Does This Rise to the Level of Assault?

The big issue here again,

Two weeks ago you have a fucking coach inciting things (James Franklin).

Last night, we had around double digit players both jumping and holding down seperate players.

That's on the staff and AD at Michigan State University.

Stop blaming a tunnel..

95 years of no issues...

Punk ass bitches are the problem...

I wouldn't care if this was a one on one thing. Have at it.

Pussy bitch boys here.

The tunnel isn’t the issue, got it.

However, did you see the video that Portnoy posted where the Michigan player ran into the tunnel with the MSU guys as opposed to waiting until UM’s turn to go in? As he said, it doesn’t absolve anyone for what they did, but what in the fuck was he thinking?
The tunnel isn’t the issue, got it.

However, did you see the video that Portnoy posted where the Michigan player ran into the tunnel with the MSU guys as opposed to waiting until UM’s turn to go in? As he said, it doesn’t absolve anyone for what they did, but what in the fuck was he thinking?
Did you not read my post earlier where I stated that Gemon Green is THE first player in the tunnel after every game (could be medical, I don't know).

Larry, don't start with that shit. That's like accusing the girl of dressing the wrong way when getting raped.
Are we going to get into Devin Bush, pre-game warmup, logo stomp?
Why would we?

Did he assault someone where the charges may be involved?

You are stooping extremely low.

Remember, Dantoni and the university were fined and disciplined after that game for doing their walk at the incorrect time.

You want to play that game...

Let's talk about the MSU player that tried to break Denard's neck back in 2009? This was actively encouraged my Narduzzi.
As far as skipping into a tunnel, trash talking ...

Buckeyes stealing the banner back in the 70s.

That's rivalry shit.

Whoop de doo. We see this every week in football.

Orlando Brown 2 finger salute we can name a few hundred incidents.

This is straight up violence.

You learn a lot about people in how they react to things.

A few of you obviously wouldn't care if your kid was getting beat with a helmet while being held down.

See ya on this thread.
Larry, I know you have a son.

You are obviously fine if he gets the shit beat out of him.

That's EXACTLY what you are demonstrating right now.

Step back and think for a minute.

Cavs, that AP tweet showed nothing but a State Trooper doing jack shit. Good lord.

Okay, out.
Did you not read my post earlier where I stated that Gemon Green is THE first player in the tunnel after every game (could be medical, I don't know).

Larry, don't start with that shit. That's like accusing the girl of dressing the wrong way when getting raped.

Dude, I think you’re being really emotional here for no reason. I’m not blaming anyone. I literally just asked if you saw what Portnoy showed…he’s a huge Michigan fan too and I’m sure just as upset/emotional about it as you are, and he still made the point he did.

Don’t start with your shit man. Nobody is defending anyone’s actions…in fact I said season suspension AT THE LEAST should be levied down for anyone involved. If we can’t ask questions though and have any type of discussion, what’s the point of the thread or any of this? Just shut the thread down, you’ve already decided what it and what isn’t.
I remember last November when those soft ass buckeyes shit their pants in the tunnel
But this part of the problem. The tunnel shenanigans are glamorized but when it expectedly goes 'too far' it's everyone else's fault.

Everyone laughs it up and cheers Harbaugh on when he openly antagonizes other teams and coaches in his press conference. And when he's running trick plays up 22 with one minute left. But then we're surprised when things get ugly after the game and sportmsanship isn't honored.

You can't have it both ways.

I think there's a lot to learn from this situation and I hope mich makes the necessary adjustments to provide a safer and less contentious environment. I think that would go a long way into making sure this never happens again. It sucks for everyone.
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Larry, I know you have a son.

You are obviously fine if he gets the shit beat out of him.

That's EXACTLY what you are demonstrating right now.

Step back and think for a minute.

Cavs, that AP tweet showed nothing but a State Trooper doing jack shit. Good lord.

Okay, out.

I’m not at all. Like not in the least bit. If you want to point to anything I’ve said that has you feeling the way you are, please share.

Holy fuck, I thought crazy fandom ended at about the age of 12. Jeebus.
Why would we?

Did he assault someone where the charges may be involved?

You are stooping extremely low.

Remember, Dantoni and the university were fined and disciplined after that game for doing their walk at the incorrect time.

You want to play that game...

Let's talk about the MSU player that tried to break Denard's neck back in 2009? This was actively encouraged my Narduzzi.
You read a lot into my post, possibly because you were thinking of me from a few years ago, which I don‘t blame you for, otherwise you could have just as well read my post in a nicer light. I‘ve been 100% against the Sparty thuggery from the beginning. You just said „95 years of no issues,“ so I brought up the last recent thing. I am not trying to play any game with you. Sure, bring up Spartan thugs from 09, that adds to what I was trying to do and complements points you‘ve made elsewhere in this thread.
You read a lot into my post, possibly because you were thinking of me from a few years ago, which I don‘t blame you for, otherwise you could have just as well read my post in a nicer light. I‘ve been 100% against the Sparty thuggery from the beginning. You just said „95 years of no issues,“ so I brought up the last recent thing. I am not trying to play any game with you. Sure, bring up Spartan thugs from 09, that adds to what I was trying to do and complements points you‘ve made elsewhere in this thread.

He’s doing the same to mine. I’ll chalk it up as someone extremely emotionally invested into Michigan football with a side of tipsy time in Vegas for Mr. Reno.
He’s doing the same to mine. I’ll chalk it up as someone extremely emotionally invested into Michigan football with a side of tipsy time in Vegas for Mr. Reno.
He‘s heated rn. He‘s a human being who loves his Big Blue. Nothing wrong.
I probably should have just not brought up Devin Bush since he knows I took quite the take about that when it happened

I just figured if Portnoy wanted to know what the hell he was thinking it was a fair question to ask. I didn’t even know anything about Devon Bush before I saw that video El Presidente posted. And I certainly wasn’t blaming anyone for what happened, that’s just silly to think that.
I just figured if Portnoy wanted to know what the hell he was thinking it was a fair question to ask. I didn’t even know anything about Devon Bush before I saw that video El Presidente posted. And I certainly wasn’t blaming anyone for what happened, that’s just silly to think that.
I think we‘re alright, you did clearly state that you weren‘t absolving any perp of guilt
Kid’s a mark if he presses charges. Will the team make him/encourage?

Wanna walk back into that team after?

I know times change, all good.
It should be a minor event. Camera phones capture everything the pictures don’t. The helmet hit, nah. And that should be handled…I wish it was handled in a Michigan proper, but alas.

I still think the tunnel could be an issue. I’d respect Meeeeechigan more if they
Don’t bow down.

But it’s gonna be a thing now, either way
Shit talking, pushing, shoving, whatever-
That’s just part of it- happens on the field, no shock it happens off of the field-
Hold someone down while another is hitting him with a helmet- that’s different
That’s assault-
Best way to stop it imo is suspend (lose scholarship, gone) all players involved and criminal charges against those involved in the assault-
That may mean (based on how things play out) some Michigan players as well-
If nothing is done- get ready
It’s a free for all
Would be nice if it got settled and we move on, but not in todays world-
I totally get and support the idea of playing your rival with more intensity on the field.

But why can't there be mutual respect?

A couple March Madness-es ago ago the Michigan basketball players were playing in the same arena as Michigan State and they wished Spartan players good luck before their game (I'm trying to rediscover the tweet). But they played each other in an intense rivalry on the court. Why can't the football teams be like this? Why does there always have to be some sort of ego-heavy and even violent scuffle?
Basketball had respect because Izzo and Beilen demanded it.

UM football does not respect MSU football in any way.
The big issue is the MSU team/players, but In my opinion the Tunnel has a small part in this. Maybe its not even the tunnel its knowing something like this could take place and not having the fore thought to prevent it from happening.

I just see the video and my thoughts start so I wanted/ needed to make my comment.

Sad to see 2 well respected teams do this. Its sports and things happen.
Maybe its not even the tunnel its knowing something like this could take place and not having the fore thought to prevent it from happening.
Exactly my point. There's no way that anyone could've walked away from watching the many previous tunnel interactions without thinking this could easily get really ugly. Franklin called it out and warned everyone that "something bad is going to happen". Instead of respecting and evaluating the concerns of an opposing coach, the face of Michigan's program basically called him a bitch and told him to fuck off (to much applause). You've had players involved, coaches involved, and police involved. Objects being thrown. None of this should be a regular part of teams going in and out of their locker rooms during the course of a football game.

But this was their hornet's nest. So no changes were made. The pregame rhetoric amplified. And here we are.
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Should be charged with lowest level of assault. Should never be allowed to wear a uniform again this year for sure. I would kick them out of my school if I had such power.

Cowardly is the only word to describe that action.

Blaming the tunnel is like blaming the SUV in Waukesha or airplanes for 9/11.
Should be charged with lowest level of assault. Should never be allowed to wear a uniform again this year for sure. I would kick them out of my school if I had such power.

Cowardly is the only word to describe that action.

Blaming the tunnel is like blaming the SUV in Waukesha or airplanes for 9/11.
You can do both: blame the perpetrator but suggest that this wouldn’t have happened if the the perpetrator hadn‘t gotten a chance, provided by the tunnel, to be a thug.
You can do both: blame the perpetrator but suggest that this wouldn’t have happened if the the perpetrator hadn‘t gotten a chance, provided by the tunnel, to be a thug.
That being said, „blame“ is definitely the wrong word to use for the tunnel. The tunnel didn‘t make anyone do anything
Dynamic situations like this don't usually occur in a vacuum. There's always a confluence of variables that led to the negative outcome.

I'm just looking forward to bringing in the national guard to enforce proper tunnel behavior.
Didnt realize the line between post game bluster and verbal taunts was so close to an assault with a helmet by multiple people vs 1 man for so many people
Blatant assault with a deadly weapon, no biggie

Boys will be boys
Didnt realize the line between post game bluster and verbal taunts was so close to an assault with a helmet by multiple people vs 1 man for so many people
I made my comments last night. The helmet is an absolutely NOT.

If my kid played for either team and they had a scuff in that tunnel, and dusted it up. Hard for me to be too harsh. I’m sure that’s not popular.

Not blaming “the tunnel” or the SUV…..just saying
Sorry if I missed it, keep in mind the tunnel is underground technically as the stadium is built down, not up. there isn't a cost effective way to add a tunnel or have a physical solution. But that's not the issue. The issue is everyone involved in college football - players, coaches, fans, TV, media, etc, all love the scene before the game. Miami v Florida St; LSU v Auburn; Oklahoma v Texas. Any rivalry game, we love it. We love the emotion and it's good TV. The fucking solution is simple and it's what's been mentioned before and by James Franklin, time it so there's no contact between teams before and after. I don't condone anything that was done and expect many of those players identifiable have played their last game in the state of michigan, but why did the incident happen in the first place? It's because teams are allowed to "co mingle" up the ramp to their lockerrooms.

Maybe this is a bad example, but if you put an alcoholic in a room with booze, what do you think will happen? We expect young men, many still teens, to be able to make the right decision in the heat of the moment after a heated game at the right time. Adults can't do it, why should they? I'm rambling, but the solution to this should've been executed decades ago
Applaud Tucker for getting out in front of this.

He had too.

Final statement on it until b10 thread.
I lied about, I need to recant my post about Tucker.

How the hell did he forget to suspend #4 Jacoby Windham?

This shithead showed premeditation by putting his helmet BACK ON, holding Gemon Green down and also getting a punch in..

Oh, he's one of 2-3 good defensive players?

Shake my head.

How's Mel not gotten that taken care of with a full day is insane.


Also, to find this post I think I saw someone blaming JH for this? Good lord. That's the equivalent of TDS right their fellas.

As far as the play late in the game...

Let's take a peek at Dantonio 10 years ago (approx), and not just to Mich.. Tom Izzo in 2000ish...

And yes, it's a culture thing at MSU.. always has been... The sexual assault guys get to play... Guys who spend time in jail, no problem...

I've read some wild stuff last night into today on the internet. Just simply amazing. I know many hoped that more footage would make this better for MSU, it was quite the made it worse...

We now know why Gemon Green goes into the tunnel first every game. Look for the story yourself, it's very heartwarming. I feel awful for his father right now. Sleepless. I hope Tom Mars takes all involved (including and UM security etc) for as much as possible.

Great post VK, exactly like the "SUV plows through parade"...

Always gotta defect blame.
Well for starters, throwing a reverse flea flicker while up 22 points with one min left to play isn't the greatest display of respect or sportsmanship. Even the announcers made a derogatory comment about it.
It's the one sport where style points matter

If michigan loses to ohio state, bigger wins against other schools would absolutely play a factor in their chances of making the playoff
It's the one sport where style points matter

If michigan loses to ohio state, bigger wins against other schools would absolutely play a factor in their chances of making the playoff
I would disagree that scoring an extra 7 on sparty in a 3 score game would have any influence whatsoever on mich's playoff chances. The telecast actually led off with a quote from JJ saying they were going to run it up. To spin it that they were trying to impress the playoff committee is pretty funny.

It is what it is and the announcers were all over it. Bad sportsmanship. And I bet on harbaugh for this exact reason. He's as reliably classless in victory as he is in defeat. It's ok to just own it at this point.
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Well for starters, throwing a reverse flea flicker while up 22 points with one min left to play isn't the greatest display of respect or sportsmanship. Even the announcers made a derogatory comment about it.
The offensive version of the near-end-of-game cheap shots from the victory in 2018. There's plenty of classlessness to be found among Michigan State players/coaches, too, no reason to focus on one side in this respect. Except for the fact that one side went well and above (or below, rather) classless.
The offensive version of the near-end-of-game cheap shots from the victory in 2018. There's plenty of classlessness to be found among Michigan State players/coaches, too, no reason to focus on one side in this respect. Except for the fact that one side went well and above (or below, rather) classless.
Mr. Costanza asked specifically about harbaugh. So I provided a specific example about harbaugh.

Obviously MSU has had their share of bad moments. Anyone who is pinning the current ugliness of this rivalry 100% on one side or the other isn't being honest with themselves.
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