Kansas State coaching job


Pretty much a regular
A lot of rumors flying around the Rivals message board but its sounding like the job is going to be between Gary Patterson and Bill Snyder. Snyder sounds like the backup plan if GP won't leave TCU. Would be interesting to see Bill back on the sidelines.
Only Kansas State fans think that it is a decent job. This is a gambling forum go back to the fan site.
dapook no need dude...none at all actaully..the info is appreciated and your post was classles...

Keep those type of posts off these boards and at your particular fan site.
After watching Patterson fuck up that game last night, how comfortable would K State be with having him? I know everyone likes to blame the kicker, but he had at least 8-9 opportunities to put points on the board (and effectively put the game away) and he did not with conservative playcalling and some boneheaded decisions.

Isn't Snyder in his 70s? Would it really be a good idea to bring him back?
It's official.....Gary Patterson is the new Head Coach of Kansas State. I couldn't be happier
guess snyder pulled at his heart strings and wallet strings.

His family and he loved fortworth from what i have heard and the move is lateral at best ..... lets face it.

nice get for kansas state ... bad move by patterson imo.
first of all this this post is meaningless in a gambling forum. Second Patterson denies he is the next coach at a terrible program. third this post need to go back to powercat.com or over to covers. This type of post is beneath this site so ban me or fuck off.
1) For a coach to go from a top-tier Mountain West Conference team to even a lower-tier BIG-12 team IS DEFINITELY an upward move, not a lateral move. Just ask Art Briles who went from a good Conference USA team (Houston) to a terrible BIG-12 team (Baylor).

2) It is not official that Patterson has accepted the job and he's not real happy about the report that he's leaving TCU. Let's not jump the gun on this one.

first of all this this post is meaningless in a gambling forum. Second Patterson denies he is the next coach at a terrible program. third this post need to go back to powercat.com or over to covers. This type of post is beneath this site so ban me or fuck off.

Are you serious? Guy w/ 22 posts comes on here bashing for posting some news on a slow Friday........send this guy back to blankets where he belongs.

I didn't know they had internet in Boonville, MO
This type of post is beneath this site so ban me or fuck off.
says the guy with a "your mom" avatar whos no older than 18.

first of all this this post is meaningless in a gambling forum.
yeah, information about whos going to be coaching a football team next
year, is completely meaningless to a foootball handicapping forum

youre obviously a SAF anyways, go back to blankets or RX
my money's on Patterson here...

It does sound very viable because he's been a hot name in coaching for quite a while, but until a major sports news channel/website like espn reports it, we have to wait and see. Even then it might not be true. So far, it just sounds like someone within the K-State athletic dept might have leaked it out.

Remember, Kirk Hebstreit of espn reported that Les Miles was leaving LSU for Michigan the morning of the SEC Championship last season, and we all know how that turned out.
well as a clemson man, i can't say i'm happy about this. He was near the top of my wish list.

anyways....great hire for you guys. seems like a natural fit.
Lots of stuff flying around right now, but as of now Patterson & KSU both deny any hiring. Not saying it won't happen, but nothing as of yet.
1) For a coach to go from a top-tier Mountain West Conference team to even a lower-tier BIG-12 team IS DEFINITELY an upward move, not a lateral move. Just ask Art Briles who went from a good Conference USA team (Houston) to a terrible BIG-12 team (Baylor).

2) It is not official that Patterson has accepted the job and he's not real happy about the report that he's leaving TCU. Let's not jump the gun on this one.


i wouldn't compare a top tier mwc team to a top tier cusa team but thats just me. i see your point though .. it's the same point i make in regards to turner gil going to syracuse. just saying with tcu he is more likely to make bcs games than with kstate over the next decade. just my opinion.

he is going ot find the sledding different if he goes to kstate. patterson is a great recruiter in texas but that is going to be a lot harder to recruit to kstate , hence the reason they have relied on juco's for as long as i can remember.

without knowing the finances , i would rather have the tcu job. plus he gets to live in texas and not kansas...........
vegaskyle: i wouldn't compare a top tier mwc team to a top tier cusa team but thats just me. i see your point though .. it's the same point i make in regards to turner gil going to syracuse. just saying with tcu he is more likely to make bcs games than with kstate over the next decade. just my opinion.

Well he hasn't made a BCS game with TCU yet so perhaps he sees the chance as the same at both schools, but Bill Snyder took Kansas St to BCS bowls while no one has taken TCU to any BCS bowls, not even Dennis Franchione who was preceded Patterson at TCU.

he is going ot find the sledding different if he goes to kstate. patterson is a great recruiter in texas but that is going to be a lot harder to recruit to kstate , hence the reason they have relied on juco's for as long as i can remember.

Yes, he'll probably have to go the Juco route and recruit more of the midwest. Remember, he only has to worry about being the best team in the BIG-12 North, which is a obviously a much different animal than the BIG-12 South is.

without knowing the finances , i would rather have the tcu job. plus he gets to live in texas and not kansas..........

I presume Dallas/Fort Worth is nice, but as you mentioned we don't know the finances but I'm guessing it's a huge spike in salary and he'll be able to afford the nicest part of Manhattan, KS, whatever that is.
Yes, he'll probably have to go the Juco route and recruit more of the midwest. Remember, he only has to worry about being the best team in the BIG-12 North, which is a obviously a much different animal than the BIG-12 South is.

this is a good point. get to the big12 title game and all will be good there and you have to wonder if kansas and missouri are flashes in the pan for a few seasons before order is restored. And while colorado has made recruiting strides with hawkins it has not yet paid dividends on the field.

Sort of looks to me like nebraska will be the major player from the big12 north over the next decade.
i would agree that tcu has more interest than ksu bc of being in texas and not manhattan. But manhattan isnt such a piece of shit that many seem to think that it is. It is just not a big city with a lot of money