Horry/Diaw/Stoudemire BETTER be suspended for Game 5

H.R. Pufnstuf

Pretty much a regular

Is it fair? No. Is it right? Absolutely. The NBA doesn't have much choice but to suspend Horry, Stoudemire and Diaw for Game 5.

The rule about players leaving the bench is there to prevent situations from escalating into utter embarrassments. It's an ironclad rule that isn't open to interpretation, and it can't be applied differently because it adversely affects one team more than the other. In fact, the point of the rule is to affect teams so adversely they don't break it.

If the league does nothing to Stoudemire and Diaw, it will set an awful precedent and send the message that the rules are vulnerable to perception and public outcry. As if the Suns are the only team in NBA history that can claim this rule puts them at an unfair disadvantage.

And there's no way Stoudemire just was ambling to the scorer's table to check back into the game, as he claimed afterward. Give him (or the Suns' PR rep) credit for coming up with such a cute excuse. But go watch the replay. Stoudemire broke out into a Carl Lewis-like sprint toward the on-court scrum -- looking like he wanted to do to Horry what Uma Thurman did to David Carradine in the final scene of "Kill Bill: Vol. 2" -- which weakens Stoudemire's creative explanation.

Look, I get why Stoudemire and Diaw rushed to Nash's defense. Nash is their boy, and teammates are obligated to stick up for one another -- especially in a series that has grown as testy as this one. The Spurs were behaving uncharacteristically graceless, and Horry's forearm of frustration was exacted because the Spurs blew an 11-point lead late in the game -- and thus a golden opportunity to put their foot on Phoenix's neck.

But given how commissioner David Stern has shown zero tolerance for player misconduct since the Detroit-Indiana brawl, what Stoudemire and Diaw did simply wasn't smart. And by the way, did you notice how the Spurs' bench stayed put, further undermining Stoudemire's contrived explanation?

You'd have thought the Suns would have learned from Raja Bell's one-game playoff suspension against the Lakers last year. Bell's clothesline on Kobe Bryant could have cost the Suns that series.

The Spurs are much stronger than the Lakers, and losing Stoudemire and Diaw will hurt a whole lot more than losing Bell. Even if the league decides to suspend Horry for two games, Phoenix will be affected much more.
They should all get one game...

Its the rule..it ain't fair and its affected playoff series before(1997 Heat-Knicks)

Bob cheap shot no doubt..but only one game
First of all, Jemele Hill is an idiot

Secondly, there is no way they can suspend them and keep the integrity of the series going

Thirdly, I actually believe Stoudamire was going to check in...if you look at the tape and look at the direction he was running, he only went out on the court to get around the coach so he could get to the scorers table. He threw his towel to a ball boy...do you take time to throw your towel to a ball boy if your goin in to kick some ass???
Smoke..its a fine line...if Amare hadn't sounded like such a moron in the press conference I would be more inclined to believe him...

He made a beeline right when it happened..and yes he had to "touch" the court to get around..

Either way though..if they don;t suspend them then they might as wll revoke the rule regarding this because thats why its in place...to prevent incidenmts from happening.
forearm body slamming someone and leaving the bench are teh same suspension. nba is joke. come back to me pigskin.
ESPN has a vote. 75% is against suspending Amare. I think they will make the exception. The rule is dumb anyway.
well if they do get suspended then whenever duncan is on the bench in game 5, if im phoenix, i send pat burke in and tell him to throw parker into the third row and stand there and taunt duncan...and then if he takes even a half step onto the court i scream bloody murder to the league till they suspend him
I totally think the rule is Yag...but...

The problem is brawls erupting when players leave the bench. An incident happens on court and suddenly you have 10-20 players all out there. Its a safety issue for the players, teams and even the fans siting close to the action(fights have spilled into stands before..and I am not just talking about Nov19th, 2004)
so let me get this straight nobody on the spurs bench moved and they all sat tight like the good little boys they are?
This is the thing

This rule is NOT NEW. All these players know better. Whatever they were or were not doing is all fine and dandy but the league will decide what their intent is/was
so let me get this straight nobody on the spurs bench moved and they all sat tight like the good little boys they are?

Yup. This has cost a few teams dearly over the years. Its not worth going out there from the bench.
I don;t blame any Suns player either though. They were doing the right thing coming to defend their MVP.
I don;t blame any Suns player either though. They were doing the right thing coming to defend their MVP.

no shit. they didnt even get involved in the short scrum. the coaches realized the situation seconds afterwards and told their ass to sit back down.

this rule is so Yag (have i already said this)
Brewer...your spot on..the problem is the players know the rule..and they may have broke it.

The rule has to be there...I agree with it...too many blak eys for league if not.
I didnt see the 1st Half of this game but was listening to Jalen Rose on ESPN and he said there was some sort of altercation in the first half where Elson dunked on Diaw I think and they both went to the floor and apparently Duncan was on the bench and stepped out onto the floor towards the 3 point arc and Bowen pushed him back...I know Jalen Rose is on the Suns but was interested to know if anyone knows what he was talking about
One of the most ridiculous things I have heard about all of this is everyone talking about how the Spurs players didn't clear the bench....WELL NO CRAP!!!

Why in the world would they clear the bench? Duncan, Parker, and the boys were already on the floor and what would it do for the Spurs anyways. They let the game slip right from their hands and now they would clear the bench.....no way. They were probably sitting on the bench with a towel over their face or looking at the shove saying "Oh snap...Bob just laid Nash out...let's get out of here"

Anyways, should be interesting to see what happens and I agree with everyone and the rule; it's dumb.
see i think the problem arises when the letter of the law is viewed in black and white

i mean did stoudamire step on the court? yes, but so do bench players when their team hits a big shot down the other end...should they all get suspended every time that happens?

in my mind, there has to be intent to take one step and then be run back by an assistant does not warrant a suspension

by the way, theres no way stern will suspend stoudamire. it just wont happen. if it does he'll be credited with handing the series to san antonio which would look dubious at best after his repeated inactions with regard to the spurs players indiscretions in the series thus far
see i think the problem arises when the letter of the law is viewed in black and white

i mean did stoudamire step on the court? yes, but so do bench players when their team hits a big shot down the other end...should they all get suspended every time that happens?

in my mind, there has to be intent to take one step and then be run back by an assistant does not warrant a suspension

by the way, theres no way stern will suspend stoudamire. it just wont happen. if it does he'll be credited with handing the series to san antonio which would look dubious at best after his repeated inactions with regard to the spurs players indiscretions in the series thus far

he has handed series away before....

If he doesn't suspend Amare(I hope he doesn't just so we can see a sqaure series)...then any incident from hre on out will turn into a fiasco...

BTW..line is Phoenix -1 right now...the books know..I expect him to be suspended
well..they were 3.5 to 4.5 favs at home first few games...

so..thats a drastic drop still...

This team knows how to play sans Amare...
it's all vegas reverse psychology...

1. books know amare gets suspended
2. everyone and their mom jump on spurs thinking series is over.
3. vegas cleans house with the public thinking spurs are automatic locks with amare gone.

lol...just saying that it would not surprise me if that happened. but yeah, would be very tough without amare and/or diaw.
By the way, heres the counterpoint article to that nonsense Hill wrote...

Letter of NBA law defies its spirit

By Tim Keown
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Your move, NBA. Are you going to suspend Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw for leaving the bench after Robert Horry checked Steve Nash into the scorer's table? Or, in an unlikely fit of common sense, are you going to assess the situation reasonably and throw down some show-trial fines and be done with it?

It's not a matter of understanding the rule. Clearly, the rule states that any player leaving the bench to join an altercation is to be suspended for a game. At least.

But we're talking about two of the Suns' best players who left the bench and never mixed it up. We're talking about the best playoff series going -- probably the best one we'll see, period.

You want to hand it over to the team that committed the cheap shot?

That's what a suspension of Stoudemire and Diaw will do. The NBA is faced with flexing a little on an unnecessarily inflexible rule or running the risk of allowing Horry to win the series with a cheap, flagrant foul on one of the league's marquee players.

Diaw and Stoudemire should have known better, no question. Still, their franchise guy was down. They didn't know whether he was hurt, or how badly. They reacted, then unreacted, with the idea of sticking up for Nash.

Adding to the emotion is the behind-the-woodshed treatment Nash has received the whole series, and it's not surprising their first thought wasn't, "Oh, golly, I better stay here and let the authorities handle it."

So tough call, NBA, but not really.

Think of it this way: You're never going to have a league of competitive guys who don't react by heading toward Nash in that situation. And you shouldn't want one.
Good article...and the biggest point is the team that committed the bullshit would benefit..thats why I hope they don't suspend..but...this would be just one problem...down thel ine many more would arise.
jalen rose gonna make it rain from trey
They wont let players from Michigan on the floor:36_11_6:
it's all vegas reverse psychology...

1. books know amare gets suspended
2. everyone and their mom jump on spurs thinking series is over.
3. vegas cleans house with the public thinking spurs are automatic locks with amare gone.

lol...just saying that it would not surprise me if that happened. but yeah, would be very tough without amare and/or diaw.

nice eye.
Good article...and the biggest point is the team that committed the bullshit would benefit..thats why I hope they don't suspend..but...this would be just one problem...down thel ine many more would arise.

See i dont see why they cant review each case on a case by case basis...now if stoudamire had gone on the floor and gotten in someones face or whatever, then yeah, fine, suspend him...but for him to take one step and (whether you believe him or not) go to the general direction of the scorers table and be suspended? thats rediculous

sterns a smart guy...he wont fuck this up...i think the checking in defense gives stern a perfect out...
This sux....This will definetly Jade the series but those men need to act right....Your getting played millions to play a game, have some fucking class.
Baron Davis should definetly be suspended for that elbow away from the play ... how much worse is that than anything Kobe did?? I'm taking Utah big right now assuming he's gone, the NBA is completely ridiculous if they don't suspend these guy. They'll have no credibility ... they allow this kind of stuff when it's beneficial to them?? I doubt it
And the Phils are turnin it around baby!

We'll see how them tiggers like it when we stomp their smoke and mirrors in on june 15th baby
Baron Davis should definetly be suspended for that elbow away from the play ... how much worse is that than anything Kobe did?? I'm taking Utah big right now assuming he's gone, the NBA is completely ridiculous if they don't suspend these guy. They'll have no credibility ... they allow this kind of stuff when it's beneficial to them?? I doubt it

i agree baron should be sitting game 5
I love how we're supposed to believe that now the rules are supposed to apply in the NBA.

When have they applied in the past? I'm not talking about the regular season, I'm talking about the post season. Jordan was basically able to whip out his d*ck on the court and piss on defenders if he felt like it and refs would look the other way. Shaq generally got four or five steps before he was ever called for travelling in L.A. In a couple of years LeBron will be able to have sex with cheerleaders on the bench in-game if he so chooses.

The NBA is in the business of selling the NBA. Taking their stars off TV doesn't benefit them in any way. So when Bruce Bowen--a guy who's not even a star on the Spurs--knees someone in the nuts in the playoffs, he doesn't even get a slap on the wrist.

And now we should expect Amare S. to be suspended for a game?


Horry will sit, if the league really wants to appear that they're making a statement they'll take Diaw for a game, too. But I highly doubt it.
In a couple of years LeBron will be able to have sex with cheerleaders on the bench in-game if he so chooses.

Seriously, what's Marv Albert going to do, complain?

"The Cavs, up by four, three minutes gone by in the second and LeBron is on the bench, balls-deep in, I believe her name is Stacy--bite her, LeBron, bite her."