

Moderator (Honorary)
Was thinking about what the line would be. Was guessing 4.5 - 6.5.

Then I looked at the 10 day forecast for Green Bay and they're calling for a high of 4 degrees on Sunday. And with kickoff at 6:30 eastern, this is going to be the coldest playoff game since Fouts beard froze in Cincy.

Will be interesting to see the line that's posted here. Considering the weather I'm guessing 7 or 7.5
Yeah, I just saw a 6.5. I'm actually intrigued by this matchup. I think NY may be the etter team, but that's one hell of an advantage for Favre
Unfortunately for the Giants, I think they now have too many injuries. I might lock in the Pack early. Just a lean tonight.
I took the 6.5.

What I really want is a 3, and what I'll probably do--much as I hate it--is split some spread with the ML.

NY's really gutted it out, they're just really banged up, and in the cold I think that's a huge advantage for GB.
My place is up to a seven now. I still think there's value at that number. With all the public hype on Favre this week, record in the cold, blah blah - get that line now. I wouldn't be shocked to see a 9 or more at some point, though with the public dogs winning this week maybe many will take the pts....
There's no way around it, the public will be on the Packers and the Patriots.

I don't want 'em on the Packers with me, and the only thing I can take solace in is that GB has been very good at covering sucker lines all year. But they'll hang that 7.5 out there or whatever and people would bite when really that line should be 4.5 or 6.
Yeah, I feel good about getting some of that 6.5 earlier. If nothing else, you'll be able to hope for a TD win and middle the other side mid week
There's no way around it, the public will be on the Packers and the Patriots.

I don't want 'em on the Packers with me, and the only thing I can take solace in is that GB has been very good at covering sucker lines all year. But they'll hang that 7.5 out there or whatever and people would bite when really that line should be 4.5 or 6.

Thats what I'm thinking Joe. How long before the line is bet up high enough where taking the points is the play?
The worst part is that I'm going to end up in Vegas at the end of the week so if I do end up betting it there I have a feeling I'll end up with a horrible number.
Thats what I'm thinking Joe. How long before the line is bet up high enough where taking the points is the play?

What I imagine is it gets to 7.5 pretty quickly, tonight or tomorrow. Then I think it evens out. Eight's a dead number so it would have to pop all the way to nine--which the Pack just laid and covered, but still.

Like I said, I'd feel much more comfortable with a -3, just because.
Yeah, the Pack will be the public darlings and rightfully so. They were the best team in the NFC this year and I think they best matchup with the Pats.
Yeah, like Joe said the 8 isn't a big deal but 9, 9.5, 10 - that's when I start paying attention......
They were the best team in the NFC this year and I think they best matchup with the Pats.

I'm going to go out on the limb right now and say it. I think Green Bay wins the Super Bowl this year.

No, I'm not drunk.

Yes, I should be.
Hmmm, my place has topped out for the moment and brought the juice down to -115 on the 7

Please let it stay there or go back down to 6.5 this week.
You guys really think the pub will be on the Pats? 14.5 points is a huge number for the two (supposed) best teams in the AFC.

7 is a good number for the Pack IMO
Yeah considering the weather, I think 7 is about accurate for the GB line.

14.5 seems like a lot to ask, but what is the status of all the guys on SD. I've just mentally blocked out the AFC after what those faves did to me this weekend.

Emkee - Nice to see you around. I remember you from bases at the other place.
The public is going to bet the Pats just on principle.

But if SD was healthy and Marty Schottenheimer was still their coach I'd have bet SD at +15 when the line came out. They'd cover that with ease.

But I have no faith in Norv. Not much in Rivers either.
Yeah, I think Rivers may get his just dessert this week. I'm not taking them on the road, no matter how good they looked (or how bad Indy looked this week).
They have to be putting their fists through the walls at NFL HQ right now.

They almost had Indy/NE and GB/Dallas.

Guaranteed gigantic ratings. And now, not so much.
They say . . . which means take it with a grain of salt--or six--that both places are supposed to be clear.

But it's also supposed to be about 3 degrees in GB.
GB/SD super bowl would be really nice

"secret:It wouldnt sell as much as a GB/Pats which is one thing to consider next week. If in fact there is ANY shadyness by the NFL, it will be done in the next 2 games. They will make sure the Pats get all the calls and probably Brett too
They will make sure the Pats get all the calls and probably Brett too

True, they could have gone either way with GB/Dallas, even Indy/NE, but now . . .

That all said, I was convinced Indy would get every possible break to advance today--and maybe they did--but it still didn't happen.

Could the NFL be happier or what??? 38 yr Farve & the Packers VS Big Market NYG, and on the other side 17-0 NE VS last yrs over hyped SD team that lost to this NE team. The NFL has hit lottery this year in a big way. Have to assume NE gets it done & the NFL could care less who wins in the NFC because either side will make for a great 2 week story leading up to the Super Bowl. The NFL is seeing:36_1_36::36_1_36::36_1_36::36_1_36:
I have NY Giants to win the NFC 10-1 I placed the bet before theplaoffs started any suggestions on hedging?
I have NY Giants to win the NFC 10-1 I placed the bet before theplaoffs started any suggestions on hedging?

You're in a tough spot, simply based on the fact that GB's going to be around -300 to win that game next week.

That said, you're sitting on +1000 so you could take some off the table with that -300 and still guarantee yourself some profit.
They were the best team in the NFC this year and I think they best matchup with the Pats.

I'm going to go out on the limb right now and say it. I think Green Bay wins the Super Bowl this year.

No, I'm not drunk.

Yes, I should be.

i was tellin my buddy that last week... was just hoping cowgirls won 2day so i could bet pack ml next week.... i didnt give farve n this team credit til after thanksgiving but im a believer now

<TR><TH class=moduletitle align="left" colspan="3">NFL Football </TH><TH class=moduletitle align="left">Spread</TH><TH class=moduletitle align="left">Money Line</TH><TH class=moduletitle align="left">Total Points</TH><TH class=moduletitle align="left" colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap">Team Total Points</TH></TR><TR bgcolor="#ffffff"><TD colspan="8" nowrap="nowrap"><SMALL>San Diego Chargers at New England Patriots - AFC Conference Championship</SMALL></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" bgcolor="#f6f6f6" valign="bottom"><TD nowrap="nowrap">Sun 1/20</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">303 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">San Diego Chargers</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=S1_0 name=radiox>+14½ -110 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=M1_0 name=radiox>+550 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=L1_0 name=radiox>Over 49 -110 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" bgcolor="#f6f6f6" valign="top"><TD nowrap="nowrap">3:00PM (EST) </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">304</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">New England Patriots</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=S2_0 name=radiox>-14½ -110 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=M2_0 name=radiox>-800 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=L2_0 name=radiox>Under 49 -110 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD></TR><TR bgcolor="#ffffff"><TD colspan="8" nowrap="nowrap"><SMALL>New York Giants at Green Bay Packers - NFC Conference Championship</SMALL></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" bgcolor="#e9eeee" valign="bottom"><TD nowrap="nowrap">Sun 1/20</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">305 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">New York Giants</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=S1_1 name=radiox>+7 -115 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=M1_1 name=radiox>+225 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=L1_1 name=radiox>Over 42 -110 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" bgcolor="#e9eeee" valign="top"><TD nowrap="nowrap">6:30PM (EST) </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">306</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">Green Bay Packers</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=S2_1 name=radiox>-7 -105 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=M2_1 name=radiox>-265 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=L2_1 name=radiox>Under 42 -110 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" bgcolor="#e9eeee" valign="bottom"><TD nowrap="nowrap">Sun 1/20</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">305 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">New York Giants</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=S1_2 name=radiox>+7½ -130 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" bgcolor="#e9eeee" valign="top"><TD nowrap="nowrap">6:30PM (EST) </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">306</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">Green Bay Packers</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=S2_2 name=radiox>-7½ +110 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" bgcolor="#e9eeee" valign="bottom"><TD nowrap="nowrap">Sun 1/20</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">305 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">New York Giants</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=S1_3 name=radiox>+6½ +100 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 28px" bgcolor="#e9eeee" valign="top"><TD nowrap="nowrap">6:30PM (EST) </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">306</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap">Green Bay Packers</TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"><INPUT language=javascript id=radiox onclick="return OnButtonClick()" type=radio value=S2_3 name=radiox>-6½ -120 </TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD><TD nowrap="nowrap"></TD></TR>
Really like that over in the Pack game. I think they will be able to put up some points. Their offense is just so dominant right now with the great run game and Favre being so accurate. I also think the Giants might be able to get 14-17.
Chargers, Packers and both overs

do you think that 14.5 is factoring in Rivers and LT playing or not playing?

its gotta move one way or the other if their status changes right?

I mean, if LT and Rivers are playing, the Chargers are a better team than the Jags, right? So +14.5 is good value, no?
do you think that 14.5 is factoring in Rivers and LT playing or not playing?

I think it figures in them both playing.

I think it also comes from two places. One, the Pats manhandling the Chargers very early in the season in a game that wasn't as close as the 38-14 final score. Two, because they know they're going to get people to bite on whatever number they put out there for the Pats.

Never mind that the Pats haven't covered in now five straight--I'm counting that Miami game as a push at 21.

But most of them have been close enough to the number that they can get away with hanging it out there. Then again, part of the opening line is certainly figuring on LT and Rivers being gimpy.

But I have a lot of trouble seeing neither of them play. I think they both play, and Gates probably does too.
6 of the Giants loses were to four playoff teams
washington (out in first round)
cowboys 2 times ( beat them this week)
packers ( upset next week?)
patriots (upset?????????)

what are the odds of the Giants going on the road and win 11 games and setting a new road record?

i am a Giants fan and i'm having a feeling that the Giants could upset the packers next week and then beat patriots for the superbowl.
peyton and then eli...perfect movie material.
Highly unlikely but NYG/SD Super Bowl would be pretty interesting factoring in the whole Eli/San Diego draft situation that occurred...
6 of the Giants loses were to four playoff teams
washington (out in first round)
cowboys 2 times ( beat them this week)
packers ( upset next week?)
patriots (upset?????????)

what are the odds of the Giants going on the road and win 11 games and setting a new road record?

i am a Giants fan and i'm having a feeling that the Giants could upset the packers next week and then beat patriots for the superbowl.
peyton and then eli...perfect movie material.

very unlikely, but being a Giants fan myself, I would love to see it.
I'm shocked to say this, but I think any of the Super Bowl matchups except SD/GB is pretty interesting.
I'm shocked to say this, but I think any of the Super Bowl matchups except SD/GB is pretty interesting.

I think I would be perfectly content with that Super Bowl. Favre going for another SB to cap off a magical season against LT who could be the best running back ever and is getting to his first SB? What's not to like? Especially if the Chargers unseat the Pats.