End of the Clippers trip into the Super Situation...


CTG Partner
Staff member
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 17[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ New York Knicks [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]-4[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]202[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Won 109 - 95 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Win / Over [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Jan 18[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]@ Indiana Pacers [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]9.5[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]196[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Lost 92 - 106 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Loss / Over [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 20[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Detroit Pistons [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]1:00 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Jan 22[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]@ Charlotte Bobcats [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]7:00 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 24[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Chicago Bulls [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]8:00 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Jan 25[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]@ Toronto Raptors [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]7:00 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 27[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Milwaukee Bucks [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]8:00 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Jan 29[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Washington Wizards [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]10:30 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 30[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Golden State Warriors [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]10:30 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"] [/TD]

The one spell in this NBA season I have been waiting for is coming up here in the next 10 days. As has been stated many times my favorite situational play in the NBA is a team going to the opposite coast for 5+ games on a trip, coming home to a home game on one day rest and immediately back on the road the next night(back-to-back). The premise has always been(in my estimation) that this just makes it into a much longer trip. Essentially the home game is just 'another road game'. There really isn't any time to get back acclimated to being at home since you are right back on the road the next evening. There are different ways to attack this. I play against teams in this situation on both nights of the B2B. I have weighted them the same and differently depending on the feel at that point.

I wish I could give you specific numbers on how this has fared but I do not have it fully tracked. The first year I noticed this was back in 2005(I believe). It was the Nets and Houston playing the first part is what I remember. The next year I mapped it out before the year and found 4 situations(8 games) that dictated plays. It went 7-1 that year and the loss was Sacto at home to the Suns(by a bucket I believe ATS). The subsequent years have seen this situation come up not as often. Some years there hasn't been any instances.

This is the 2nd such instance(and last) this season. The first(I mentioned it back in October) came through a perfect 2-0 earlier this month...

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Dec 28[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Phoenix Suns [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]10.5[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]216[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Lost 101 - 115 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Loss / Under [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Dec 29[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]@ Los Angeles Lakers [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]7[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]218[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Won 111 - 104 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Win / Under [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 1[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Denver Nuggets [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]9[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]213[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Won 114 - 102 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Win / Over [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Jan 2[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]@ Sacramento Kings [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]9[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]220[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Won 113 - 104 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Win / Under [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 4[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Portland Trail Blazers [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]12.5[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]223[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Won 101 - 99 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Win / Under [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Jan 6[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Minnesota Timberwolves [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]7.5[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]221[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Lost 95 - 126 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Loss / Push [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 7[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Cleveland Cavaliers [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]6[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]208[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Lost 93 - 111 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Loss / Under [/TD]

Now, a question I am sure that will come up is about how good a team is. I would expect that when comparing the Clippers to the Sixers. Generally, this hasn't affected me. The one loss that year was a powerful Suns team but we had already won the first half of that bet so no biggie. The thing is to trust the situation and adjust bets accordingly to factors discovered handicapping the game.

The Wizards will be ending a 4 game trip out West. They also will be off a game the night before in the Bay Area. Obviously we can factor in legs, getaway game etc. We also just are playing against the spread and they will be getting a good amount of points.

The next night is back to the Bay Area for a great matchup that has become heated. We all remember the Christmas night game. The Clippers will want to be up but I really like the fact that the Warriors are ending a 5-game home-stand that has zero back-to-backs.

Obviously a lot can change in the next week+ but definitely keep an eye on this and I think we can make some cash per usual with this situation...
Bay area is a good 400 miles from Los Angeles..

Driving would take like 7 hours..
NExcuse my ignorance..

Are we solely talking about the one game vs the Warriors bar?
just checked my calendar and have had the warriors in there as a reminder..they will also have been home for 10 days.

The Wizards will be ending a 4 game trip out West. They also will be off a game the night before in the Bay Area. Obviously we can factor in legs, getaway game etc. We also just are playing against the spread and they will be getting a good amount of points.

2nd half play...
@CTG BAR: well the thing i don't like is that clipper already won their 2nd game back @ home this season after going on a 7 game road trip to the eastern coast vs spurs and NO by a comfortable margin. They also won vs wizzards by 16, won vs GS and covered vs GS on the road.
I know the spot is not the same since this wasn't B2B and both games were at home but i do'nt know. i hope they make a good road trip, will win and covered their last trip game
^^^ yes that's true

but they were coming home to play the spurs, not the wizards. Huge difference.
@CTG BAR: well the thing i don't like is that clipper already won their 2nd game back @ home this season after going on a 7 game road trip to the eastern coast vs spurs and NO by a comfortable margin. They also won vs wizzards by 16, won vs GS and covered vs GS on the road.
I know the spot is not the same since this wasn't B2B and both games were at home but i do'nt know. i hope they make a good road trip, will win and covered their last trip game
i understand your points but knowing your home for a few days not to mention we are now in the 'dog days' of the NBA season is very big here.
Would u count clippers 2011-2012 Feb 15 as a "super situation"?
They played a west team last

[TABLE="class: data"]
<tbody>[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] @ Portland [/TD]
[TD] W 74-71[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W -2[/TD]
[TD] U 189[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/15/12[/TD]
[TD] Washington [/TD]
[TD] W 102-84[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W -13[/TD]
[TD] U 198.5[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/13/12[/TD]
[TD] @ Dallas [/TD]
[TD] L 92-96[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] L 3.5[/TD]
[TD] U 189[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/11/12[/TD]
[TD] @ Charlotte [/TD]
[TD] W 111-86[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W -9.5[/TD]
[TD] O 185[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/10/12[/TD]
[TD] @ Philadelphia [/TD]
[TD] W 78-77[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W 3.5[/TD]
[TD] U 187[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/08/12[/TD]
[TD] @ Cleveland [/TD]
[TD] L 92-99[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] L -7[/TD]
[TD] U 195[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/06/12[/TD]
[TD] @ Orlando [/TD]
[TD] W 107-102 (OT)[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W -1[/TD]
[TD] O 191.5[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/04/12[/TD]
[TD] @ Washington [/TD]
[TD] W 107-81[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W -8.5[/TD]
[TD] U 201[/TD]

no situation is perfect..
maybe the clippers are better in these situations than others...

[TABLE="class: data"]
<tbody>[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] @ L.A. Lakers [/TD]
[TD] W 125-101[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W -4[/TD]
[TD] O 201[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/13/13[/TD]
[TD] Houston [/TD]
[TD] W 106-96[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] L -10.5[/TD]
[TD] U 208[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/11/13[/TD]
[TD] @ Philadelphia [/TD]
[TD] W 107-90[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W -4.5[/TD]
[TD] O 185[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/10/13[/TD]
[TD] @ New York [/TD]
[TD] W 102-88[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W 3.5[/TD]
[TD] U 192[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/08/13[/TD]
[TD] @ Miami [/TD]
[TD] L 89-111[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] L 3.5[/TD]
[TD] O 193[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/06/13[/TD]
[TD] @ Orlando [/TD]
[TD] W 86-76[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W -5[/TD]
[TD] U 184.5[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/04/13[/TD]
[TD] @ Washington [/TD]
[TD] L 90-98[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] L -3[/TD]
[TD] O 187.5[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/03/13[/TD]
[TD] @ Boston [/TD]
[TD] L 104-106[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] L -1[/TD]
[TD] O 183.5[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 02/01/13[/TD]
[TD] @ Toronto [/TD]
[TD] L 73-98[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] L -4[/TD]
[TD] U 193.5[/TD]
[TR="class: datarow"]
[TD] 01/30/13[/TD]
[TD] @ Minnesota [/TD]
[TD] W 96-90[/TD]
[TD] Regular Season[/TD]
[TD] W -4.5[/TD]
[TD] U 189[/TD]
Looks like LA Kings in a similar spot, although not aware of system being tested in NHL.
Didn't realize it at the beginning, but the clippers have to travel into 4 more locations after their B2B at GS. They will need to go back home vs an improved Utah team that should receive some points and covered in their last meeting with LAC this season. Then they are back to denver in altitude, and they finally go back home vs a heat team that shoudn't get complacent vs a good team like the clippers and play 100% this match up. So i thing we could continue to fade them ATS in 4 more games after playing GS in B2B, cause their "trip" is not finished in some way yet.:cheers:
Didn't realize it at the beginning, but the clippers have to travel into 4 more locations after their B2B at GS. They will need to go back home vs an improved Utah team that should receive some points and covered in their last meeting with LAC this season. Then they are back to denver in altitude, and they finally go back home vs a heat team that shoudn't get complacent vs a good team like the clippers and play 100% this match up. So i thing we could continue to fade them ATS in 4 more games after playing GS in B2B, cause their "trip" is not finished in some way yet.:cheers:


I have had Denver circled for months there. Should be fun to track here the next 10 days or so...

Thunder I believe in somewhat a similar situation tomorrow. Come back home Against a banged up hawks team and then on the road again for the world champs. Leaning hawks, only thing that worries me is theyre getting double digits. Kinda high for me.

Thunder I believe in somewhat a similar situation tomorrow. Come back home Against a banged up hawks team and then on the road again for the world champs. Leaning hawks, only thing that worries me is theyre getting double digits. Kinda high for me.

Totally different type of situation but an interesting scheduling situation for sure.

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 22[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ San Antonio Spurs [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]6.5[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]205[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Won 111 - 105 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Win / Over [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Jan 24[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]@ Boston Celtics [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]-2.5[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"]192[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Won 101 - 83 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Win / Under [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 25[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Philadelphia 76ers [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]-9[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"]208[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Won 103 - 91 [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Win / Under [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Jan 27[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Atlanta Hawks [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]8:00 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Jan 29[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Miami Heat [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FFFBF7, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]7:00 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]Jan 31[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]@ Brooklyn Nets [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padCenter, bgcolor: #FDF6E5, align: center"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"]8:00 PM [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg2 cellBorderR1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FDF6E5"] [/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 cellTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]Feb 1[/TD]
[TD="class: viCellBg1 cellBorderL1 headerTextNorm padLeft, bgcolor: #FFFBF7"]@ Washington Wizards [/TD]
under what circumstances does this line drop later tonight or tomorrow?

Wizzies beating GSW tonight
Wizzies losing a close game
More money coming in on the Wiz (I know this is the true answer, I'm just trying to figure out what scenario has this line dropping below the current 9 -110 that I see now)
they wouldnt release a line if they didnt already have some type of idea of how tonights games will play out
they wouldnt release a line if they didnt already have some type of idea of how tonights games will play out

Disagree ..they can't see into the future ..once tonight's game plays out the market will move the line based on what post #35 mentioned.
Disagree completely but I'm not arguing about it. Just going to say that if what you're saying is true then we would have lines for every game the day before except for those with injured players and books don't just set lines to try to get even action. If you believe that, then idk what to tell you.
The clippers have to be looking ahead to golden state after what happened on Xmas. This is turning into a heated rivalry, but to me it was kind of aided by the refs.
Don't want to pour cold water on anyone's enthusiasm, but I had a quick look to see if there were any noticable 'anti-trends' for Washington's spot Weds., considering they are the team playing B2B here.


This season Wash. playing on the road off a road win...

vs. teams with -.500 records
3-1 SU & ATS
103.5 ppg for
101.5 ppg against
4-0 to Over
sole loss by 3 pts

vs. teams with .500+ records
0-4 SU & ATS
81.2 ppg for
100.5 ppg against
3-1 to Under
losses by 8, 20, 22 & 27 pts


In their first 8 SU losses as a Dog this season Wash. went 4-4 ATS; in their last 6 SU losses as a Dog they've gone 0-6 ATS.


Wash. has gone 10 games without suffering a DD loss, 6 of those 10 games being against teams with .500+ records.

- Prior to this 10 game streak, Wash. had suffered 10 DD losses in their previous 34 games played (a ratio of 1 every 3.40 games). Their previous longest streaks without a DD loss were 7 games (once), then 5 games (once), then 3 games (3 times). On the basis of this this previously established ratio, they "should have" experienced 2-3 10+ pt losses over their last 10 games.

- Prior to this 6 game streak against teams with .500+ records, Wash. had suffered 9 DD losses in their previous 16 games played against .500+ teams (a ratio of 1 every 1.77 games). Their previous longest streaks without a DD loss to .500+ teams were 3 games (once), then 2 games (once). On the basis of this previously established ratio, they "should have" experienced 3-4 10+ pt losses over their last 6 games against such opponents.

Pretty clear Wash. is, generally speaking, looking at their next hiding being just around the corner. Especially against teams with decent enough records, they've shown themselves vulnerable to getting their asses handed to themselves regularly - up until this recent stretch of games. But now they have a run where they face the Clippers, then the Thunder, then the Jailblazers, then the Spurs.
Yes, I think their current 10 & 6 games runs are looking doomed to end sometime within their next 4 games; to ask them to go these 4 games without such a loss would take their .500+ opp. streak to 10 games, more than 3 times the length of their next best such streak they've managed this season (3 games). 10 such games per their previous ratio would equal 5-6 DD losses; now they cough up none?

If Wash. avoid the DD loss here (which coincides with a certain ATS win given the current line), then it's a short & sweet 3 game fade of them back @home chasing their losing a game by DD. And of course their first 2 games there fall into off-a-4-road-trip ATS spots (per my thread of those stats: 1st game a 16-22 ATS spot, 2nd game a 3-10-1 ATS spot), which simply adds even more inertia to their bid to avoid that DD loss. Also, their longest ATS win streak of the season is 4 games. To manage avoiding such a fate through these 4 fixtures would likely make for a 5 game ATS win streak.


I'll pass on any pre-game bet for this contest, and go against whoever wins it ATS in their next game.
interesting, but in B2B, amazingly WAS has a positive point differential, whereas their point's differential is negative in 1,2 or 3 days rest. they are 14-8 ATS away
Again, I have played these sitiuations like this for several years now(although they happen much less frequently nowadays) so I just stick to what works. Nothing is ever guarnateed but I feel like we have a nice advantage in both games wrt the situation/spot.
Again, I have played these sitiuations like this for several years now(although they happen much less frequently nowadays) so I just stick to what works. Nothing is ever guarnateed but I feel like we have a nice advantage in both games wrt the situation/spot.

i think a few people are missing the point here and of course there are many things to find pointing to a play on the clippers etc but the situation is what he is talkin bout and the play is essentially on the situation not digging too deep into much else