Help/Advice on my Hawks Future to Win East

Two litmus tests, first one means nothing.

If I'm the bettor, I do not hedge in this situation. MAYBE if my diluted winnings would change my life, but how often is that the case?

If I'm the book. Please hedge, that's what we're here for, to take your fucking money while you call it a winner.
Not on a future like that. I should have worded that better.

I'm a hedger tho. Each to their own.

appreciate the clarification. i would also hedge if in his position and i tend to let virtually everything ride. I mostly let Brewers at some ridic price to win the NL go a few years ago when they blew it to StL. Pretty painful, but i thought they were better so i let it go except to cover the cost of the bet.
I love how y'all argued about the books perspective for a page and a half when someone who is pretty damn high up at a major book offered his opinion on page #1
Nosir how dare you question the collective CTG braintrust regarding how books "think". It's basically lab work around here.
To be fair, the people who run books aren't the smartest people in the world. Explains why linde would rise quickly.