February Ingame

My worst goal/no goal was last year. Thought I'd hit a parlay in Mexico for like 1400 at the end of stoppage time. Then came the no goal... Fuckers can't wait 2 seconds before they push that button?

Worst time ever was 15 years ago. We have a sports lottery up here, so you can parlay games on a ticket at the corner store. Payout is terrible compared to online, but whatever. Anyways, I had a 5 teamer in college football that paid out about 300. The sports channel up here put up the wrong score on the ticker so I thought I'd lost. Checked the next day, and turns out I won (game was in OT, and they flashed it as final even though the other team still had a possession to go). Good thing I wasn't at a bar or something where I would have crumpled it up and thrown it in the trash.
15 years ago, I didn't think you were old enough to be in a bar :)
But yeah, these fuckers need to get accurate information to us delinquents ffs
If I had the over in this Sinaloa game, they probably wouldn't score again, but since I have the under...
This Monterrey game's in the bag.

Played Auckland and over 3.5 +119 for some night night fun. Hopefully wake up to a nice winner :cheers3:
yesterday was a struggle, but managed to sneak out a very slim profit.

Some shit I know nothing about coming up here this morning. Good opportunity to make some fucking money :cheers3: the less I know, the better I do.
These Norwegians just fucking useless today.

Gonna try my luck with Jorge. Jorge Wilstermann +118. Come on Bolivians! :line::line::line:
These UEFA CL matches are such a fucking bore. teams play with their asses clenched up trying to avoid giving up a goal...fuck betting these douches.
need one more in the RM game. NEver gonna happen.
Also needed one more in the Bradford game. Oh and if Boro want to win, well, I'll go jerk off in the corner