kap 10 outta 10 times and a decent coach makes that work....problem is the periphery bullshit.
So do you think thetheres a possibility like I mentioned it's a money thing like I said
I keep coming back to Seattle

They would get praised for signing him in the pnw, I can't think of a better fit in location and scheme

So why didn't it happen
Samething happened to Tebow. They're both average and cause distractions as backup QBs. Backup QBs need to be like officials or umpires. They need to go unnoticed to be affective.
teed I don't know the answer, I do know I don't want him in Seattle

I'll say this, just got off a call with a family member discussing this and my brain works way differently than some....if Palmer goes down, I don't want a worse version of him as the backup which is what we have and have had. And I like Stanton, knows Arians' system to a tee, but how far do you go with a worse version of Palmer?

I'm more into the mind of throwing the change up and Kap can create time for the ridiculous speed these receivers have to get open. Now whether he hits them, that's another story. But I'd hope a great coach can manage the change up...and would make it way more difficult for the opposition to prepare if it were to happen.
it was hot for a minute and the defenses caught up

Cam is a one of one

and more skilled by a mile

Even Cam has to change though, CK couldn't hit that 6-7 yard slant to keep defenses honest and at some point the tackles take a toll on a zone read guy.
Anybody that had an opinion about CK being blackballed without discussing his zone read skill set is clearly obtuse or a troll. Their future opinions should be considered in a similar light.
Heres the bottom line on Kaepernick. I think hes fine, hes not a terrible qb, there are worse players in the league than him. I have zero problem with whoever kneels for the anthem and frankly I could not care less. I do think that the socks with the pig cops and that shit is garbage. But teams do not have to sign anybody if they don't feel his presence will be a positive impact on the team, and people need to accept that and get over it.

Nobody is going to sign him if a backup gets hurt because you don't want a backup QB brining a media circus. Plus, if he is your backup, the second the starter throws a pick they'll have to deal with the "should CK get a chance to start now or is the coach racist?" takes.

Teams like the Jets and Browns, who he would undoubtedly improve, don't want him because he may actually win a few games and cost the franchise a shot at Darnold or Allen.

I do, however, think that if a team in the playoff hunt loses their QB, he could get signed. Hes not a bad player. I actually would sign him right now if I were Denver. I think he makes Denver a playoff contender. Trevor Siemian does not. You could argue Jacksonville too, but Henne knows the system and has chemistry and is better than Siemian.

TLDR: CK is not signed because there is not a situation where he would make sense, but if a team with legit playoff hopes loses a QB, I do think he will be on a roster.
shady said it best, which others have said but nice for an NFL player to actually do it

hes not good enough for the distraction

Like Dan said above and a few others have mentioned as well, the bad teams don't want him, as he might be good enough to get them from 4 wins to 6 wins which is just middling
I'll try to keep it simple, I'd love him as a backup for one reason...I want my backup to change the game and Kap would be a complete opposite of Palmer. No need for a lesser version of the starter, a great coach (I think Arians is) can throw the curveball and make teams completely adjust. That's my logic and I know it's not conventional but I really would like to see the B team be completely different than the A team.
Good job by the girlfriend


"We were going to close the deal to sign him," Lewis said on Showtime's "Inside the NFL" on Tuesday night. "Steve Bisciotti said, 'I want to hear Colin Kaepernick speak to let me know that he wants to play football.'"

"And it never happens because that picture comes up the next day."

The Aug. 2 tweet by Nessa Diab compared a picture of Lewis hugging Bisciotti to a scene from "Django Unchained," in which Samuel L. Jackson as a loyal house slave held Leonardo DiCaprio's cruel plantation owner character.

"His girl [Diab] goes out and put out this racist gesture and doesn't know we are in the back office about to try to get this guy signed," Lewis said. "Steve Bisciotti has said it himself: 'How can you crucify Ray Lewis when Ray Lewis is the one calling for Colin Kaepernick?'"

Lewis was asked whether the Ravens would have signed Kaepernick if not for the tweet.

"Then he's flying him to Baltimore," Lewis said. "I am sitting with all three of them and we are all having a conversation about bringing Colin Kaepernick in."
Good job by the girlfriend


"We were going to close the deal to sign him," Lewis said on Showtime's "Inside the NFL" on Tuesday night. "Steve Bisciotti said, 'I want to hear Colin Kaepernick speak to let me know that he wants to play football.'"

"And it never happens because that picture comes up the next day."

The Aug. 2 tweet by Nessa Diab compared a picture of Lewis hugging Bisciotti to a scene from "Django Unchained," in which Samuel L. Jackson as a loyal house slave held Leonardo DiCaprio's cruel plantation owner character.

"His girl [Diab] goes out and put out this racist gesture and doesn't know we are in the back office about to try to get this guy signed," Lewis said. "Steve Bisciotti has said it himself: 'How can you crucify Ray Lewis when Ray Lewis is the one calling for Colin Kaepernick?'"

Lewis was asked whether the Ravens would have signed Kaepernick if not for the tweet.

"Then he's flying him to Baltimore," Lewis said. "I am sitting with all three of them and we are all having a conversation about bringing Colin Kaepernick in."

Again......say what you want. You are free to do so. But No One Owes You Shit........it is a private company. It is amazing this bullshit.
I echo what Shady says as well, if he was THAT good he would be on a team right now. Not worth it. Not owed shit. And like it or not, I would have to say that a good clip better than 50% of the NFL fans out there think Kap is a piece of shit and don't want him on their team. You of course can argue free speech and what have you, but the fact of the matter is the fans don't want him, coaches don't want the distraction and either do other players. They want to win football games.