Is it just me or the NBA games the past few weeks have been SHADY?

What's happening to these NBA games?

  • Books are becoming sharper late season

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  • NBA players really fixing the games to match the lines

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Pretty much a regular
Sas last night, total was 193, Sac down 5 fouls Sas and gives Duncan two free throws

Sea 2h o/u 98, they had 98 pts with a minute to go, they don't score and Pierce intentionally misses one from the line. How the hell do u let Boston score 34 in the 4th?

Memphis comes back, but lose by 1?

Lakers up 6 at the half, but gives up on the 2h? (I had Lak-1.5 and hedge Phi+2.0)

There's a :moose: in EVERY game so far this week.

Geez, even if your team is leading at 20pts at the half, and the line is pk, it wouldn't surprise me if they still lose the game.
NBA games aren't fixed. Here it goes again, the everlasting discussion.

I say it's not fixed.
Okay, but Sac down 5, with 5 sec left, why foul?


dunno really, ask them. But it doesn't suggest that it's fixed, plus what if TD missed both? it's not like some bookie says to them "hey guys, if you can fix it, but if not, it's ok!"

If it's rigged, fixed, then it's fixed, and no other outcome can be possible for that game. But I sincerely think it wasn't. Ask yourself what would these players gain from "middling" a game?
A couple of K? a couple hundred K?

What's that compared to millions they're earning?

If you ask me personally what the reasons for Sac players fouling, here it is (an educated guess):

  • They were coming from a winning streak, and had the lead over SA just a minute ago, they didn't want to seem complacent and let ANY time run out with them standing and doing nothing.
  • They just lost Artest, and shorthanded teams do come more together in some cases.
  • They're playing at home, meaning an extra effort for the fans, even though they know the game is lost, they're still trying.
  • They already lost, and the only thing they can do after that is have another possession, which means score/make the defeat look better/improve personal stats...

as I said, just a guess.
Satyr. You got some good points, but i still believe Sac fouling down 5 with less than 5 to go is BS :D

I wonder how much linesmaker get paid.
no such thing as fixed. these guys make way to much money to jeapordize that. there just happens to be close games that are falling on the line posted. not all games are gonna be blowouts.
and it's perfectly natural that at some point of the season games that end up "in the middle" or games in which huge deficits are being overturned are going to occur a bit more often, and that's it. Had TD missed both FTs, and we know he's not the most reliable guy around for sinking FTs, we wouldn't have anything to talk about regarding that game.
you mean the double trap triple reverse sports insights line movement anti square fixed play didn't work?

Satyr. You got some good points, but i still believe Sac fouling down 5 with less than 5 to go is BS :D

I wonder how much linesmaker get paid.
timmy could go 1/2 and the Sac hits a quick 3 and steals the ball and hits another one
The only fixing in the lague is non-player related..its Stern and his goon

NBA in the middle of season is very hard..always has been...its gonna get back to somewhat easy here in a few weeks.