Jordan & LeBron


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I Have Jordan & LeBron w/ 3 avg NBA role players on my team.

You play GM of your team..
Your team consists of 2 avg NBA role players and ANY 3 players you would like.

Who would you take
and can you beat me in 7gm series?

I can beat you. I will have to think some more but the center position could destroy you if your role player is just that ... a role player. I would have to decide which Center based on how my team is made up.
I can beat you. I will have to think some more but the center position could destroy you if your role player is just that ... a role player. I would have to decide which Center based on how my team is made up.

This really isn't how winning works.

I would much rather have Jordan/Pippen than Lebron/Jordan.

Only one ball. I'd rather have arguably the best defender to Jordan (Pippen) who is content playing off the ball and guarding anyone.

Lebron is pretty worthless as a knock down jump shooter. Pippen far superior.

After all that combination was arguably undefeated for 8 years.
Pippen/Jordan DIDN'T lose to anyone...

Yeap. Sometimes less is more. When you have MJ you don't need a LBJ. I'd much rather take probably the best 40 minute/game role player of all-time. Which made him an all-time great.
They had a tremendous supporting cast...

Steve Kerr?
Jed Buschler?
Luc Longley?
Bill Wellington?
Ron Harper?
BJ Armstrong?
Stacey King?

Kukoc was the only player in his prime who played alongside Pippen/Jordan.

Grant arguably was in his prime.

Rodman WAY past it.
Steve Kerr?
Jed Buschler?
Luc Longley?
Bill Wellington?
Ron Harper?
BJ Armstrong?
Stacey King?

Kukoc was the only player in his prime who played alongside Pippen/Jordan.

Grant arguably was in his prime.

Rodman WAY past it.

Kerr very good
Harper reinvented himself after knee injury
rodman still in prime
Steve Kerr?
Jed Buschler?
Luc Longley?
Bill Wellington?
Ron Harper?
BJ Armstrong?
Stacey King?

Kukoc was the only player in his prime who played alongside Pippen/Jordan.

Grant arguably was in his prime.

Rodman WAY past it.

Thought it was Sky King actually.
Not sure who you are considering role players
dumars as my 2

Sorry but HOF guys are not role players. I would say league average guys, the 15th-16th best player at his position in the league. From this years Finals guys like Mozgov, Bogut, Green, Barnes, Shumpert, JR Smith....those are def role players.
Sorry but HOF guys are not role players. I would say league average guys, the 15th-16th best player at his position in the league. From this years Finals guys like Mozgov, Bogut, Green, Barnes, Shumpert, JR Smith....those are def role players.

Ya - gotcha

ron harper
Bobby Jones
this is kind of silly....

just say, who do you want to start your 2015 team off with?

Jordan in his prime or Lebron...

Lebron means more to a franchise then Jordan does, it remains to be seen which will mean more to an nba finals team in crunch time. If Lebron can get to 6 rings, I think a lot of doubters will have to start coming over. Bron does so much more with so much less. He took a group of scrubs to the finals @ Cleveland before the Miami move. The dropoff in games won was over 40 the next season.

Lebron's presence means nba finals appearance, Lebron's absence means you're gonna miss the playoffs.
Jordan's presence meant 6 rings for Chicago, but the year he missed in the middle, they were still a playoff team so it's really hard to judge.
This really isn't how winning works.

I would much rather have Jordan/Pippen than Lebron/Jordan.

Only one ball. I'd rather have arguably the best defender to Jordan (Pippen) who is content playing off the ball and guarding anyone.

Lebron is pretty worthless as a knock down jump shooter. Pippen far superior.

After all that combination was arguably undefeated for 8 years.
i agree w/ you on LBJ not being a great shooter but if Jordan and LBJ did play together I think both their personalities and overall game would go together perfectly. (Granted you could put almost anyone w/ Jordan and win)
MJ would dominate on both ends and LBJ would rebound and assist MJ w/ ease.
Very hard to argue the Pippen/Jordan run
I like what you did here, you have a all-time great center that I may have trouble defending , you have a all-time great shooter and A point guard/forward/Center all in one this will be a tough series To win.
But I would love to watch it
this is kind of silly....

just say, who do you want to start your 2015 team off with?

Jordan in his prime or Lebron...

Lebron means more to a franchise then Jordan does, it remains to be seen which will mean more to an nba finals team in crunch time. If Lebron can get to 6 rings, I think a lot of doubters will have to start coming over. Bron does so much more with so much less. He took a group of scrubs to the finals @ Cleveland before the Miami move. The dropoff in games won was over 40 the next season.

Lebron's presence means nba finals appearance, Lebron's absence means you're gonna miss the playoffs.
Jordan's presence meant 6 rings for Chicago, but the year he missed in the middle, they were still a playoff team so it's really hard to judge.
Who would I want to start my team with?
Jordan hands-down. Wouldn't think twice about it
I think I would go power in the middle and clog the lane for their driving ... so for me ....

Shaq (There are a couple centers i prefer as players but I like Shaq for the matchups against Jordan/Lebron
Role Players:
Hersey Hawkins
Michael Cooper

Thought here is simple. McHale has the post up moves, Shaq is impossible for a role player center to guard and he clogs up the middle for the drives of lebron, Magic for his versatility, leadership and ability to distribute both on the move and in the post .. though this will be a slow paced team obviously ... for my role players I took Hawkins because in his prime he could just flat out shoot the three ball but i dont think we could ever consider him more than a role player and I need to have a three ball shooting player when they collapse down on either of my post presences, and Cooper I am mainly adding for his defense but get the added benefit of a decent three point shooter in spot up situations ... he also is battle tested in crunch time.

Not saying I could necessarily beat Jordan in his prime championship years with this team no matter who his teammates were but it sets up nicely. Problem is that it is a guards game now .... so it depends on the rules they are playing by too .... I didn't think this over too much .. i am pretty sure i need to attack the post with whatever team i formed because it is impossible to find role players who can defend the elite bigs of nba history and it is the perfect answer for what lebron specifically likes to do which is drive the lane. Jordan can't be stopped so not sure i should get cooper to defend him ... i might be better off going offense with that role player.
I think I would go power in the middle and clog the lane for their driving ... so for me ....

Shaq (There are a couple centers i prefer as players but I like Shaq for the matchups against Jordan/Lebron
Role Players:
Hersey Hawkins
Michael Cooper

Thought here is simple. McHale has the post up moves, Shaq is impossible for a role player center to guard and he clogs up the middle for the drives of lebron, Magic for his versatility, leadership and ability to distribute both on the move and in the post .. though this will be a slow paced team obviously ... for my role players I took Hawkins because in his prime he could just flat out shoot the three ball but i dont think we could ever consider him more than a role player and I need to have a three ball shooting player when they collapse down on either of my post presences, and Cooper I am mainly adding for his defense but get the added benefit of a decent three point shooter in spot up situations ... he also is battle tested in crunch time.

Not saying I could necessarily beat Jordan in his prime championship years with this team no matter who his teammates were but it sets up nicely. Problem is that it is a guards game now .... so it depends on the rules they are playing by too .... I didn't think this over too much .. i am pretty sure i need to attack the post with whatever team i formed because it is impossible to find role players who can defend the elite bigs of nba history and it is the perfect answer for what lebron specifically likes to do which is drive the lane. Jordan can't be stopped so not sure i should get cooper to defend him ... i might be better off going offense with that role player.

Three Lakies; well done. You're evolving quite nicely.

Only argument might be McHale; why not take Akeem? He could do everything McHale could, just a little bit better.
I specifically avoided Akeem. I consider him finesse. I would go Malone maybe over McHale to get a better fast break and to have a big body ... but I needed a white guy to keep my fans in Boston and SLC. But I wouldn't take too much issue with playing two centers (something Akeem is used to anyway).
I wouldn't put Karl Malone on my team because he is a dick. He might as well be your white guy.
I wouldn't put Karl Malone on my team because he is a dick. He might as well be your white guy.

Didn't realize he was a dick.

I briefly considered Kobe as one of my two role players but didn't want to have to find a replacement if a rape trial occurred mid-series and Shaq told me that as big as he is, he couldn't survive being run over by a bus multiple times.
LOL, I dislike Kobe only slightly less than you. He's a bigger dick than Karl and much more...
LeBron is great and a long term Top 10 of all time, maybe Top 5 by the time he is done. But please don't forget how he got his first rings. On a team with 2 other superstars at there peak.

Jordan had Pippen, at top 50 all time guy and beyond that he won with 2 different sets of PG's, PF's and C's. That is a big difference.

No one played like Jordan, no one. Kobe modeled his game after Jordan and was a similar type player but that is about it.

I would never start a team without Jordan as my #1 pick. Ever.
Another note, LeBron is soft. He cries maybe more than anyone all time. Put him playing in the early 90's and the shit defenses were allowed to get away with and he folds like a little bitch.
Another note, LeBron is soft. He cries maybe more than anyone all time. Put him playing in the early 90's and the shit defenses were allowed to get away with and he folds like a little bitch.

But overall, society has become soft.. no? I honestly think social media is big contributing factor in this.
Jordan was a stone cold assassin, the best of the best. But he couldn't do what Lebron is doing now with this team. He just didn't have the same skill set.
Tremendous? Really? Please name the players from either 3peat run and tell me why they are " tremendous."

Kukoc- A great player at 6'11" who was a stretch 4 before that term existed. - also a very good passer with a high IQ for the game
Horace Grant - big man, post threat, solid defense
Rodman - love em or hate em- he did his job - defense, rebounds, getting under the skin of opposition.
Kerr - A very good ball handler, high iq, low turnovers, very good shooter.
Harper - A great scorer who changed his game to win - played great defense and developed into a very good PG.
Paxson - see kerr
Cartwright- a big guy who knew his role and did it well..

Tremendous might be too strong of a word...
Individually maybe not be world beaters but as a role players for championship teams. I think were all very good, certainly in comparison to some of Lebrons teammates in Cleveland, now and before..
Another note, LeBron is soft. He cries maybe more than anyone all time. Put him playing in the early 90's and the shit defenses were allowed to get away with and he folds like a little bitch.

Was soft. Mentally. Hasn't been the case for several years now. Physically he gets hacked on like Shaq did back in the day but is suppose to take it due to being physically superior to everyone.

And the First bulls 3-peat Grant was playing all-star level basketball, was hardly a role player.