Early Superbowl matchups.

After week 15, I'll stick with KC v LAR despite that ridiculous loss.
Let's see how GB does vs Tenn this weekend. May switch to them if they roll

i was just saying I don’t think the jets loss in any way effects rams chances of winning the nfc. Except for the fact they obviously be better off winning the west, they beat Seattle and they back in 1st, problem being it now puts a ton of importance on the cardinals game to end the year! That scary. I still think nfc wide open with 4 teams with legit chance to win it in rams, Seattle, packers, saints. Cardinals will knock off one of them but then fizzles out as they still a year away imo.
Yeah, I am hoping to see something from the Packers as well. This should be a very good game and a good one to cap for the playoffs both ways.

Green Bay really hasn't played what I would term a 'good' team since blowing that lead in Indy and losing in OT.

Before that they got blown out at Tampa in another playoff matchup.

The win in NOLA was their best win this year obviously.

My 'portfolio' currently sits with


Obviously, I do not feel great about this, but it is what it is...my goal is to have an NFC rep in the Super Bowl. The Tenn bet is hoping they can get the defense playing better and perhaps shock KC down the line.

Back to the NFC...

I have definitely soured on Tampa...

The Rams are solid, but I think they are just missing a little something to get there...

The Seattle defense and O-line are obvious issues...

Drew Brees... no thanks in Nola...

Green Bay hasn't faced great competition and has defensive issues as well...

We'll see who gets hot...

my biggest concerns with the pack are 2 fold. One is obvious and we prob see it this weekend, they havnt fixed the fact they can be bullied. Niners did it to them last year and I think rams could absolutely do it to them this year, hell the giants or Washington could go to Green Bay and do it! Physicality a problem for them! Problem 2 which kinda odd but goes hand and hand with the 1st, is having home field really a advantage for them this year? No fans and while I suppose they used to the cold is it really best for them to play on the frozen tundra?? I’d think they be better off going and playing in saints dome or rams beautiful stadium to play their style of fineness ball!!
Im still happy sticking with Seattle/kc although I do believe any one the top 4 in the nfc could make it, and I think one of them gets clipped by cardinals!

I still think titans could give kc problems. The defense obviously a huge concern, but can they keep everything in front of them and force kc into a few Fgs? If they can do that then it gives Henry a chance to control the game! I don’t think it likely but it possible!

I love the bills but I just don’t think you can beat kc in a shootout even as impressive the bills offense has been! It would be a game I’d love to see and a total they couldn’t set high enough!! I suppose it wouldn’t be fair to say titans defense might get away with bend but don’t break in red zone and not giving bills the same opportunity! Bills defense is much better situationally than titans imo. Titans defense 30th in the red zone so it might be a pipe dream saying they could do that vs kc. I guess maybe it just the fact titans been there before and have that experience that makes me think titans might be the biggest threat.

end of day I can try and give reasons one those teams could knock off kc but if you make me bet the house I’m still taking the chiefs to represent the afc! Lol
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For context, the Chiefs beat on the road this season: Balt, Buff, Tampa, Miami and New Orleans. Ask yourself (don't tell me about the final score or backdoor covers) if these games were truly ever in doubt. Id like to see Indy/Cleve in the 4/5 and let Pitt/Tenn/Balt/Miami fight it out on the other side. But I don't know it really matters.

NFC is a mindf*ck. Ive elevated GB up, downgraded NO a bit and holding steady on LAR
For context, the Chiefs beat on the road this season: Balt, Buff, Tampa, Miami and New Orleans. Ask yourself (don't tell me about the final score or backdoor covers) if these games were truly ever in doubt. Id like to see Indy/Cleve in the 4/5 and let Pitt/Tenn/Balt/Miami fight it out on the other side. But I don't know it really matters.

NFC is a mindf*ck. Ive elevated GB up, downgraded NO a bit and holding steady on LAR

even tho I include saints in the 4 I think could make it out the nfc I don’t believe it. Lol. I do like their defense, still hate brees tho!

Cowherd has bills as the number 1 team in his hierarchy, stating the close wins and crap with kc. Nick Wright came on and just blasted him with lot of what you just said. Pretty funny stuff.

as I mentioned whenever I try and give reasons for any other afc team or poke holes in kc it just in the name of argument sake, hoping someone can make it interesting. Obviously kc is and will be the class the afc for next 5 years. Let’s just hope they get knocked off some of them anyways can happen in the nfl!!
For context, the Chiefs beat on the road this season: Balt, Buff, Tampa, Miami and New Orleans. Ask yourself (don't tell me about the final score or backdoor covers) if these games were truly ever in doubt. Id like to see Indy/Cleve in the 4/5 and let Pitt/Tenn/Balt/Miami fight it out on the other side. But I don't know it really matters.

NFC is a mindf*ck. Ive elevated GB up, downgraded NO a bit and holding steady on LAR
Best road resume in league. Easy.
For context, the Chiefs beat on the road this season: Balt, Buff, Tampa, Miami and New Orleans. Ask yourself (don't tell me about the final score or backdoor covers) if these games were truly ever in doubt. Id like to see Indy/Cleve in the 4/5 and let Pitt/Tenn/Balt/Miami fight it out on the other side. But I don't know it really matters.

NFC is a mindf*ck. Ive elevated GB up, downgraded NO a bit and holding steady on LAR
KC been so good on the road. They are still, IMO, the class of the league. My biggest concern with them is some of their odd red zone struggles. Then again, it's funny that with KC we are struggling to find reasons NOT to like them, whereas with most other teams, esp those in NFC, we struggle to find reasons to like them... like meaning like to win it all.
even tho I include saints in the 4 I think could make it out the nfc I don’t believe it. Lol. I do like their defense, still hate brees tho!

Cowherd has bills as the number 1 team in his hierarchy, stating the close wins and crap with kc. Nick Wright came on and just blasted him with lot of what you just said. Pretty funny stuff.

as I mentioned whenever I try and give reasons for any other afc team or poke holes in kc it just in the name of argument sake, hoping someone can make it interesting. Obviously kc is and will be the class the afc for next 5 years. Let’s just hope they get knocked off some of them anyways can happen in the nfl!!
How funny. Wrote my last post before instead your last paragraph here.
Nick Wright filling in for cowherd today and had a pretty fantastic take on kc that makes a ton of sense despite him being a kc super fan like Cap!!

he said instead of looking at final scores of all these games kc not covering he said look at last time a team had the ball with chance to beat kc late. He right, despite these games looking close on paper none these teams have had the ball with chance to win late!! Pretty convincing argument as if we need more reasons to know kc is clearly the best damn team! Lol
I think that Seattle's defense will change the narrative by the end of the season. Adams getting healthier and is a playmaker. I previously said Dunlap would just add a 15 yd penalty to every game but the line dominated the Eagles and he at the very least has added depth. You don't need a top tier D to get to the SB.

Elite QB? check

Elite wr? check

Now Carson back to give them the run game for when they need to grind. Hyde as a complimentary back is much more of a threat. They can score with anyone in the league. DK is gonna have some kind of insane playoff game mark my words.

Rams have a pretty elite defense when they are healthy and won't do shit because Goff is trash. WR core is great and he just can't make it happen.

TB just too many egos for me to think they can pull it all together and play team football down the stretch.

GB- they look unstoppable offensively when clicking. Defense will get exposed in the playoffs- they'll be a heavy fave and as soon as they face a team that can run the ball and smack Rodgers in the mouth they're in trouble. Congrats to the 1 win vs a playoff team this season so far, I'll be on the Titans ML heavy in a couple weeks.

Saints- you need a qb. D is better than advertised but Brees is the best option to win imo and he has a noodle arm now.

If the SB ended up Sea/KC I'd be heavy on the KC ML and over. KC to me is still far and away the best football team. Outside of Pat going down the season is theirs to lose.

the fact I think Seattle/kc would potentially be fantastic part the reason I’ve stuck with them. Over all day!
Yeah, I am hoping to see something from the Packers as well. This should be a very good game and a good one to cap for the playoffs both ways.

Green Bay really hasn't played what I would term a 'good' team since blowing that lead in Indy and losing in OT.

Before that they got blown out at Tampa in another playoff matchup.

The win in NOLA was their best win this year obviously.

My 'portfolio' currently sits with


Obviously, I do not feel great about this, but it is what it is...my goal is to have an NFC rep in the Super Bowl. The Tenn bet is hoping they can get the defense playing better and perhaps shock KC down the line.

Back to the NFC...

I have definitely soured on Tampa...

The Rams are solid, but I think they are just missing a little something to get there...

The Seattle defense and O-line are obvious issues...

Drew Brees... no thanks in Nola...

Green Bay hasn't faced great competition and has defensive issues as well...

We'll see who gets hot...

if the bucs can put together 3 complete games vs playoff teams I’d be freaking shocked. I really dunno if they can go beat the nfc least winner? Unless it Dallas of course!
Nick Wright filling in for cowherd today and had a pretty fantastic take on kc that makes a ton of sense despite him being a kc super fan like Cap!!

he said instead of looking at final scores of all these games kc not covering he said look at last time a team had the ball with chance to beat kc late. He right, despite these games looking close on paper none these teams have had the ball with chance to win late!! Pretty convincing argument as if we need more reasons to know kc is clearly the best damn team! Lol

Nick used to be on local radio in KC and I would listen to him and Danny Parkins (now in Chicago) on my phone daily. Nick is super knowledgeable but he has gone full-heel/Bayless-esque in his takes. He knows KC inside and out and has some great info, but he rarely leaves room for any other team to be good lol.
Nick used to be on local radio in KC and I would listen to him and Danny Parkins (now in Chicago) on my phone daily. Nick is super knowledgeable but he has gone full-heel/Bayless-esque in his takes. He knows KC inside and out and has some great info, but he rarely leaves room for any other team to be good lol.

yea I’ve always liked him since he started appearing on cowherds show from im assuming his local radio days. Don’t care for his show early in the morning with those other clowns. Brandon Marshall is freakin terrible and like you said they went way to “skip Bayless” with that show. How many shows we need with couple jerkoffs arguing?
Not to sound racist or anything but that show after cowherd with Wiley and other guys name I can’t remember Is so so so bad!
yea I’ve always liked him since he started appearing on cowherds show from im assuming his local radio days. Don’t care for his show early in the morning with those other clowns. Brandon Marshall is freakin terrible and like you said they went way to “skip Bayless” with that show. How many shows we need with couple jerkoffs arguing?
Cowherd and Wright try wayyyyy too hard to be contrarians and Cowherd repeats himself for several months. Can't stand it, haven't watched in a couple years. It's Rome or nothing for me, at least he's comedic.
Cowherd and Wright try wayyyyy too hard to be contrarians and Cowherd repeats himself for several months. Can't stand it, haven't watched in a couple years. It's Rome or nothing for me, at least he's comedic.

I used to be a bigger cowherd fan than I am now. Still like him more than most just cause he generally doesn’t overreact to one game like most these tv dickheads do. I still record his show cause he has segments I really like so I’ll fast forward so I can pick and choose.
What really sucks is I was dying to have ga southern qb on my dfs teams, I just didn’t know it was gonna be him. Lol
I used to be a bigger cowherd fan than I am now. Still like him more than most just cause he generally doesn’t overreact to one game like most these tv dickheads do. I still record his show cause he has segments I really like so I’ll fast forward so I can pick and choose.
I quit once it was clear he's all about ratings and the teams that stroke his ratings ego. No matter the story, good or bad, it got to be so much Pats/Cowboys/Lakers and the stories weren't remotely interesting. He just wanted to talk about them because they're popular teams. Got so boring.
Cowherd and Wright try wayyyyy too hard to be contrarians and Cowherd repeats himself for several months. Can't stand it, haven't watched in a couple years. It's Rome or nothing for me, at least he's comedic.
Cowherd a decade ago was great stuff. Insightful. Analytic. But he and Nick and Kellerman and Stephen A and everyone figured out the common idiot sports fan will tune in to watch them yell in hyperbole for 3 hours and the ratings seem to agree.

I’ve always loved LeBetard personally. Used to listen to his Miami show on my phone as well.
I used to be a bigger cowherd fan than I am now. Still like him more than most just cause he generally doesn’t overreact to one game like most these tv dickheads do. I still record his show cause he has segments I really like so I’ll fast forward so I can pick and choose.
I'm a CC fan myself. His habit of repeating himself over and over gets annoying, and lately he's a little too full of himself, but I still prefer him over most of the espn guys.
I do like the chemistry between he and Nick Wright.
I'm a CC fan myself. His habit of repeating himself over and over gets annoying, and lately he's a little too full of himself, but I still prefer him over most of the espn guys.
I do like the chemistry between he and Nick Wright.

agreed. It is impossible to watch the whole show cause the last hour is basically same as 1st w exception of maybe another guest thrown in and whatever the closing 10 min is that day.

I really like the 2marro headlines today with Jason macentire (I know I prob butchered that last name! Lol). Love the Thursday segment with Cosell. Always like the segments when he brings on nick wright or Joel Clatt, while I agree he has gotten kinda full of himself I think some of it jokingly and those guys do get after him which is usually funny!!!

It really the only sports talk show I listen to parts of most days. We used to have a local radio guy I liked (well I enjoyed the show didn’t really like the guy himself, lol.) He brought excellent stuff on the cardinals, he was the only local radio show that wasnt garbage fluff and these idiots replaced him with a couple total dipshits who’s shows consist of “who’s your favorite player”, “what’s players favorite food”, etc etc etc, just total garbage filler trash hosted by a fan boy and fan girl who have no interest in anything but rah-rah bs. I can’t even listen to espn radio in the mornings in my car anymore cause it so fucking bad! Just pathetic but I guess espn budget cuts have trickled all way down to the local radio shows!
After week 16, sticking with KC but switching from LAR to GB. GB impressed me on SNF, and Rams dealing with a lot of key injuries.
So KC v GB it's gotta be for me.... really watching Buff though.
Buf vs GB would be a hell of a SB.

I’m holding tickets for Tenny, Pittsburgh, Seattle and Buffalo, all preseason wagers. I’m thinking Buffalo is my only real shot at this point, and of course it’s my smallest wager of the 4
Buf vs GB would be a hell of a SB.

I’m holding tickets for Tenny, Pittsburgh, Seattle and Buffalo, all preseason wagers. I’m thinking Buffalo is my only real shot at this point, and of course it’s my smallest wager of the 4
I think it's likely these two teams also in the SB the more I look at how these teams have been playing all season . They can keep up in a shootout with any team including KC and have the better defense
Buf vs GB would be a hell of a SB.

I’m holding tickets for Tenny, Pittsburgh, Seattle and Buffalo, all preseason wagers. I’m thinking Buffalo is my only real shot at this point, and of course it’s my smallest wager of the 4
I think you have shots with Sea and Buff for sure. Tenny defense is bad. Pitt's offense is bad.
Buf vs GB would be a hell of a SB.

I’m holding tickets for Tenny, Pittsburgh, Seattle and Buffalo, all preseason wagers. I’m thinking Buffalo is my only real shot at this point, and of course it’s my smallest wager of the 4

shoot I think you have shot with bills, gb, and seattle. Who can say confidently in the nfc? Packers and Seahawks gotta be right at top of list! they my fav 2 nfc at the moment. The way packers offense hummed in the snow/cold last week made me think they the nfc favs, not to mention the defense holding Henry and co down was impressive!

this 1st time all year I’m wavering off seattle and think packers the team to beat.
I would take WFT to beat TB SU this weekend, if not considering how much more league would like Tom Brady in playoff weekend two vs Dan Snyder. After last night, integrity is questionable.
Though some may hate this, I always feel it's interesting to try and predict Superbowl matchups week by week to see how they change and how accurate we might be... it's always interesting to look back at these.
Should have done this week 1, but better late than never.

Before season, my prediction was Ravens v 9ers.

4 weeks ago it was KC v GB.

Now after week 7: KC v TB.

How about you all?
Yes, I got it right!!! Lol.
It was a joke... I had that matchup, then changed when Tampa had their horrible stretch. Probably should have known better.

I was very bullish on Seattle for way to long but then I bet the rams, Seahawks offense just went to shit. The defense improved as I thought they would but didn’t see Russ and the offense tanking! After packers throttled titans I became sold on them, got my ass kicked in the nfc championship, really thought bucs were a year away., packers shoulda won but Rodgers came up super small when it counted. Guy screams at defense to get a stop and they proceed to get him 3 stops in a row!!! Never in 100 years would I have thought Rodgers would do that with the defense giving him several opportunities to take control of the game just to go one 3 and out after another!!

I was pretty bullish on kc most the year, not exactly anything to brag about.