Group of Death - Tuesday - In-Game

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dying time's here."

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Forza Italia.
I hate to see so many Italians with yellow cards hanging over their heads.

No Materazzi today to start, again.
Toni misses everything on this tournament.

too bad.

took Italy PK in game 3 mins ago.
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, diving time's here."

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Forza Italia.

corrected it for ya :popcorn:

Lot of jump for France today, not a shock save for the fact they should really be able to do that every game.

Oooh, Ribery may be really hurt.

He's huge for them.
You got it, Jump.

Off the corner there was a great header by Panucci, but Makalele was holding the back post and kicked it out.

So far, two great chances for the Italians.
So far the French look faster, the Italians look more on the same page.

Should be a good one.

Like to see an Italian goal soon, though, I think it would open the French up somewhat.
Another good chance for Italy, but they can't reel the ball in in the box and it floats harmlessly to the keeper.
10 men why penalty why?

Great pass into the box, Toni was tackled from behind. I was surprised it was a red, but it was a card.
GOODS now need DUTCH to score on ROMANIA here to make it good for ITALIA

Need the worlds fastest man ROBBEN to mark one here for DUTCH
Dont worry JOE P I am not sure about the Dutch Defense today-- no VAN DER SAR

BUt I can guarantee you the worlds fastest man ROBBEN will score one for the DUTCH or the 2nd fastest VAN PERSIE will score--

Fuck I hate that MUTU guy, we need to mark him, he is all they have