Group of Death - Tuesday - In-Game

Dutch dont have some of their major players Van Der Sar, Shndider, Van NILESTETEROY, KUYT, but they have ROBBEN and VAN PERSIE who are better than any other teams strikers in the tourny--

ROBBEN has blistering pace and already scored one almost, he is too fast and you will see the rapid pace as he gets behind romania and scores in the 2nd half here
They are playing half their starters, thats a huge diffrence from a whole team of starters, this game will end 0-0 or the Netherlands will lose
Dutch are a football factory, everyone is good their,

PROOF-- What other team has 2 starting strikers from Real Madrid, 1 from LIverpool, 1 from Arsenal on the team?

THey are stacked and they know it, they bring in ROBBEN midway in the game because he was hurt and this way he comes on when other teams are tired, his pace is too rapid
They are playing half their starters, thats a huge diffrence from a whole team of starters, this game will end 0-0 or the Netherlands will lose

Dutch will mark a goal---

ROBBEN will score or will pass it to the other ROBBIN Van PERSIE--

I am sure of this, I know this Dutch team, as I said they are too fast, Dutch players if they had a race would crush the Italians and also the French who are known for their speedy Defenseman--

Counterattack-- Dutch plays lovely football-- 2nd team and they had the most goal chances anyway
Dutch are a football factory, everyone is good their,

PROOF-- What other team has 2 starting strikers from Real Madrid, 1 from LIverpool, 1 from Arsenal on the team?

THey are stacked and they know it, they bring in ROBBEN midway in the game because he was hurt and this way he comes on when other teams are tired, his pace is too rapid

Your out of your element if you really think the Dutch are that good. They are a good team no doubt, but you make them sound absouletly incredible, unbeatable, which is false, incorrect. The Dutch are a football factory? Ha? Whens the last time theyve won anything. Im pretty sure Croatia beat the Dutch last year, the same team
Your really gonna talk about Italian and French soccer right now not being able to beat the Dutch? Well no shit, they cant beat Romania so I dont see this is as big of a deal as you seem to making it out to be
Romania is going to play an offensive game and they cannot, they are all MUTU, he is a one man show--

He is capable of scoring though--

THink the Dutch get one goal for sure--

THey had 2 brilliant chances in the first half
Its not about chances Sammy, its about goal, every team, has brilliant chances to score, but they dont. Watch any game, it does matter whos playing, they all get their chances, Romania had a few chances too, French had a few chances, Italy had a few more chances. I think your riding the wave of Dutch right now, and im sorry to break it to you, its an inevitable heartbreak, it always is with the Dutch
Gurv they are too deep on offense, No one has ever beaten France and Italy 7-1 combined score--

They have way too many offensviely gifted players-- They are scoring at will and will score in this 2nd hafl to push ITALY through--

Im sick of this ROmania bullshit

BOTTOM LINE-- ROMANIA had their chance to go through when that MUTU clown missed that Penalty- he makes that they are through to the next round--- He could not handle the pressure, they were done right there,

IMO you miss a pK you dont deserve to advance GO HOME, and watch Italy that is how you take a penalty KICK- NOt kick it right at the goalie in a pussy effort by MUTU? WHat was he thinking, you are kicking vs the best keeper in the world, you have to do better than that
Question: AT THIS POINT, WHO IS THE FAV TO WIN IT ALL? I would have to say Portugal based on their bracket. They play an overated German team who could have tied the host Austrian team and then they would play the Turkey/Croatia winner who they should handle. Thoughts?
Gurv watch this half and I can tell you that the Dutch have finishers they finish, they will finish a chance in this half-- THat is what they do--

They have van Der sar who is brilliant, Schneider, their passing is too god they have the ball for 70% of the game passing it back and forth and ahve the speedy wingers to get behind the defense
Van Der SAR is on a roll for the Dutch, he can be a difference maker, Van Nisterlroy and Shneider and play them with ROBBEN, forget about it play for 2nd place
you guys are setting yourself up for failure, the Dutch have never been a bad team as far as I remember but they never win. They are the fucking Red Sox of the European soccer community. They are not going to win shit in this tournament, even if they get to the finals, bet your life against them
Italy shouldn't even have to be defending now. I hate that they're doing this, not trying to score, just trying not to be scored on.
I don't know if the Dutch will win, but I think they along with Spain and Portugal right now have to be the odds on faves based on their play.
Italy is such an embarrassment to their country. They blow big time. I hope they get through to the next round and get routed by whoever they play.
Italy is so bad it's sad. The French are worse though. French showing heart though playing a man down and pressing. Got to give them that.
Ok now I need another goal in the Italy game to go 3-0 today if Holland hangs on.

At which point you can retract about 65% of what you said, eh?
