Euro 2008 Groups

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Difference is that Hargreaves is from an English background and has roots in England.

Umm buddy so then what do you have to say about the French squad?

Brazilian roots are from Portugal.

I guess we can go take a geography/history lesson here and break down every single player's background lol.
Many French players have African heritage and had no connection to France before moving there.

Asamoah and Kuranyi play(ed) for Germany, Podolski and Klose are Polish in reality. I mean come on man. We live in a multicultural world. I would understand if Eduardo came in as a 21 year old, but he came in here when he was 13.

Anyways, that's not the point at all. What a diversion. *Loud clapping*.
how is that relevant to:

  • the fact England national team hasn't lived up to the self imposed hype
  • Croatia whooping England ass by 5 goals to 2
  • Your statement about Romania which defies logic

This is getting tiring. OK, you'll change name to GreenyHagi, that's it.

In case Romania does not take a point (which I HIGHLY doubt), I will man up and admit you were right about them in this very thread.

:cheers: :shake:
I thought Romania was gonna be a darkhorse that could go far but now since theyre in the group of death, theres not much chance of that. But yeah, I think theyll get at least a point or two, and you never know the french and the dutch could crap out.
Switzerland and Russia are probably the two non favourites that might go deepest, and looking at the draw the tournament really is Germany's to lose.
Group D Baby!

My boys (Greece) Do you all that we can re-peat? Anything is possible at this tournament. I honestly don't think so because all the "big" teams are going to be after us and they are going to turn on the afterburners (if you know what I mean)

No matter what I'm in the process to watch them live... I'm trying to set everything up.


Group D





<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=align-r width=150>Australia</TD><TD class=align-r width=25>3</TD><TD class=align-c width=25>-</TD><TD width=25>1</TD><TD width=150>Japan</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=align-r>Brazil</TD><TD class=align-r>2</TD><TD class=align-c>-</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Australia</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=align-r>Croatia</TD><TD class=align-r>2</TD><TD class=align-c>-</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Australia</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

2ND <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=align-r>Italy</TD><TD class=align-r>1</TD><TD class=align-c>-</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Australia</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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yeah we remember, but had it not been for our lads Hiddink would be searching for a new job now ;).
7-18 JUNE 2008

Switzerland VS Czech Republic 7/06/08

Turkey VS Portugal 7/06/08

Czech Republic VS Portugal 11/06/08

Switzerland VS Turkey 11/06/08

Switzerland VS Portugal 15/06/08

Czech Republic VS Turkey 15/06/08

Austria VS Croatia 8/06/08

Germany VS Poland 8/06/08

Poland VS Austria 12/06/08

Germany VS Croatia 12/06/08

Croatia VS Poland 16/06/08

Germany VS Austria 16/06/08


Netherlands VS Italy 9/06/08

France VS Romania 9/06/08

Romania VS Italy 13/06/08

Netherlands VS France 13/06/08

France VS Italy 17/06/08

Netherlands VS Romania 17/06/08


Spain VS RUSSIA 10/06/08

Sweden VS Greece 10/06/08

Greece VS Spain 14/06/08

Russia VS Greece 14/06/08

Russia VS Sweden 18/06/08

Spain VS Greece 18/06/08


19 - 22 JUNE 2008

1ST GROUP A VS 2ND GROUP B ........ 19 JUNE 2008 (1ST MATCH)

1ST GROUP B VS 2ND GROUP A .........20 JUNE 2008(2ND MATCH)

1ST GROUP C VS 2ND GROUP D...........21 JUNE 2008(3RD MATCH)

1ST GROUP D VS 2ND GROUP C............22 JUNE 2008(4TH match)


25 - 26 JUNE 2008



29 JUNE 2008

To the gambler ya, but to the purist we like to see the best team win.

Whats the fun in seeing the best team win everytime? Why should the other team show up? Who cares of the Italians can put together a scrappy defending style that isn't the way the game is "supposed to be played."
The purist should appreciate teams being able to come together, and even if their talent isn't the same level as their opponent, grinding out a result any way they can... of course it's nice to see the game played beautifully.. just like its fun to watch NBA teams such as phoenix and golden state, but there is a certain enjoyability to seeing teams such as Detroit and San Antonio over the past couple years play a hard nosed defensive, gritty style
Every dog has their day just like the Raven's nearly had theirs yesterday. the beauty about tournaments is that any team has a shot, a favorite could have one crappy game and if a major underdog plays them right, it makes things more interesting.
Can't wait for the France v Holland match.

Two teams that usually play the game the rite way, unlike the Italians and Portugese.

I guess the FA felt that an Italian needs to show England how to play the game the "right" way. :smiley_acbe:
I guess the FA felt that an Italian needs to show England how to play the game the "right" way. :smiley_acbe:

I hope Capello doesnt show England how to play with Italian style diving and time-wasting.

But with players like Gerrard and Terry, they won't allow that bullshit in our camp.

It's all about winning, but you gotta have respect for the game and your opponents. Something the Italians and Portugese have yet to learn.
Can't wait for the France v Holland match.

Two teams that usually play the game the rite way, unlike the Italians and Portugese.

You mean like zidane's headbutt??? real class....

and don't compare the portugese with the italians...the italians are 4 time world champs, the portuguese couldn't beat greece....

as for england HAHAHA... maybe you guys are learning, hiring an ITALIAN coach.
I hope Capello doesnt show England how to play with Italian style diving and time-wasting.

But with players like Gerrard and Terry, they won't allow that bullshit in our camp.

It's all about winning, but you gotta have respect for the game and your opponents. Something the Italians and Portugese have yet to learn.

Statements like these from you really gets me confused. So I guess because the new England manager is Capello, he will make sure that they will lose some sort of respect for the game and their opponents? Sometimes I feel your statement just generalizes too much.
You mean like zidane's headbutt??? real class....

and don't compare the portugese with the italians...the italians are 4 time world champs, the portuguese couldn't beat greece....

as for england HAHAHA... maybe you guys are learning, hiring an ITALIAN coach.

Not that many great English coaches out there. The majority of the big clubs in England have foreign managers, so it's not that big a deal having an Italian run the nation team.

You think Zidane headbutted him for no reason??? Materazzi's a dog and even the Italian's know that he's a fool.

And I'm happy with the Capello appointment. I just hope he finds a spot for Zola in his staff. That would be a great addition.
And its not just the Italian's and Portugese that play like that.

I always watch Canada go through the CONCACAF qualifying process, and some of these Central American teams like Panama and El Salvador are disgustingly dirty.
And its not just the Italian's and Portugese that play like that.

I always watch Canada go through the CONCACAF qualifying process, and some of these Central American teams like Panama and El Salvador are disgustingly dirty.

your point?

Teams play dirty and it goes to their advantage. Its party of the psychological factor. There are teams that dive, flop, play dirty, etc to win games and if they find success, than so be it. Opponents just have to manipulate and play better to avoid any sort of excuses. Refs also have to become more aware of the situation and some of them have identified the divers and play real close attention.

You dont' think a player like Ashley Cole and Wayne Rooney talk trash? Come on. Talking trash is still a form of dirty play.
Nothing wrong with talking trash. But diving and faking injury to waste time and that sort of shit is inexcusable in my mind.

If you think it acceptable than I respect your opinion. But personally, I think it is a disgrace to the sport and needs to be cleaned up.

The game was played with a lot more honour in the past, but now a days with the huge amount of cash involved at the highest level, some people just don't care about fair play anymore.

That's too bad.
Nothing wrong with talking trash. But diving and faking injury to waste time and that sort of shit is inexcusable in my mind.

If you think it acceptable than I respect your opinion. But personally, I think it is a disgrace to the sport and needs to be cleaned up.

The game was played with a lot more honour in the past, but now a days with the huge amount of cash involved at the highest level, some people just don't care about fair play anymore.

That's too bad.

So i don't get it, you discourage "Dirty" play but takling trash is a dirty play. Like i said its a psychological aspect of the game. The game has changed through times, technology has changed so players will adapt. Of course there is a ton of players who are cheeky and find little things to irritate opponents in a pathetic way but again, in EVERY sport, you will find a team or player that will always be this little cheeky individual. however, in the long run it won't work.

If Ferguson didn't tell Rooney to calm his temper down and lessen his trash talking, I bet Wayne would have had a career threatening injury by now.
I hope Capello doesnt show England how to play with Italian style diving and time-wasting.

But with players like Gerrard and Terry, they won't allow that bullshit in our camp.

It's all about winning, but you gotta have respect for the game and your opponents. Something the Italians and Portugese have yet to learn.

Give your head a shake, b/c Stevie G isn't a saint when it comes to diving....
they picked up a nice point today, so nice that i'm gonna have to hit up the strip club and spend some money on some of romania's finest.
but mike, i know you have a soft spot for romania. after all their women have been taking care of you at various massage parlours for the last 5 years.

You can't sit on both sides of the fence.

I said romania wont get a single point of italy, france and holland, and I stand by that.

How is what you said "standing by that"?
Show some spine.

Especially since you were so sure of that.

Greencastle said:
They wont pick up a single point from that group.

I even offered you this:

Satyr said:
Greencastle, care to put money where your mouth is?

over 1 point (1 point = push)

let's make it a hundred (or two) since it's a friendly "beer" wager shall we. :P

Ok now look at this.

Greencastle said:
I guarantee that Romania will not take any points off France or Holland.

Then I tell you ok, let's bet. But no, mr Greencastle becomes cocky.
Greencastle said:
If Romania make some noise this tournament, then I'll gladly say that I was wrong.

So shut the fuck up and lets see what happens this summer.

Where did I tell you to "STFU"? Where did I insult you?

You are a poor, poor man. You were WRONG, and you don't man up and admit , but try to wriggle out.

Satyr, you sound like a bitch.

I made some bold statements, and I was wrong.

I still think Romania are dog shit, and I still think your mom needs to shower more than twice a month.
Satyr, you sound like a bitch.

I made some bold statements, and I was wrong.

I still think Romania are dog shit, and I still think your mom needs to shower more than twice a month.

you sound like someone who doesn't back his claims and always has a smartass response ready to go. No accountability, no nothing.


and how classless this "mom joke" is? Is this the best you can do? Btw, how does this not warrant an issued warning to the member? Keeps pouring insults and tacky, tasteless, classless "jokes". How far can this go?

You should stick to Covers, it goes well there.
Guys...ya'll aren't starting this up again six months later...shouldn't have let you go as far as you did last time...

I think we can discuss anything as long as there are no insults. I don't see any insults from anyone else towards anyone, EXCEPT Greencastle.

I will always demask a guy like that for what he is. Always. By doing nothing else but pointing to HIS posts and HIS cowardice. I don't need name calling to bring this guy down. He did it himself. And btw, this nationalistic crap he's sporting is BEYOND laughable.
it's simple greencastle, you were wrong about romania, they indeed did grab a point in the so called "group of death" so accept defeat and just move point in wasting our times...cheers......
Guys...ya'll aren't starting this up again six months later...shouldn't have let you go as far as you did last time...

I've seen threads in other sports being bumped. Greencastle made a bold statement earlier on and I don't see why he shouldn't back it up. If he is a man of his word surely he could at least live up to what he said. But for him to come out and diss, myself and Satyr the way he did goes to show what a crock of shit he really is. :smiley_acbe:
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