Justin Tucker

Gotta say I'm a bit beyond shocked. One of the last ones I'd think of. Charges go way back, 10+ years. Always seems weird when it's that long. But there's no defending being an unbridled creep and there's plenty of ammo that says Tucker is just that. Just wow.

I'm volunteering to console. Hard to imagine needing much more comfort when you've got this waiting.

Again, wow, on multiple levels.

Meh it's a rub n tug

I'd be shocked at any professional player in any sport that didn't. The six at once thing is always a red flag. Like army ants. That's liberal me talking.
Meh it's a rub n tug

I'd be shocked at any professional player in any sport that didn't. The six at once thing is always a red flag. Like army ants. That's liberal me talking.

Yeah, this isn't Deshaun Watson stuff.

Looking for a pay day.

Easy to get a boner during a massage.
He was continuously moving his hips,” she said. “Moving his penis, wiggling it, making it bounce, undoing the drapes.”
The dude just nuts easy I guess. Being a kicker, you have to get those inner thighs worked.