Fisher & Williams may miss tonight...

Hmmm.....Larry Hughes vs Williams and Fisher.

That would leave Utah w/ Giricek and Dee and, and no one?

Fisher is out of town w/ family, no way he plays IMO.
I feel Dee's game and I think he will have a good career, but I dont think he can go at it alone tonight v. TP in an elimination game.
Fisher was in New York on Wednesday morning while his infant daughter underwent a procedure for a rare eye condition. He was expected to arrive in the afternoon, but any delay could prevent him from making the tip-off.

fisher plays today....and i don't see how williams doesn't either....he may be moved to shooting guard and just sit at the 3 point line though so he doesn't have to move as much.....but he loves to shoot that 3 ball.....
You guys are crunk..........SA blew them out twice at home already, and that was when Utah was healthy and at full stength and moral.

But, ya never know, I guess Chicago got it done in this situation at Detroit.