I feel like a Sixer fan

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
I sit here, watching a f**king gutless, heartless team come out strong, only to have only AI to rely on down the stretch.

The only guy you can count on to go to the rack, to try to get a foul, get some contact, get to the line, the only guy willing to take shots, is AI.

I now know Sixer fans' frustration.

Don't get me wrong, I like Melo, but he's a p*ssy. I wish he wasn't, but he is. AI is the only one with the balls to win out there and, again, his team lets him down.
I feel for you C. Seriously, I always said, to anyone who would listen, that every year the Sixers made the playoffs with AI, Iverson should be a serious contender for league MVP.

Because, and I don't mean to be a d*ck, but those teams were f**king lottery teams without AI. OK, the one with Webber they were maybe a 34 win team, but not a .500 basketball team.

He meant everything to that team, and he may mean less here because he doesn't have to carry a team every night during the regular season, but he now knows that he has to do it every night in the playoffs.

It's disgusting and I feel horrible for him.
I think that play where Duncan went over AI's back was killer...They call that the right way IMO its Nuggets ball up 4 instead SA goes down the other end Parker makes the layup and the free throw to cut it to 1...Spurs won this game though AI cant play 1 on 5 for 12 minutes
Melo took a horrible 3 pointer when he could of easily taken it to the bucket on a fastbreak to put them up 4 with about two minutes left
That year AI lead them to the finals was just incredible but his talent could only take them so far...Im a die hard AI fan and I wanted to see him do well in Denver and there is no player in professional sports Id rather see win a championship than AI but his window is continuing to get smaller...I used to go to 10 games a year to watch him play in Philly but since he got traded havent gone to see the Sixers play LOL...I did go to the Meadowlands to watch AI beat the Nets though
I think the officiating in this game was awful. It was bad for the Spurs in the first half, it was awful for the Nuggets down the stretch.

That over the back non call. The non call where Bowen or whoever it was walked on the sidelines trying to inbound the ball before he called a timeout.

But the reality is, the Nuggets are reluctant, just like the Sixers used to be reluctant. They don't want to get fouled, they don't want to draw contact, they don't want to take 'the' shot.

So what you end up with is one guy, AI, who has to do everything. Oh, and by the way, he's six feet tall and weighs like 150 pounds. And so he gets thrown around like a ragdoll, still scores, still gets assist after assist, and his team loses.

And what makes it worse here than in Philly is that Melo is supposed to be one of the elite. He's supposed to be like LeBron, D-Wade, even Kobe, whatever, but there he is, shooting off balance jumpers at the end of the game if and when he's taking shots at all.
Quite honestly, C., AI is the only player in the NBA I'd pay to see live.

I would go see LeBron for free, same with KG (I just like him is all), I've seen Kobe for free (it's not that exciting). But AI is the only one I'd pay to see live.
And then there's Melo, f**king crying in the locker room.

All right, maybe he's not crying, but he's got his head down because he knows, "f**k it all, I'm a p*ssy."

I don't even think he wants to be, but now he plays with AI and he gets the difference between him and that next level.
I guess Melo was a little reluctant to take it to the basket because of the way the game was being called but he can get to the rim and draw contact like AI but he settles for too many jumpers and hes so inconsistent with it
How can you be reluctant with f**king :30 to go in the game?

I get what you're saying, and I'm not mad a you, I'm mad at him. What the f**k are you doing? You're afraid of fouling out? How about being afraid of not leaving it all on the floor, not doing everything you can to win the game?

dont even get me started on this joe.. im so pissed... i leave one second were up, turn my back we lose... we had the right side by far... oh well, thats gambling...
The competition between Lebron and Melo no longer exists because one of them has taken their game to that next level and the other hasnt...Remember after the 2003 draft when they both came in the league and the media created the Melo vs Lebron competition...All that talk seems to have gone away because Lebron has stepped up to that next level and Melo has yet to do so
How can you be reluctant with f**king :30 to go in the game?

I get what you're saying, and I'm not mad a you, I'm mad at him. What the f**k are you doing? You're afraid of fouling out? How about being afraid of not leaving it all on the floor, not doing everything you can to win the game?

Karl took Melo out for way to long as well...It was a must win situation for the Nuggets and you sit Melo for 7 or 8 minutes of game time with 4 fouls...Not 5 Fouls but 4 and youve watched your 8 point lead turn into a 3 point deficit over this span
Just like the refs fix these playoff games

I hate to tell ya, B., but if there was going to be a fix here it would have been to get the Nuggets the win. This is a great matchup, Melo and AI make for good TV and the Spurs are good enough that you want to expose them and get people familiar with them because they have a chance to go all the way.

This game was just poorly officiated, not fixed.

The competition between Lebron and Melo no longer exists because one of them has taken their game to that next level and the other hasnt.

Great point, it's completely accurate.
Nuggets is unlucky love. Such talent wasted. The baby blue colours hurt my eyes, I hope they will redesign.
Wow, I guess people can view a game differently.

I saw Iverson dribbling around like a maniac in the 4Q, and thinking he was back in his Philly days when he had no help. Way too much dribbling, trying to do way too much. That ball should've been in Melo's hands EVERY TIME down the court in the last 8 minutes. He is the best offensive player in the league from 18 feet and in, he is truly unstoppable. His mid-range jumper is almost automatic and he's sick around the basket.

Iverson this series: 39.1% shooting, 25% on threes, 23.3 PPG
Carmelo this series: 50% shooting, 50% on threes, 28.3 PPG

I love Iverson, but he was trying to be the man in the last half of the 4Q. He was 9-25 last night, Carmelo was 11-18. Who should be "the man?" You guys are acting like Melo was afraid of the ball, are you crazy? How many gamewinners has he hit in his career? That guy loves the pressure on him. So, in conclusion, I pretty much disagree with everything said in this thread, lol.
Wow, I guess people can view a game differently.

I saw Iverson dribbling around like a maniac in the 4Q, and thinking he was back in his Philly days when he had no help. Way too much dribbling, trying to do way too much. That ball should've been in Melo's hands EVERY TIME down the court in the last 8 minutes. He is the best offensive player in the league from 18 feet and in, he is truly unstoppable. His mid-range jumper is almost automatic and he's sick around the basket.

Iverson this series: 39.1% shooting, 25% on threes, 23.3 PPG
Carmelo this series: 50% shooting, 50% on threes, 28.3 PPG

I love Iverson, but he was trying to be the man in the last half of the 4Q. He was 9-25 last night, Carmelo was 11-18. Who should be "the man?" You guys are acting like Melo was afraid of the ball, are you crazy? How many gamewinners has he hit in his career? That guy loves the pressure on him. So, in conclusion, I pretty much disagree with everything said in this thread, lol.
guess you missed those 2 bad shots Melo took in crunch time and dont throw out meaning stats they dont matter when its clutch time
Denver is all smoke and mirrors, A.I. is good but not a great leader, nether is Melo, that team has no leader and thats why they suck.
Wow, I guess people can view a game differently.

I saw Iverson dribbling around like a maniac in the 4Q, and thinking he was back in his Philly days when he had no help. Way too much dribbling, trying to do way too much. That ball should've been in Melo's hands EVERY TIME down the court in the last 8 minutes. He is the best offensive player in the league from 18 feet and in, he is truly unstoppable. His mid-range jumper is almost automatic and he's sick around the basket.

Iverson this series: 39.1% shooting, 25% on threes, 23.3 PPG
Carmelo this series: 50% shooting, 50% on threes, 28.3 PPG

I love Iverson, but he was trying to be the man in the last half of the 4Q. He was 9-25 last night, Carmelo was 11-18. Who should be "the man?" You guys are acting like Melo was afraid of the ball, are you crazy? How many gamewinners has he hit in his career? That guy loves the pressure on him. So, in conclusion, I pretty much disagree with everything said in this thread, lol.
:shake: Agree. Melo did his. Denver's problem is underachiever Blake and poor depth.
Wow, I guess people can view a game differently.

I saw Iverson dribbling around like a maniac in the 4Q, and thinking he was back in his Philly days when he had no help. Way too much dribbling, trying to do way too much. That ball should've been in Melo's hands EVERY TIME down the court in the last 8 minutes. He is the best offensive player in the league from 18 feet and in, he is truly unstoppable. His mid-range jumper is almost automatic and he's sick around the basket.

Iverson this series: 39.1% shooting, 25% on threes, 23.3 PPG
Carmelo this series: 50% shooting, 50% on threes, 28.3 PPG

I love Iverson, but he was trying to be the man in the last half of the 4Q. He was 9-25 last night, Carmelo was 11-18. Who should be "the man?" You guys are acting like Melo was afraid of the ball, are you crazy? How many gamewinners has he hit in his career? That guy loves the pressure on him. So, in conclusion, I pretty much disagree with everything said in this thread, lol.

Nobody said he was afraid of the ball...He was reluctant to go to the basket which was probably because of the 4 offensive fouls but he wasnt reluctant to shoot...Last night when the Nuggets needed Melo to be the "best offensive player from 18 feet and in" he wasnt he was trying to do it from 23 feet which is not his game...I agree Melo can get to the basket whenever he wants and he is phenomenal around the basket but he was definitely settling for outside shots when he got the ball and although those stats show Melo is having a good series from 3 he is a career 27% 3 pt shooter

AI did take too many shots but you cant fault his heart he was trying to take it to the basket and get fouled and keep them in the game when Melo was sitting with foul trouble which he did...You cant put it all on AI though it is Melo's team and he needs to call for the ball and go for it and maybe he did and he just wasnt getting it...They obviously both love the pressure and maybe that game last night showed that the AI+Melo experience isnt working but when it came crunch time last night neither of them could hit anything...As bad a 4th as Denver played I definitely wouldnt have wanted the ball in JR Smith and Steve Blakes hands when I need a score in those last 30 seconds
Well, and if you do put it in Steve Blake's hands or JR's hands, you have to have those guys hit shots.

Here's my problem with what the Nuggets did last night late in the game. They all stood around, waiting for AI to do something to get them an open look. The only person who even tried to create something for himself was Melo and, as C. says, all he did was give a ball fake and pull up from 20 feet.

I remember Blake passing up open shots, I remember AI having to play one on five only to kick it out and have somebody either miss an open shot or pass it off because they were too scared to shoot the ball.

The problem I have is, yes, this is what AI's been conditioned to do, take over when no one else will and maybe that can be a bad thing, but my problem is with everyone else who lets him--who wants him to. Because at a certain point, he can't carry the whole team.

Look at the other end of the floor, who won the game for them in that fourth quarter? Finley early and Horry at the end. Are you f**king kidding me? 65 year old Robert Horry is hitting game winners on you?

Yeah, he is, because that guy has never been afraid to shoot that shot and that's the difference between the Nuggets and the Spurs. The Spurs have multiple guys that are willing to shoot in the clutch and create with the clock ticking down, to do whatever it takes to get points, and the Nuggets have one, AI, and a half, Melo.

That ain't gonna win you playoff games.