gps_3 Bowl Season


Head of Alabama Department of Decision-Making
2015: 148-105-3

Bowls: 27-25

Copying format from VK and Schrute

Arizona vs New Mexico
Plays for this game: OV 65

BYU vs Utah
Plays for this game: Utah -2.5, UN 49'

Ohio vs Appalachian St
Plays for this game: App St -7.5

Plays for this game: Georgia St +2'

Arkansas St vs La Tech
Plays for this game: Over 68

Western KY vs South Florida
Plays for this game: South Florida +3

Akron vs Utah St
Plays for this game: UN 46

Toledo vs Temple
Plays for this game: Toledo +2'

Boise vs Northern Illinois
Plays for this game: NIU +7

GA Southern vs Bowling Green
Plays for this game: BG -5', OV 64, BG TT OV 35

MTSU vs Western Michigan
Plays for this game: didn't post in time

Cincinnati vs SDSU
Plays for this game: SDSU -2', SDSU TT OV 29'

UCONN vs Marshall
Plays for this game: OV 44

Miami vs Washington St
Plays for this game: Wash St -2', Wash St TT OV 32'

Southern Miss vs Washington
Plays for this game: Washington -8

Indiana vs Duke
Plays for this game: Indiana -3

Tulsa vs Virginia Tech
Plays for this game: Tulsa +14, Tulsa TT OV 23'

Nebraska vs UCLA
Plays for this game: UCLA -5'

Pittsburgh vs Navy
Plays for this game: Navy -2'

CMU vs Minnesota
Plays for this game: Central Michigan +6

Air Force vs California
Plays for this game: Air Force +7

Baylor vs UNC
Plays for this game: UNC +3, UNC TT O 36

Nevada vs Colorado St
Plays for this game: UN 56

Texas Tech vs LSU
Plays for this game: LSU -7

Memphis vs Auburn
Plays for this game: Memphis +3, ML +125

NC State vs Mississippi St
Plays for this game: Miss St -5', OV 59

Louisville vs Texas A&M
Plays for this game: aTm +4'

Wisconsin vs USC
Plays for this game: OV 50'

Houston vs Florida St
Plays for this game: Houston +7

Michigan St vs Alabama
Plays for this game: UN 49, MSU TT UN 17'

Clemson vs Oklahoma
Plays for this game: Clemson +3', ML +160, Clemson TT OV 29'

Tennessee vs Northwestern
Plays for this game: Tenn -8'

Florida vs Michigan
Plays for this game: Florida +4'

Notre Dame vs Ohio St
Plays for this game: ND +6', ML +220

Iowa vs Stanford
Plays for this game: Stanford -6

Ole Miss vs Oklahoma St
Plays for this game: Ole Miss -6'

Penn St vs UGA
Plays for this game: Penn St +6

Kansas St vs Arkansas
Plays for this game: Arky -11

TCU vs Oregon
Plays for this game: Oregon PK

West Virginia vs Arizona St
Plays for this game: Arizona St +2

Alabama vs Clemson:
Plays for this game: UN 52', Clemson TT UN 22, Alabama -2' FD
Last edited:
SEC Bowl Schedule (my PR line):


Texas Bowl

LSU (-3) vs Texas Tech


Birmingham Bowl

Auburn (+7) vs Memphis

Belk Bowl

Miss State (-7') vs NC St

Music City

aTm (-2') vs Louisville


Cotton Bowl

Alabama (-9') vs Mich St


Outback Bowl

Tennessee (-6) vs Northwestern

Citrus Bowl

Florida (+2') vs Michigan

Sugar Bowl

Ole Miss (-6) vs OK St


Taxslayer Bowl

UGA (PK) vs Penn St

Liberty Bowl

Arkansas (-9') vs Kansas St
I've tried to cap motivation levels before, and have largely been unsuccessful. This season I won't put as much stock in it, but at first glance, here are some thoughts where each team is:

LSU - I think they will be motivated and will play hard for Les now that he's kept his job for at least another year

AU - Don't see how they want to be in this game at all. Losing Muschamp and Robinson is a blow at least emotionally, if not schematically. Plus they are playing a pretty good team

Miss St - Hard to say. Dak's last game, but there has been some tension stemming from Mullen letting it be known how many of the open jobs he was interested in.

atM - again, difficult for me to gauge. Maybe pressitup will have some insight

Alabama - motivated, obviously

Tennessee - Think they'll be motivated. Carrying some pretty good momentum

Florida - don't think motivation will be an issue. At least not as much as the offense

Ole Miss - motivated. They remember last year's bowl game and what was said about them. They are significantly healthier now than they were at the end of last year too, so I think they'll be looking to show they are legit

UGA - can't see them getting too riled up to play here. Don't even know who is coaching the game

Arkansas - feel they'll be pretty motivated
BOL on the bowl season,

i'm looking to back Arky and LSU this year..I think they present the best opps for a bettor but I could be wrong. Just don't know how TT stops Fournette
I'm with you on motivation angles. Don't see anything I would disagree with. On Miss St, I don't see him job shopping impacting the players as much as it does the fanbase. I like the angle of backing a guy like Dak in his last game, tried with the egg bowl because he basically said that was the main reason he came back to school, and it didn't work but in general I think that kind of motivation is good to get behind. I think they will prob be lined just under a TD, which for me wouldn't be one that I felt I needed to jump on early. I think Miss St also rates to improve with the extra rest. They were crushed with injury in the trenches as season went on and it really hurt them, would have to look further but I think some rest would go a long way in them improving in both areas.
Love the motivation angle. Think it plays a big role when it's a big favorite playing in a lesser bowl from the prior year vs a hungry team excited to be there.
BOL on the bowl season,

i'm looking to back Arky and LSU this year..I think they present the best opps for a bettor but I could be wrong. Just don't know how TT stops Fournette

Agree with both. Especially Arky. They are going to annihilate KSU by many touchdowns
the only way LSU loses is if LSU doesnt show... they should shred TT....LSU tough to figure out during bowl season i remember wanting to pound them a few bowl season as they had big time mis matches and came out real flat... last yr i believe they played ND and should have steamrolled them except they got dumped trucked
Agree with both. Especially Arky. They are going to annihilate KSU by many touchdowns
good to hear... beginning to really love arky more.

the only way LSU loses is if LSU doesnt show... they should shred TT....LSU tough to figure out during bowl season i remember wanting to pound them a few bowl season as they had big time mis matches and came out real flat... last yr i believe they played ND and should have steamrolled them except they got dumped trucked

LSU motivation will be interesting to gauge but I think they come out, esp (as mentioned in discussion thread) that Les being back and securing his job will help his players too...wonder if they get the decommit back.

Sorry GPS, don't mean to high jack but best place for SEC talk
good to hear... beginning to really love arky more.

LSU motivation will be interesting to gauge but I think they come out, esp (as mentioned in discussion thread) that Les being back and securing his job will help his players too...wonder if they get the decommit back.

Sorry GPS, don't mean to high jack but best place for SEC talk

That's what the thread is for. More of a discussion thread than a "hey, look at my picks" thread
I like Tenny for sure.
Arky and LSU.

As far as Dak goes. If I remember right , I've gone against a couple of Sr. QB's in their last bowl in my day.
One was Rivers. Figured he would take it easy, killed it.
Woody Danzler , that guy ice skated in Boise.
I'm sure there's some I've won against, but you always remember the ones where you intentionally faded.

Two games I would never bet against the AGs, bowl game/first game. I would say there could be some disappointment there, but if not for such a beautiful schedule this year, it's been said '16 and '17 will be the years. Kids are still young. Soph QB, Soph all world DE. SPeedy and Kirk with time to rest. It will be fun vs. that Cardinal D. I'll be on them, but want to wait to get closer. weather always comes to mind for those late December games.

If Clemson can't win it, I want to see Bama just butt pound 0U. Yeah, there's a game first to be played, but that would be sweet to see.
I hate that friggin' fight song.

Memphis +3
Miss St -5'
Ole Miss -6'
Arkansas -11
Oregon PK
Tennessee -8'
good to hear... beginning to really love arky more.

LSU motivation will be interesting to gauge but I think they come out, esp (as mentioned in discussion thread) that Les being back and securing his job will help his players too...wonder if they get the decommit back.

Sorry GPS, don't mean to high jack but best place for SEC talk

If by committ you mean Franks.....looks like he is sticking with FLA according to his last comments....looks like that ship has sailed

his situation was fading before the Les stuff just FYI
Like all the adds. Oregon is on my short list.

I've been down on TCU all season and I think Oregon was playing as well as anyone to end the season. A healthy Vernon Adams made a huge difference
If by committ you mean Franks.....looks like he is sticking with FLA according to his last comments....looks like that ship has sailed

his situation was fading before the Les stuff just FYI
thanks for this Twink!our tigers insider here....fournette going to play with a chip on his shoulder for being "snubbed"
Do you or anyone else have any thoughts on WKU/USF?

I haven't looked at it yet. First thought is to take the over. I've bet on USF several of the last few weeks. They were one of those teams that Vegas was slow to catch up on.
WKU 9-4 Over this season would definitely make me lean that way as well. I am surprised to see it isn't higher than 9-4.
Ya I was leaning over too. Saw it open at 64 and almost hit it but it was more instinct at that point as I hadn't made my own number at that point. I've been wanting to play USF but keep pausing for some reason. I think you guys are right, the best approach may be over, will wait and see what BM does with it when they post.
Greatest Senior class in the history of WKU .... built the program on their backs. I like USF and they might even have line value by pr, have matched up ok against some passing teams too ... but this could be a game WKU plays hard in. Culmination of a sorts.
Greatest Senior class in the history of WKU .... built the program on their backs. I like USF and they might even have line value by pr, have matched up ok against some passing teams too ... but this could be a game WKU plays hard in. Culmination of a sorts.

Good points, I think both teams will play really hard. The more I look at it the more I'm looking forward to watching it. Lean on total?
Thanks yanks.


Memphis +125
NCSt/Miss St OV 59
Houston +7
Clemson +3' & +160
Notre Dame +6' & +220
anyone starting to question Ole Miss in the bowl a bit? Lotta 1st rd talent that could care less maybe?

I know last year and all.......just throwing it out there..
12/19 games:

Zona/NM OV 65
Utah -2'
App St -7'
Georgia St +2'
Ark St/La Tech OV 68
I lied about how usf matches up with good passing teams earlier in the thread.

Please, please, please have a big day today GPS

South Florida +3

Tough to find a good angle here, going to go with the better defense and running team
Didn't post in time for the first game, but took the over, won't count on record obviously.

Second game: SDSU -2' & TT OV 29'
You brave the elements last night to see Upshaw run his 8 second 80 yarder?

No, my days of drunkfests at that game are over, at least for now. Didn't even see the game, got to watch The Holiday with the wife instead

UConn/Marshall OV 44
Wash St -2', TT OV 32'
Indiana -3
Tulsa +14, TT OV 23'
Washington -8
UCLA -5'
No, my days of drunkfests at that game are over, at least for now. Didn't even see the game, got to watch The Holiday with the wife instead

This was what I was referring to. Like he was shot from a cannon [video=youtube;2lvf8eHBzZI][/video]