Donaghy tells Feds Game 6 was fixed by league

Nader cited Washington Post sports columnist Michael Wilbon who wrote that too many of the calls in the fourth quarter (when the Lakers received 27 foul shots) were "stunningly incorrect," all against Sacramento
Box Score


Our big guys get 20 fouls tonight and Shaq gets four? You tell me how the game went," Adelman said. "It's just the way it is. Obviously, they got the game called the way they wanted to get it called."
I think the world knew that game was fixed after watching it, though.

I mean, I feel like we all said it or something to that effect at the time.

They gave the f**king Lakers basically 30 FTs in the 4th quarter for f**k's sake.

Lots of folks are now saying Donaghy just picked this game as it was well known as a horribly officiated game. He had to give them something.

Interesting to note that one of the refs was the same guy who screwed the Lakers the other day.
the fucked up part about all this is what can they do now? they can't do jack shit. the title belongs to the lakers. it's bullshit tho that you play so hard and it doesn't matter what you did, you were going to lose.
You guys think Donahue is available? A football league I play in is looking for refs and my team always gets screwed by the refs?
.....and somewhere in this world Stern just snapped a kitten's neck

That's really funny. Wrong, but really funny.

I have been calling this whole postseason scripted.
Its been so blatant at times only a brain dead fan could argue otherwise.
This year they took homecourt advantage to a whole nother level.

Donaghy was busted because he wasnt doing as Commander Stern said.


Lots of folks are now saying Donaghy just picked this game as it was well known as a horribly officiated game. He had to give them something.

Interesting to note that one of the refs was the same guy who screwed the Lakers the other day.

Excuses Excuses.

Why not bring up how Jerry West rigged a trade to give the pathetic Los Angeles Bryants a chance. I mean the Lakers.

It will take a ref rigging to give those punks from LA a chance against Boston. Its over so start crying now.
I love how on ESPN they can't say how they "stand with the league" fast enough.

Stephen A. Smith just pounds on this guy as a lone wolf.

Yeah, right.
Honestly I can't believe Stern hasn't had this guy whacked yet

Not Stern, but someone. I'm kind of surprised as well. Which is sad, but it does kind of shock me.
Referees should not be able to decide the outcome of games/series! Period!...

Lakeshow did get some help in that Sactown series but no one was responsible to the Queens chocking on their home court in OT:shake:
Funny that we were just talking about that sacremento game in relation to how bad the officiating was last night .... and now this comes out. just classic.

that sacramento/laker game ranks up there with the soviet/usa olympic basketball game way back when and the pats/raiders "fuck rule" game.
Thing is, you're going to have to really look for info on this and have reporters that actually want to do the work, because ESPN has a vested interest in sweeping this thing under the rug.
By the way ...... i wasn't around for the munich olympics , and am admittedly ignorant of huge sports stories outside of the united states ( sorry soccer fans )...... but this should be the biggest sports story of my lifetime and yet it gets almost ZERO play in the media. It is definitely the biggest american sports story in the last 28 years. Blows steroids out of the water. Why has this been swept under the rug since the beginning.... especially when the public thinks its a big story ???
Funny, because I was in Italy for the Juventus/Moggi scandal and the way that was covered vs. the way we cover things like this is, to put it mildly, disappointing.
you guys think Congress should get involved like they did with MLB and roids ?

I personally don't think Congress should get into almost any private enterprise--unless that private enterprise will not police itself and regular Joes like, well, Joe, are getting taken for a ride.

For example, what the NFL did stank to high heaven. They destroyed evidence, they obviously did everything they could to pretend the cheating didn't happen--and they enjoy an anti-trust exemption, given to them by Congress so they can enjoy the benefits of being a legal monopoly. So when they won't take care of their own house, it's entirely within Congress' rights to say, 'well, then either we will or we'll take away the preferred status we gave you.'

Similar thing here. The NBA should handle this itself, but if they refuse to, or if they are part of it, then I'm not a lawyer, but that sounds like fraud to me. Which seems like it would be a matter for, I don't know, the Justice Dept.?

The problem is, at the bottom of it all should be a responsible body, that should be the NBA, but if they're corrupt too . . .