"I Was An NFL Player Until I Was Fired By Two Cowards And A Bigot"


Pretty much a regular

Mike Priefer, in one of the meanest voices I can ever recall hearing, said: "We should round up all the gays, send them to an island, and then nuke it until it glows."
Mike Priefer, in one of the meanest voices I can ever recall hearing, said: "We should round up all the gays, send them to an island, and then nuke it until it glows."
This is according to the punter. It hasn't been corroborated. Sounds like this is sour grapes because this guy couldn't get another job. I'm sure the media will go wild with this story.
This is according to the punter. It hasn't been corroborated. Sounds like this is sour grapes because this guy couldn't get another job. I'm sure the media will go wild with this story.

There were other people in the room. If they are out of the league now they can confirm or deny it
love kluwe and love that he wont be silenced. every cause hes ever expressed views on is a good one, and i support this guy 100%. if i needed a punter in the nfl id hire him in a second
Of course he was fired because of his big mouth. Agree or disagree with his stances on things, one thing is certain. He is always the most outspoken NFL player on just about any controversial subject. NFL teams want to remain neutral and rightfully so, they are a business. You simply can't speak publicly about touchy shit in the league unless you are a big face that can't be easily replaced. Bottom line.....a middle of the pack punter is saying shit that will alienate large portions of your fan base.
except in this case it had nothing to do with the team as a whole wanting to remain neutral

On Sept. 9, before our game against the Jacksonville Jaguars, the owner of the team, Zygi Wilf, came up to me, shook my hand, and told me: "Chris, I'm proud of what you've done. Please feel free to keep speaking out. I just came from my son's best friend's wedding to his partner in New York, and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen."
You are assuming that Wilf just isn't a two faced liar. The guy is a very rich man and I'm sure he can recognize (even if he commends the behavior) when something has the potential to hurt the bottom line. He is after all the owner, if he was so happy with Kluwe he could have just picked up the phone and remedied the situation in 5 mins.
Of course he was fired because of his big mouth. Agree or disagree with his stances on things, one thing is certain. He is always the most outspoken NFL player on just about any controversial subject. NFL teams want to remain neutral and rightfully so, they are a business. You simply can't speak publicly about touchy shit in the league unless you are a big face that can't be easily replaced. Bottom line.....a middle of the pack punter is saying shit that will alienate large portions of your fan base.
You are assuming that Wilf just isn't a two faced liar. The guy is a very rich man and I'm sure he can recognize (even if he commends the behavior) when something has the potential to hurt the bottom line. He is after all the owner, if he was so happy with Kluwe he could have just picked up the phone and remedied the situation in 5 mins.

or he could have said nothing to him at all, and he could have had others in the organization completely shut it down

NFL teams print money, the Vikings putting their names behind this isn't going to cost them a cent
Read this article earlier today pretty interesting stuff. Kluwe has stood up for things he believes in and good on him for that.
nice timing

outrage when you heard all these things please

he is an ass clown....bitter about getting cut

What do you mean timing? He was cut LAST year Twinkie (essentially after last season, 2012 season), and seemingly waited until Frazier was fired to come out with this. It also seems like he waited until the season was over, so it wasn't a distraction to any current Vikings players. One could argue the timing couldn't have been better, and that he was respectful of most, even those who may not have deserved it (Frazier).

If he was bitter about being cut, this would have come out last year, you know, when he was cut don't you think? Why would someone who is bitter wait almost a full year to come out with this story? He also stands up for some pretty good causes, and ones that he believes in, I'm not sure how that makes him an ass clown.
Yeah that was the most respectful timing I've ever seen from someone that wanted to roll his management under the bus, Kluwe at least acknowledged that he's done in the League

This was almost the perfect way to use what little platform he has to do what he did
Yeah that was the most respectful timing I've ever seen from someone that wanted to roll his management under the bus, Kluwe at least acknowledged that he's done in the League

This was almost the perfect way to use what little platform he has to do what he did

If anything, he brought this story out now so that Priefer could be exposed before some NFL team gave him a job he may not be worthy of. Other than that, I agree with you kj, his timing couldn't have been more respectful to almost everyone involved (Priefer excluded).
Well yeah, and he clearly feels strongly about Priefer, so this would be the ideal time to try to fuck that guy (no pun)
Well yeah, and he clearly feels strongly about Priefer, so this would be the ideal time to try to fuck that guy (no pun)

lol. If what he says is true about the guy, and no reason not to believe him (that's quite a story to make up), he doesn't deserve a head coaching gig in the NFL, let alone the job he has now. The guy not only sounds like a total ass hat, it doesn't even sound like he's that good of a coach to begin with.