Jon Lester Cheating???


Pretty much a regular
[video] 528Brj.LUoRGobHAodjOzEk6Zq8.upSO2BM2nVSoPV7c_GwH.W xh4w6cAbvc.mp4?versionId=NnWAZRxOuKJQGG5x7sCPQlSwu ru1otaX[/video]
In any event, whether St Louis thinks he cheated or not they will ask the ump to check him at a very opportune time next game he starts just to try and throw him off. GL
Tony La Russa loved trying to get into the heads of the opposition. What's next? Wainwright accusing fans of making him let a little league popup drop in front of him? He's lucky Big Pappy's grand slam was robbed or he'd be looking at an earlier shower.

it's only cheating when it's not a BoSox doing it, lol. (kinda like with Papi and PEDs.)

seriously...even though Lester was caught, it's not that big of a deal. Waino will of course speak along those lines if he does anything remotely similar. (it's not just the union mentality.) reason being is that most pitchers do something to alter their grip on the ball. it's just a fact...and you hear all kinds of justifications, but with only half truths...whether it's sunscreen, pine tar, something combined with rosin, whatever.

like PEDs power up a swing, or help someone recover, or whatever the fuck they do...making one finger slippery or sticky enhances the pitch, bottom line. you don't know what you're talking about, like BC most of the time, if you believe otherwise...and/or you haven't tried it while pitching.

that said, believe it or not, i've got no problem with Lester last night. just a drop in the bucket of what really goes on, and doesn't get noticed. besides, if swings are being enhanced, as an ex-pitcher, why not pitches? shit works both ways...if you're not cheating, you're not trying kind of applies.

anyhow, the Cards need to worry about the vaseline in their fielding gloves. if they don't get that fixed, beltran back in the lineup,'ll be quick, even with the better pitchers.

back to Lester though. i get a chuckle at most of the crap being posted online...whether justifying it, or trying to condemn most comments are simply ill-informed. (not talking ctg...just other sites where i've seen video/pics/comments today.)
that said...the tell-tale picture is actually of Lester adjusting the back of his hat last night. he uses his available left hand, but clearly lifts the index finger so it won't come in contact with his hat or hair.
if he was just worried about his grip in the cold, and batter's safety, he'd treat both fingers...index and middle...the same way in that action. there would be no reason to go out of his way to keep his index finger from coming in contact with the back of his head.

significant movement, like on a cutter, is not just created by how/where you grip the ball...but also by how/where the pressure of one finger over the other finger grips the ball...including thumb placement on the opposite side of the ball/grip. i can get into more detail on that topic...but for the sake of this...making one fingertip more slippery or sticky than the other fingertip does in fact enhance the spin/movement that the pitcher is trying to already create with the pitch.
from the beginning of baseball, they've been doing it. go read up on the great history of the ***** leagues, and some of the stuff satchel page used to do. what Lester did last night is nothing, comparatively speaking. but you're full of you-know-what if you believe he wasn't doing anything to the ball last night to help himself/his pitches.
Tony La Russa loved trying to get into the heads of the opposition. What's next? Wainwright accusing fans of making him let a little league popup drop in front of him? He's lucky Big Pappy's grand slam was robbed or he'd be looking at an earlier shower.

Did you read Wainwright's comments? He said it wasn't cheating and defended Lester. Lol