I'm getting the feeling that Pete Carroll will leave USC soon...


Oklahoma Sooners
The way he's talking about the Miami Dolphins and what a "unique situation" they have, to use his words.

Conventional wisdom is that Pete would wana run an NFL team the way he runs USC -- with complete control.

Word is that Dolphins owner Wayne Huizenga is ready and willing to give Pete the keys to the Miami Dolphins and put him in complete control. The salary will be outstanding as well, one of the top salaries in the NFL.

USC is reeling right now. FG kicker plunges to his death, Jarrett entering the NFL draft today, Steve Smith graduating, leaving young WR's next season. I'm still not convinced that J. David Booty is the answer, dude still lost 2 games almost single-handedly... Mark Sanchez has his own issues
from last spring.

Having a tandem like Leinart-Bush-White, not to mention WR's like Mike Williams and Dwayne Jarrett, is not easy to achieve. Rarely does it all come together like that. That's why so few "dynasties" have lasted more than 3 yrs at a time in College Football even back in the day when coaches stayed at the same university for life. The new 85-scholarship era (vs old 105) makes it much tougher to sustain dynasties these days.

If I'm thinking all of this, I KNOW Pete Carroll is too.

I truly, truly hope that Pete stays. USC's resurgence has been great for College Football...
If he leaves now and fails in the NFL where does that leave him... USC is a dream job... Recruiting can't get any easier at USC... The fans love him and I'm sure he's not strapped for cash... And do you really think the Dolphins are a good fit...

My suggestion to Pete... Stay at USC and become one of the greatest college coaches of all time
I believe the players are doing the winning is the point.
Without the Reggie Bush highlights USC looked like another underachieving team this year. Just ask abcs they had the best players at every single position. Carroll would be dumb to leave because from what I have gathered USC is the only place anyone has ever liked him.

Notre Dame not a big win
Arkansas sounds good but was early and you saw how much the Texas game did for Ohio State. McFadden didnt play did he? Or did he play hurt?
Nebraska is a good out of conference win but Nebraska is not Oklahoma
In conference, the Trojans lost two games TWO games in the PAC-10.
And neither came at the hands of the only real threat......California.

Michigan was a nice showing. I was shocked the way they handled Michigan and of course now we have to wonder was Michigan any good.
They did have to struggle to beat Vanderbilt. I believe Vandy finished 11th or 12th in the SEC this year. Compare them to say Stanford for the PAC-10. Not even close.

Carroll has a Booty at QB. It would be smart to leave. Booty will NEVER amount to Lienhart or Palmer or even Alex Smith. Once a Booty always a Booty when things go sour you will see the withering of a flower.

Come on Pete hold out one more year I hear Ole Miss will be looking for a coach. The SEC needs a few more good coaches.
Sanchez is more talented but Booty isnt bad. This was his first year starting .. he hadnt played in a real game in like 4 or 5 years ( meaningful minutes). THis will be the best team usc has had in a while. The young backs and wr will be big time playmakers. Word is hazelton has the potential to be the best wideout ever under caroll. They arent as explosive but the team will still be great.Purple if you are gonna downplay every usc win, what big wins did lsu have? USC was legit this year just ask lloyd carr.. The problem with this team was they only got up for the big games.
BTW I dont think Petey leaves USC, if he would have left it would have been to Miami for full control. He is a god in cali. He is the only real coach they have there for football. I think he knows they are on the verge of goin to 2 or 3 more title games in the next 4 years...
I heard a lot about Hazelton when he was in HS.. Interested to see him next to Turner out there..

If I was Pete Carrol, I am already rich and that means all the money in the world couldn't make me take the Dolphins job. I have an absolute GOLDMINE in SoCal.
Yeah, he'sgonna go .....I wonder why???????????

Here's a thought. The SOB knows there's been alotta recruiting violations there not to mention crap like Mr. Bush's stint there. I got a feeling he believes USC's soon gonna get hammered by the NCAA and alotta o/ stuff is gonna come out that we don't even know by about yet. He wouldn't be the 1st one to do it.........realize his team gonna get hammered w/ violations and gets out so his name won't be directly tied......goes somewhere else totally unpunished while the kids are left to ruin........

Pete Carroll is a sunnuva, always has been, always will be. Do u really think the whole "fake suicide" would've been laughed at if it was done at Miami????????????
how could you leave with the best team in the country potentially....majent i have to disagree with your statement about JDB, he will be great this year. has the best arm out of well 95% of the country. vapor trails on that ball when he tosses it, he make great decisions for someone with his experience and players love him. that being said if carroll leaves hes an idot with all that talent there
carrol is a top 3 coach in the country and has a great thing going in socal and you think that bullshit with bish actually matters....i think not
oh and I don't have time now to talk about all the other instances that get swept under the rug....not just violations....things he says, does on and off the field that since he's a "cool" guy in sunny LA.........it's all good....but those same things said or done virtually anywhere else would be scrutinized.........
majent said:
Better than the 2003, 2004, and 2005 teams???

I don't think so.

Those are three of the best teams in history.
This team will be more balanced. They will have more pros. Wont be as explosive with 4 and 5 play drives but, their defense will be faster and more talented. Also i think the OL will be better. :shake:
Manjent i agree 100% .. But those are Peteys words not mine. I think Fred Davis will be the best TE in the country as well. Yea there are a few questtion marks, but i dont see the defense being scored on much at all..
jdb lacks experience of a leinart it hink you will see that killer instinct this year and if sanchez can keep his dick in his pants the follwoing year we will see mor egreat things haha
TroyStacks said:
jdb lacks experience of a leinart it hink you will see that killer instinct this year and if sanchez can keep his dick in his pants the follwoing year we will see mor egreat things haha

That has to be hard to do when your a soon-to-be stud qb out in SoCal
everythingthatsgreen said:
No reason to leave USC, no reason at all.

Agree. What was Carroll's NFL record 33-31? I just think the college game suits him better. I can't find any reason why he would leave...isn't this upcoming class supposed to be his best?
Austintx_05 said:
Agree. What was Carroll's NFL record 33-31? I just think the college game suits him better. I can't find any reason why he would leave...isn't this upcoming class supposed to be his best?

They are loaded, 10 guys back on defense. The recruits don't stop pouring in. After Booty leaves his mark in 07, Sanchez will step up for 2yrs. USC is 59-6 in the past five seasons. That is just crazy. Add another 11-12 win season next yr and your looking at 71-7 or 72-6 in 6 seasons and it don't stop after that either..

Carroll has the stance to do some remarkable things over the next 3-4yrs with the talent at USC.
Unlike texas.. USC moved on and went to the rose bowl, if you want to live in the past forever thats fine. Im sure USC will collect another trophy soon, and it wont be an alamo bowl one ;)
I dont think Pete failed in the NFL. I mean did he win it all nope.. If thats failing then lets talk about marty and a few other great coaches.
What's so good "right now" about the Dolphins roster? I think that team is in worse shape now than it was when Saban got there.
abcs said:
Unlike texas.. USC moved on and went to the rose bowl, if you want to live in the past forever thats fine. Im sure USC will collect another trophy soon, and it wont be an alamo bowl one ;)

If living in the past = a year ago, then Pete has as many BCS wins as Boise State. Sorry bud, but Texas has scoreboard. But what do you care, you went to Georgia? I doubt you want to go there.
Im just sayin yea vince beat usc.. ok it happened 2 years ago

Vince is gone.. I know it breaks the horns hearts to say that, but GET OVER IT
Why does every thread have to turn into a VY and USC ballwashing contest?
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