Don't hit someone with your helmet, especially without theirs on. Don't throw haymakers and uppercuts while someone is holding the player down (without their helmet on) gang kick said person while a COP stood there and twiddled his thumbs. Cops/security guards/coaches/players should ALL get a lesson in humilty.
One player got a broken nose, another got cuts and a concussion and per his father may never play again because he is emotionally fucked up about it.
You beat a kid up with your teammates in flag football if they say bitch you suck, we whooped your ass? Nah. This goes on every weekend in almost every game all over America, trash talk is part of the game and always will be. 5 on 1 helmet swinging in the bare head of someone is not.
Pretty simple.
One player got a broken nose, another got cuts and a concussion and per his father may never play again because he is emotionally fucked up about it.
You beat a kid up with your teammates in flag football if they say bitch you suck, we whooped your ass? Nah. This goes on every weekend in almost every game all over America, trash talk is part of the game and always will be. 5 on 1 helmet swinging in the bare head of someone is not.
Pretty simple.