How is KC going to score tonight?

What you are saying he does that so wrong (improv out of pocket) is 90% of Rodgers game and ppl talk of Rodgers as being one of the best of this generation.

Lets wake up to the New Era-- The era of questioning beliefs--

"Ppl talk about Rodgers being one of the best of his generation?

I didnt realize winning 1 flukey superbowl vs a Tomlin coached (unprepared team) qualifies as best of his generation--

I don't need anybody to tell me that Rodgers is the best ever, when its fairly clear he isnt even a top 5 qb of his generation--

Rodgers is 0-38 on the road when going in the 4th qtr trailing or tied vs a team with a winning record--

Brady, Rivers, Brees, Big Ben, Peyton were all much better than Rodgers--------

It is these assumptions that we must challenge if we want to advance our minds-- Rodgers is not elite- Hes merely an average NFL QB-- Joe Flacco won a title also- So Flacco and Rodgers are the same and arguably if Lee Evans doesent drop that pass Flacco would be in another super bowl.

If Rodgers was half as good as Dungy and the propaganda crew would like us to believe he would have made the playoffs this season-- He chokes in tight games, lost to ELI at home during the playoffs-- Lost on road to Seahawks with a huge lead in which he went into Rodgers mode and melted down--

Rodgers isnt the GOAT lol he is the 6th best QB of his generation.
I think that true to a extent. Just wanna know how much of the gibberish he actually believes? Guy crowning baker as better than Peyton Manning and saying kc needs to draft another qb??

I stand by my comments-- Reagean Mayfield is the best QB in the NFL-- Look at his transformation after HUE was fired-- He is setting the league on fire every week,...

He Mr. Reagean Mayfield is WINNING GAME FOR THE CLEVELAND BROWNS-- the all time worst franschise ever-- Thats a stud QB right there--

Mayfield is a MINI MOBILE DREW BREES-- Mayfield is seasoned, has one of the best arms in the league- has brees like accuracy and throws with anticipation as good as Kurt Warner did.
I think that true to a extent. Just wanna know how much of the gibberish he actually believes? Guy crowning baker as better than Peyton Manning and saying kc needs to draft another qb??

If you dont have outlandish views you arent thinking hard enough-- The ones who make it in life always have their own views---

Popular conformist views are for broke asses-- A person will be a sheep-- Sharks have their takes and they arent afraid to stand on an island--

I have my rankings which are opposite of the rankings thatESPN NFL PANEL DUNGY have..

They are selling Mahomes, but I know the truth on him- He is a fraud- He will prove it as seasons progress-
They are selling Rodgers, He is the GOAT-- LMAO , try making the playoffs first buddy

They arent selling one of the best young QBS in the game-- Desean WATSON-- This is the guy- He is the ALPHA--- Mahomes is the BETA-- Watson is VHS Mahomes is BETA video Watson is Commodore 64 Mahomes is Vic 20 Watson is Nintendo Mahomes is Sega

Rule #4592- If something in life is really good, its not necessary to SELL IT to me--- Greatness doesnt need to be sold--

Mahomes Rodgers are being sold because they arent great--

When is the media gonna tell the truth?? THey are up Beckhams ass and Julios Jones and Antonio I disspappear vs the Patriots asses-- While they neglect the fact that a YOUNG star is starting to dominate the NFL-- His name is MIKE WILLIAMS-- HE is an olympic calibre high jumper- He can back fade a ball better than Randy Moss could.

When are these so called experts gonna do their job and tell the truth instead of feeding BS? Mike Williams is the new ALPHA receiver-- He is unguardable 1 on 1
We agree on one thing. I’m a big Watson fan and have been since I saw him play Bama.,

While I don’t disagree w the nfl “selling” guys, they only do that with guys who are in fact incredibly talented. I’m fine with you saying mahomes isn’t as good as they maybe selling him as but it just sounds asinine to go to the other extreme and act like he a bum., I never liked Peyton because of reasons that had very little to do w football and more how they “sold” him (same w Brees, honestly hate brees and his captain America, savior of the city they make him out to be) but that doesn’t change the fact they were both excellent qbs among best of their generation. You can dislike the marketing machine without saying redic things that clearly untrue. That all.
2 da bank-- You asked me about any advice to share with the forum--

Here it is -- You want to be succesfull-- DO NOT BELIEVE ANY BS YOU HEAR IN THE NEWS-- NEWS is for the misinformed--

Do you own research--- Draw your own conclusions-- Stand on an island-- Have confidence in your own thinking-- Popular thought is the wrong thought--

We lose because what we think we know is actually UNTRUE-- So much of our assumptions are incorrect and we do not look at things correctly--
Basing your beliefs on how many rings a guy won is the most flawed logic of all time and in fact buying into the what the marketing machine tells you., bang on Rodgers all you want (ive referred to him as discount double bitch most his career, I’ve never liked him) but again that doesn’t mean he isn’t unquestionably as talented as anyone. I think he a shitty leader, a smug asshole, and at least half Yag (not that there anything wrong w that) but he is also more talented than most the guys you saying dwarf him..,

Eli won 2 Super Bowls, he was never great.,

Marino won no super bowls, pretty great.

Elway almost went without a ring until a good coach and a running game came to Denver. He was unquestionably one of most talented guys I ever saw play.
I believe that all QBS should grow- I see very little improvement from many QBS--

Trusting yourself and your receivers takes pocket patience-- It can be learned---

Its a bad habit bailing out of the pocket- I want QBS to improve and go through their reads-- Warner style!
Basing your beliefs on how many rings a guy won is the most flawed logic of all time and in fact buying into the what the marketing machine tells you., bang on Rodgers all you want (ive referred to him as discount double bitch most his career, I’ve never liked him) but again that doesn’t mean he isn’t unquestionably as talented as anyone. I think he a shitty leader, a smug asshole, and at least half Yag (not that there anything wrong w that) but he is also more talented than most the guys you saying dwarf him..,

Eli won 2 Super Bowls, he was never great.,

Marino won no super bowls, pretty great.

Elway almost went without a ring until a good coach and a running game came to Denver. He was unquestionably one of most talented guys I ever saw play.

It is hard to evaluate QBs as well- They get far too much credit when the team wins, and far too much blame when the team fails-- Despite being 53 guys on the team?

My logic can be flawed-- I am product of brainwashing as well-- Everyone is-- When we can de brainwash and form our own accurate rankings of players we can really do well.. Because all the so called experts are not much better than flipping a coin.
We only lose bets because we bought BAD INFO--- What we thought to be TRUE wasnt actually TRUE--

I find when we can really simplify what is true and what is not, it helps in predicting more accurate scenarios in games--

So much of what we think we know is actually untrue--- I see it countless times in ppls logic when they bet---

While it may appear over the top what I am saying, as I said the reason I take these extreme views is I believe that winning is simple--

There are winners and losers-- Thats it-- Its that simple-- THere is a winner- THere is a loser-- JUST PICK THE WINNER-- and dont F UP

We can pick the winners when we get our facts right and our beliefs right and challenge certain assumptions etc--- Challenge everything and allow yourself to grow
I believe that all QBS should grow- I see very little improvement from many QBS--

Trusting yourself and your receivers takes pocket patience-- It can be learned---

Its a bad habit bailing out of the pocket- I want QBS to improve and go through their reads-- Warner style!

I hear ya. And yea when a guy like mahomes/Rodgers is so good doing it their way it can be very difficult to get them to do those things., most the guys who became great before snap and in the pocket did not have what we would say is elite arm talent.

I think something you should consider tho is how increasingly easy it is to play qb in this league. When the last freaking true bust we have had? Everyone scheming differently to play to these kids strengths and as it becomes so impossible to play defense this becomes easier and easier., the way game officiated when a kid like mahomes does his improv thing it just increases the likelihood of not only his guys getting wide open but penalties on the defense as it practically impossible to play man and stay with a guy when qb extends play and your man starts running wild all over the place..

I feel like I’m a pretty independent thinker, I held out a long time on mahomes and still agree there a lot of hype but the more I watch the harder it is not to be impressed by his ability (not necessarily in the traditional sense but some the things he does are unquestionably impressive don’t you think?) I think a better argument for you would be to say in prior years he very well might not be a franchise qb but how is he not with the way the game being played? He gonna win a lot of games in this league for a long time! You disagree w that?? Maybe your standard for what a franchise qb actually is might be different but just can’t see how you can say w a straight face he won’t win a lot of games even if he never improves at the things you want him to.

Sadly (imo) The game not going back to where it once was, it becoming 7 on 7 w a pass rush thrown in. Guys who can escape and throw the ball
Like that ain’t going nowhere man. It the true field generals that can read and dissect defenses from the pocket that are the dying breed, why you think Brady and Brees gonna play to 45? None the guys coming out are even being asked to or taught that. Maybe we will see these youngsters become that but I have my doubts simply cause they don’t have to.
Gl thinking it will ever matter what you know or believe of the nfl will have you consistently beating it. I know better. Sure for a season or 2 but over a ton of plays we betting on a sport that for the longest time has come down to a handful of plays in 80% of the games and now it increasingly coming down to a handful of questionable “judgement” calls by refs that they can justify anyway they like.. I don’t have the time or energy to try to convince myself otherwise, I bet nfl strictly for entertainment and never really expecting to win in the long haul!
I hear ya. And yea when a guy like mahomes/Rodgers is so good doing it their way it can be very difficult to get them to do those things., most the guys who became great before snap and in the pocket did not have what we would say is elite arm talent.

I think something you should consider tho is how increasingly easy it is to play qb in this league. When the last freaking true bust we have had? Everyone scheming differently to play to these kids strengths and as it becomes so impossible to play defense this becomes easier and easier., the way game officiated when a kid like mahomes does his improv thing it just increases the likelihood of not only his guys getting wide open but penalties on the defense as it practically impossible to play man and stay with a guy when qb extends play and your man starts running wild all over the place..

I feel like I’m a pretty independent thinker, I held out a long time on mahomes and still agree there a lot of hype but the more I watch the harder it is not to be impressed by his ability (not necessarily in the traditional sense but some the things he does are unquestionably impressive don’t you think?) I think a better argument for you would be to say in prior years he very well might not be a franchise qb but how is he not with the way the game being played? He gonna win a lot of games in this league for a long time! You disagree w that?? Maybe your standard for what a franchise qb actually is might be different but just can’t see how you can say w a straight face he won’t win a lot of games even if he never improves at the things you want him to.

Sadly (imo) The game not going back to where it once was, it becoming 7 on 7 w a pass rush thrown in. Guys who can escape and throw the ball
Like that ain’t going nowhere man. It the true field generals that can read and dissect defenses from the pocket that are the dying breed, why you think Brady and Brees gonna play to 45? None the guys coming out are even being asked to or taught that. Maybe we will see these youngsters become that but I have my doubts simply cause they don’t have to.

All very true-- The league has rapidly transitioned into a College 2.0 league with a few old school legends still kicking around..

The days of the QB who cant run are over-- Every QB now can move and is mobile--

Mahomes is entertaining, I am very impressed with some of the throws he makes..

The league does suit that style now, because the league is employing college spread style attacks-- The Kingsbury offense--

It is easier to play QB now in the leauge, because systems are easier to run, and teams design systems that focus on what the QB is good at-- Hue Jackson good example- Tried to run his baby boomer 1960 offense with Mayfield-- Freddie Kitchens runs what Baker is good at--

New rules makes it easier to play QB--

I'm against any kind of mobility for a QB to be part of his game-- Because sure QBs are fast out of college and can avoid defenders-- UNTIL year 2 after they are nailed a few times their speed is shot-- They immediately slow down-- Russel Wilson isnt even close to as fast as he was 5 seasons ago- Vick declined like crazy- Johny Football was so fast at TExas and when he came to the CFL he is not fast at all--
No matter how fast you are, after a few hits to the body and the QB is no longer fast-- Thats why I believe you dont have to be a statue but keep your eyes downfield and try to play from the pocket--

If you watch Desean he really stays in the pocket and is patient allowing plays to develop-- Just need to take that extra half second and allow that receiver to get open and its an easy completion..
When you scramble a lot your team gets called for holding a lot which happened numerous times to the chiefs late in the game last night.
Would be great to see Rivers win one this season-- But I dont see it-- THey play too many close games and come back too much-- That wont work in playoffs
Contrarians are blushing right now.

Even Cavs is confused.

Tru just laid 10 in a bowl game.

Fondy exercised.

My goodness....
Ironically everything you said makes complete sense to me and I'm expecting Armageddon this weekend
I stand by my comments-- Reagean Mayfield is the best QB in the NFL-- Look at his transformation after HUE was fired-- He is setting the league on fire every week,...

He Mr. Reagean Mayfield is WINNING GAME FOR THE CLEVELAND BROWNS-- the all time worst franschise ever-- Thats a stud QB right there--

Mayfield is a MINI MOBILE DREW BREES-- Mayfield is seasoned, has one of the best arms in the league- has brees like accuracy and throws with anticipation as good as Kurt Warner did.

Sammy, like the Kurt Warner from this post? The one where he's all washed up? That KW?

Sammy, I could go on all day showing how you're contradicting yourself.


C'mon man...I think you have a TON of thoughts...but your brilliance gets lost in the USED CAR SALESMAN HORSESHIT ACT.

Just be somewhat reasonable for fucks sake.
And I like Sammy to be completely honesty, but ENOUGH is FUCKING ENOUGH.

Bro, we can discuss the games without all the're talking like you don't even watch these games.
And I like Sammy to be completely honesty, but ENOUGH is FUCKING ENOUGH.

Bro, we can discuss the games without all the're talking like you don't even watch these games.

Sounds good. I’m ready to lay some heavy wagers on the nfl. I think we are ready to lay heavy plays.
Was at that Cards/Falcons game and prolly my favorite NFL event ever when they beat the Eagles that year in the conference ship

But most classic one was the next year in the playoffs when Warner outdueled ARod in OT in the playoffs, ARod had just missed the bomb in OT to win the game, then the blocked punt. Not sure I could script anything crazier, Warner legit turned the Cards from what we all think the Browns are to a Super Bowl team
No joke though that kid Keenan Allen runs some of the sickest routes from the slot. He can change directions like a rabbit
Thursday night home field is the biggest advantage in sports. Makes the Chargers win even more impressive.

I mentioned this a couple times in various threads, normally I totally agree. I thought the difference this week was kc played that incredibly physical ot game vs ravens Sunday, ravens just brought pressure after pressure after pressure and punished guys knowing ball was coming out quick, that was most enjoyable fb gm of year for me cause it reminded me of when football was a physical sport and refs didn’t interfere!! Anyways point being not to take anything away from chargers win but I felt this was prob first road team in bs cash grab thu night history that at least wasn’t at a disadvantage being on road due to the ravens game being far more taxing than a flight on short week., valid you think?
No joke though that kid Keenan Allen runs some of the sickest routes from the slot. He can change directions like a rabbit

Kid can never stay healthy tho! Has he ever made it thru all 16? Was on his way this year and was happy for him then he takes what looks like a routine fall on his hip and he out for rest of game. That was actually more impressive to me than thu night road win was that they came back with none their pass catching rbs and w Allen on sideline. Could be big moment for mike Williams who I thought was gonna be a beast coming out but sadly had a wasted season. Dude got a great catch radious and some paws for hands.
True but they were missing the best player in the game today Keenan Allen. If he’s there chargers win by double digits

Somehow you saying he could have outdid mike Williams incredible performance? Or mike would have had those chances had Allen not came up lame (once again). Allen leaving while odd to say actually helped chargers here, certainly didn’t hurt them one bit. You could argue it been same result but understanding Williams loses targets if he in certainly you not saying he could have had a better game than the kid?

I do think both being down to their 3rd-4th backs hurt sd more. Typically chargers do a lot w their backs in passing gm they couldn’t with these guys while kc backups seemed more plug and play, especially compared to ware prob no drop off, clearly none them hunt but he gone for good.
Was at that Cards/Falcons game and prolly my favorite NFL event ever when they beat the Eagles that year in the conference ship

But most classic one was the next year in the playoffs when Warner outdueled ARod in OT in the playoffs, ARod had just missed the bomb in OT to win the game, then the blocked punt. Not sure I could script anything crazier, Warner legit turned the Cards from what we all think the Browns are to a Super Bowl team

Warner the only reason we care rams left! They were never our team but he made us love them! Wouldn’t have happened if Trent green didn’t get hurt. Not sure how many guys could have made that martz offense click like the grocery bagger! Took big time guts to play in that offense and lot of belief, had to stand in face of pressure a lot and then throw ball to a spot before those wrs even started their breaks!

Crazy how great a dude nobody saw it in became (tommy crying bout being a 6th rounder not shit, Warner was arena league grocery bagger!)

I’m such a Warner fan I even rooted for cardinals (who I hate for obvious reasons), bummed me out Ben took away what shoulda been another SB for him, what a great game tho. Wasn’t that the 1 Warner drove cards down for what looked like winner then Ben came right back to Holmes at very end?

Awesome dude too, ugly ass wife, but really awesome guy!! Lol