Fri football


Pretty much a regular
Man there is just a lot of crap going wrong. Not sure what to do about it. Guess gotta just think more positive and hope it gets better. Problem is now I got stupid hackers on my ass. They are hacking into my damn gambling account. I tried to change my password, and they weren't in it, but now they are again. Guess I may as well quit gambling then, unless I'm in Vegas. It keeps saying ff sucks, which I think they must mean tf sucks, get my name right you fucks ha. I wonder why people get so pissed at me. I just talk to myself on here, no big deal. Hell I don't talk shit to anybody unless they do first. That one guy just signed up here to talk shit to me, ha, he didn't even have any other posts I don't think. Lets just make a list of my problems. At least the shouting loud voices in my head have gone away now, think I scrambled my brain enough they went away. It was terrible it would be this running dialogue in my head of people shouting at me. This should ya know cheer you guys up, you can read it, and then be like, well things are going pretty damn well for me.

1. Alcoholism, the root of my problems
2. Hackers on my ass for some damn reason
3. No place
4. No money
5. No job
6. No car, retard hit me
7. No girl
8. My pets heads are falling off

What the hell am I doing in Lincoln? I gotta get outta this town. I'm gonna go some place warm. A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like salmon of capistrano. I'm talking about a little place called Aspen, haha.

Here's the picks.

3 team parlay, hell why not? Only 50 bucks in the account. Who gives a flying fuck, probably could get stolen anyway.

$50 bucks

Utep +7.5 at Rice
Air Force +5.5 at San Diego St.
San Jose St at Utah St over 46

It is to win 300 bucks
Thanks go Irish.

I have heard of those hackers that mess with people that they think are being assholes I guess on the internet. I seem to fire people up. Well I'm not really being a dick to anybody or fucking with anybody. Like I said I only do if they fuck with me first, otherwise hell no.
Maybe my hackers will come in and change my thread title again like a few days ago. What did they put up, oh yeah kittens will be hurt, okay. Maybe I will hurt some kittens, or dogs, go Michael Vick on that ass. No don't think so, I am crazy, but not dog or kitten killing crazy. No harming animals isn't my thing, believe it or not I actually like animals. I saw this thing on youtube when I woke up it was a giraffe fight ha, it was really funny maybe I can put up that link. It was kinda just a neck fight, they would just whip their heads into each other with their long necks. It was quite amusing. You can't beat a good old neck fight for a chick ha. Here is the link it is hilarious to me anyway. It is I am gonna get in a damn neck fight tomorrow after the game so I can bang a chick, oh you wanna go bitch? This is my chick, and I will neck for her.
Man after I win my neck fight tomorrow I am gonna bang that chick in my bro's basement, yes. Think my bro said we were gonna go to Twin Peaks after the game, oh, if I am neck fighting for one of those girls working there, oh oh oh oh, it is so on. They have a bunch of smoking hot chicks there, whoa, they are a cream dream there.
Ha ha the neck fight, I liked the giraffe fight over a mate. I was talking about those loud shouting voices in my head I used to have, man, I tell ya that about made me kill myself, but then I discovered getting wasted ends em, then they go away. Now I never have that problem anymore. Usually it was a dude yelling at me in my head, but then sometimes it would be a chick, on occasion. That was the most fucked up shit. It just got so bad that I was about to end it. I mean they gave me all these medications to try and fix it, but none of em worked, except booze, that did the trick. Fuck now even when I'm halfway sober I don't hear em, it is great. The brain scrambler, that's what I did to help me out.
I should probably not bet the Huskers, I think I will though. Well the Gophers aren't shit, and we got payback on the mind from last years debacle. Plus usually after my Huskers get destroyed on the road they come back home fired up, just jacked, guess we'll see. Well in the Pelini era that has been the pattern, lose by a million on the road then comeback home playing a bumfuck team and whoop their ass pretty good.
Minnesota ha, yeah they are pretty bumfuck. Well they are decent, but we have better players than they do by quite a bit. Coaching no though.
Hell I am damn shocked, an uncharacteristic fumble by UTEP, fuck no way, I can't believe it ha, fucking figures.
Man Brendan Stai that guy is still a damn beast a former Husker lineman. They had him on this Papa Johns commercial locally here, you guys wouldn't see that, no. I would not wanna fuck with that guy, whoa, no way.
Fuck I better call 5 dimes and tell em a code word for me, and okay it, so those guys don't take my money if I get rolling. Guess they could figure that out too I'm sure ha. This is really pissing me off, cuz now hell if I have any money it could be gone.
They could place bets on my fucking account ha, great. Wonder why they chose me to fuck with? Oh well, guess maybe they will leave me alone eventually those hackers.
They could place bets on my fucking account ha, great. Wonder why they chose me to fuck with? Oh well, guess maybe they will leave me alone eventually those hackers.

Tuck, it wasn't 'hackers' that changed the thread title. Mods here can change them, and they were just busting your balls. No one is logging into your 5dimes account and placing wagers. Calm down bro.
Ha Lareux, I thought that could be the case with the thread title, I knew that man. But with my 5 dimes account I logged on and it said ff sucks, which I can't explain that there. Now I logged on a few more times and it isn't saying it, so who knows I guess. I have no idea really right now Lareux.
Well who knows, I just saw that ff sucks, was thinking what in the hell? I mean I am crazy, but I know what I saw ff sucks ha. Maybe I have lost my mind so bad I am seeing things at this point.
Ha Lareux, I thought that could be the case with the thread title, I knew that man. But with my 5 dimes account I logged on and it said ff sucks, which I can't explain that there. Now I logged on a few more times and it isn't saying it, so who knows I guess. I have no idea really right now Lareux.

What said "ff sucks?" Like it was just on your account page or something? What does "ff sucks" even mean, and how does that relate to you?
I don't know Lareux, about that, I mean tf sucks would make sense. I have this thing on my computer where it asks you always ya know do you want to save this password, ya know remember it, and I always say no, cuz figure better not. But when that pops up, they say do you want to remember this password, it says next to it ff sucks ha. I mean I am not ya know tech savvy so who knows, but I thought that was strange. Now it just has my account number by it, when it pops up.
I don't know Lareux, about that, I mean tf sucks would make sense. I have this thing on my computer where it asks you always ya know do you want to save this password, ya know remember it, and I always say no, cuz figure better not. But when that pops up, they say do you want to remember this password, it says next to it ff sucks ha. I mean I am not ya know tech savvy so who knows, but I thought that was strange. Now it just has my account number by it, when it pops up.

I don't know either, sounds like something you shouldn't worry about. It also sounds like you got the batch of paranoia cocaine this time.
tuck I hope you do know that ManchesterUK lives in Manchester, England and just retired recently. He wasn't at the end of your street heckling you.
Well I'm always paranoid and crazy as shit, no doubt there lareux, but why when it pops up, do you want to save this password, it says ff sucks next to it. Man I don't know that seems like trouble to me. I always hit no on it.
No I knew that too, kj, I knew he was probably joking. Somebody did though, and I am not kidding either. I know both of these things sound a bit crazy, but they did both happen. I am not so crazy that I start seeing shit, or making up things no.
Well I'm always paranoid and crazy as shit, no doubt there lareux, but why when it pops up, do you want to save this password, it says ff sucks next to it. Man I don't know that seems like trouble to me. I always hit no on it.

It may have just been a glitch. Is it possible that's your 'username' there, or your wifi network name or something?
Yeah I don't know Lareux, it really scared the shit outta me. No not wifi or network no on that. It isn't ff sucks, I am sure of that. On here when it asks do you want to save this password it just has tuckfexas next to it. Then on 5 dimes when it asks, it normally has my id number there, but now sometimes it says ff sucks, I can't explain it.

Then the dudes yelling at me Tuck you suck ass and crap, I have no idea cuz my name isn't on here, but I guess if you read all my posts since 2001, you may know me. I share way to much. Well I've been on covers and here since 2001. Well a few people know my real name too, posters, so that could be it, who knows there.
That would be funny somebody reads everything I posted ha. You would have a damn full time job doing that. I post so much, nobody could read all this crap I don't think.
Wonder how many posts I've made since 2001? Has to be about 100 k or so I don't know. Well but I was locked up for a little bit, so didn't post then, no in jail you don't get a computer. They have a legal library with a computer, but you can't go around on the internet.
Wouldn't that be a great job, fuck Tuck needs to quit posting and go to damn bed. Fuck I have to have a full report on the bosses desk on Monday, shit, need to summarize the whole week. Man this sucks ass cuz he stays up until 6 am posting every damn day.

Not sure how you could do that here kj, they have computers, but you can't do anything with em here. Unless you snuck a cell phone up your ass or something ha. They really check your ass though, I don't know how you could.
I have made the tour of jails here 3 different ones in Nebraska, and none of them could I have bet or posted. You couldn't do anything on the internet any of those. Could be different now I guess, I haven't been in quite a while. Haven't been to jail anywhere else. Vegas detox went there once ha, and I was like just waiting while the cop was trying to get me in there, and I fell asleep on the bench, or passed out whatever. But then I guess they were full to capacity so the cop just cracked smelling salts under my nose, and then I was like whoa, that wakes ya up. Then he goes okay, they are full here so I'm gonna let ya go. Can you get a cab or something? I said oh yeah, sure, where the hell am I ha. Then he told me and I called a cab to take me back to the Budget Suites. A little drunk and disorderly, got a ticket for it, and got punched in the face by a security guy at the Palms that night. Man he jacked my ass.
Man he broke my head phones too. Well sometimes I would wear em when I was in the book listen to music. That Palms sports book sucks though, I was just there cuz they told me I had to leave the Gold Coast cuz I was so drunk ha. I just thought okay guess I will go to the Palms. They drug me out this kind of side door by the book, then I was leaving and he grabbed me, and I turned around, uh oh, here comes the hay maker bang. Then they called the cops on me.
I got banned ya know kicked out from the Stardust, The Gold Coast, The Palms, ummm, what else, oh yeah The Frontier too. The Stardust isn't there anymore, I don't even know if Frontier is still there. That place was a dump, it was right by the Budget Suites though so I would go there sometimes.
Frontier's gone, it's Trump's place now. If you're gonna get banned, might as well be from places that don't exist anymore.
Yeah ha, The Gold Coast didn't ban me, they just kicked me out one night. The Stardust, Palms, Frontier they did. Man that Frontier was such a dump, man it was about as bad as Circus Circus.
The Stardust yes, I liked that place. I could just jump the fence at the Budget Suites, cuz I had the corner room right by the fence. It was perfect, didn't have to drive just walk through the parking lot. I remember this hooker I got at the Budget Suites, that lived there, well it was all mainly hookers and strippers there really great actually, she was talking to me after I banged her, and she goes so what do you do? I said I bet sports, and she goes oh, so that is it then huh? Yep, then I gave her a bet and she went to the book with me and bet it, I think she put only like 30 bucks on it. It won though. I should have tried to get a job when I was out there in Vegas, just stay there. Would be better than here, guess though now I don't even have to work just mooch off my parents ha.
The Stardust I remember when they would come out with their lines they would have this opening bet lottery thing is what they called it I think. Only guys betting 1 k a game or more could bet the openers, really kind of strange. I mean I wasn't throwing quite that much, close sometimes. But I know one day I was standing up there like come on somebody bet Georgia come on come on, I wanna bet the Vols, and the manager got all pissed at me. Well when a lot of those guys would hit something the line would move ya know a half point. Somebody did bet Georgia ha, the guy was probably like oh whoa this guy is hammered I'm taking Georgia. The Vols covered though I was right on that game.
My parlay is not looking the greatest no. Guess will have to try and beg dad for money again ha. I do wonder why it said that on my 5 dimes account ff sucks. That is pretty fucked up, cuz it doesn't make any sense. Yeah I am probably losing my mind so bad now that I am seeing things. Acid flashbacks maybe, yeah that must be it. Well you definitely do not wanna bet my teams I don't think, better fade away at this point.
Tuck done drank himself stupid ha, yep. Well it is better than hearing voices in your head all damn day shouting at you. That really sucks, I would rather be stupid.
Ha really schrute? Yeah it was ff sux I think, not ff sucks. That is crazy, wonder why? Or are you fucking around there.
Wonder why that is? Guess who knows there. Better figure out my games for tomorrow, not sure where I'm going yet. I know I'm taking the Huskers oh yeah, no doubt there we are gonna kick ass cuz I want it so bad, I just know it is gonna happen, Huskers 84 Minnesota 13, just like back in 1983, yep.
Tuck, my man, I'd be very leery of laying that many points with the Huskers tomorrow. They pretty much lost their shot at winning the division and did so in historically bad fashion. That is going to be tough for 19-23 year old kids to get past and get back up for another physical team.
EFC and P unit don't like my Huskers tomorrow. Well I can't argue with either of you, that is fo sho, but I just want to beat Minnesota, and I don't know I might bet with my dick instead of my head. I will have a huge rager going if we beat down Minnesota real bad, fucking big ol stiffy. Then we got Twin Peaks after it, and I'm gonna get a waitress to come to my bro's house and bang me ha, odds are not great on any of that happening.
Man you guys are right. Well the numbers I have say Huskers -4 or so, but I don't care damn it, I am going for it. Well on paper I mean it does ya know look like an even match up, so give the Huskers 4 points for home field or so. Ha I say on paper, man I am old school yeah.
Damn it, every game does my team have to fucking not catch a punt and fumble. Here we go stupid UTEP blew it, fumbled the punt, the muff.
I need Huskers to win to get my season wins bet. I think Huskers win at least 1 of these final 2 games. Probably both.
Well I don't know P and Kj, I think the Huskers will win both games here coming up, but I am not sure. I want em to give the Gophers a beating, but doubt that will happen. More like a 3 point or 7 or something I bet.

The parlay is definitely dead now, time to beg dad for money ha. Come on come on dad, yes, well fuck he has a shitload I asked him the other day for 25 k so I could go to Vegas, nope. But he will probably put 300 bucks or so in my gambling account just so I don't bother him. Man I am really pathetic.
I mean what the fuck you just sold that farm you inherited for almost a damn million, can't you hook me up, I mean come on. Oh well, guess I'm fucked, yeah pretty much unless I start my own business. What could I do? Hmmmm, a Husker store ha, no business would not be great right now. I tried to get my job back at the screen printing t shirt place, but they weren't hiring. They paid halfway decent, not great, enough I could pay rent. Shit their business now has to be in the tank, cuz they do a bunch of Husker stuff. I remember the guy that ran it my boss, if the Huskers lost on Monday he was just pissed, fuck damn it ha.
Yep lost my 50 bucks I had in the account, damn it. Guess I will put more in, well sure dad will give me 200 or 300 bucks or something ha. I have nothing, man and I'm still sitting here making my numbers, you never know I could get hot, and roll ass to Vegas, I'm hoping. I really just man, it is tough to go on at this point, not a lot of hope. I should probably just learn about being an electrician maybe, then I could do my own thing then. I would have to take some classes I don't know shit about that. Thing is I have to just have my own thing going cuz everybody will see my damn background I know. Fuck felony armed robbery ha, nobody will hire me with that. Then theft, 2 DWI's.
Gotta figure out my terrible bets for tomorrow. Better get off here now. Well Utep in theory was not any worse than Rice, but tonight they were, I mean I don't know, I think my numbers may be a bit off. Tuck's rankings, yep don't follow em or bet with his numbers they suck ass.